06-07-2008 04:30:37
Yep. Time for the essay. This is going to be a much longer analysis of any aspect of any of the stories we've covered. You could look at theme, setting, time, characters anything. And you could compare and contrast multiple stories or just do one. It's entirely up to you.
The syllabus states that you'll be split into groups and have to have rough drafts in to me. Here's the thing. This is the short course, so you won't have time for it. I will, however, give you a saving grace - the essays aren't due next sunday (7/13), they're due next Wednesday (7/16). Otherwise, everything else about the essay stands. Yes, there must be a thesis, and there must be an introduction and conclusion. If you want to send me a rough draft to check off on, feel free to do so, but keep in mind that I retain the right to take up to 72hrs to go over the rough. Plan accordingly.
Good luck.