17-07-2008 07:05:37
Everyone who turned in an essay on time, got full credit (review and discussion) for week 6, since the essay bled into week 6. All in all, I'm happy with what I've received. You've all made it this far, and so the fun begins.
This, is the part everyone wants me to do at the beginning. Which is to let you just run with writing. But, perhaps now you see why I don't let you write off the bat. Here's the new format for all the work. Each monday, your work will be due. You can still do the same analysis, but that's probably not as fun as your other option. Your other option is to come up with a written response to what you've read - take the part of a character, of a 3rd party, of the narrator. Just write a response that expands the story in some way. And this, my friends, is the next big thing about fiction writing. Every single person you've read. Every great author, has done this. They've taken a classic and responded to it in a very personal way. And believe me, writing is very personal.
Shorts for the week are :
Araby by James Joyce
The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck
Enjoy. Post questions here.