Ylith Pandemonium
07-12-2006 07:21:34
Hello people,
well the topic kinda answered the reason why I posted this. I want to know
if there are Obelisk around and if so, isnt there anything we can do to make
being an Obelisk shine a bit brighter than the other Orders.
Suggestion someone?
07-12-2006 23:31:53
how about A competition against the others?
Ylith Pandemonium
08-12-2006 05:06:37
wouldnt work since it isnt really a must to hold a position. Maybe some weapons or special robes only Obelisks can have
15-12-2006 01:12:13
ooo that would be nice............. SDilver lightsaers with obelisk insignias on then all different styles..... ooooooooo ..
17-01-2007 05:46:06
Yea I think that to show of the Fact that were Obelisk we should have:
1) Obelisk robes only for the Obelisk but for all ranks
2) Obelisk saber for the rank of DJK and upwards because to be quite frank im a DJK and I would like my Order to have a saber I can chose.
What you think?
23-01-2007 20:41:19
That sounds cool, I like it.
Adien Falaut
24-01-2007 13:15:11
Actually I think you are onto something not just for the obelisk but for all three orders...
27-01-2007 02:05:36
Indeed. Not just the strips of color on the lightsaber. Just like the stormtrooper armor for the DJK's and up. When put on Obelisk it strongly resembles the ancient Obelisk armor.
27-01-2007 06:38:54
ancient obelisk armor? thats was a parasite connecting to your skin ^^
Thats Orbalisk armor from Dxun the Demon Moon, like Darth Bane had.