Droveth Kathera Vectivi
24-06-2006 20:08:24
Hello, Brethren.
I was wondering, are we going to get any new Order exams? I noticed the Krath and the Sith have s few others, but we only have the core exam and the test of skill.
Ylith Pandemonium
08-07-2006 06:11:11
if I remember right, when the SA is done with the revise and bla bla, there will be a few
more courses catagorized under Obelisk.
its just wait and see..
12-07-2006 16:49:18
if I remember right, when the SA is done with the revise and bla bla, there will be a few
more courses catagorized under Obelisk.
When it's done, of course, but that probably won't finish until after the war. Sooner the better, since I can't wait for those new courses, but it's best not to rush things
12-07-2006 17:34:17
lol, i think we learnt that lesson from KotOR 2.
But I cant wait for more exams.
05-09-2006 22:39:52
ijm new..what is this stuff.?
06-09-2006 03:37:08
if you check this thread its old, very old