20-06-2005 20:09:26
>.> Yet I see no swords. I'm surprised our Order board has only like, three topics. Pick up the pace, my friends! Free Dark Jedi cookie if you do.
21-06-2005 05:29:02
we just prefer to talk about actual things, instead of nonsense.
21-06-2005 05:31:52
I don't like to talk much but I'll take the cookie
PRT Armagedon
21-06-2005 10:47:33
Nonsense? I'll show you nonsense.
*Dunks your Dark Jedi cookie in acid and hands it to you*
>.> Mmmm lol
Kohn Fang
21-06-2005 15:07:55
so we are swords...or is our order the sword?............and you said somthing about a cookie?
Kaine Mandaala
21-06-2005 17:55:49
The only sword that any DJBer is allowed is the Diamond Sword.
Work hard and you may earn one.
Kohn Fang
21-06-2005 18:21:34
I was reffering to the fact that our order of Obelisk is somtines reffered to as the sword of the Dark Brotherhood along with the majority of the warriors, and i was wondering if that is what this forum was about.
22-06-2005 07:17:03
so we are swords...or is our order the sword?............and you said somthing about a cookie?
I think you misunderstand the meaning of this topic.
22-06-2005 09:25:28
no, he doesn't. you post nonsense, he does too. it's how things work.
Kohn Fang
22-06-2005 15:06:00
Korras thank you for siding with me
So we just talk about Obelisk things, Obelisk which is the sword of the DB
22-06-2005 17:22:36
The point of the topic was to try and get people to post more. And how that the Obelisk are the "swords" of the Dark Brotherhood. But some where in there I think it didn't sound right.
Kaine Mandaala
22-06-2005 17:52:25
I really don't think you need to start numerous inane topics in an effort to "get people to post more". They post all over the boards. Order-Specific threads are rather utilitarian for Obelisk and Sith.
Even though the meaning of the orders are now irrelevant, people adhere to the former standards. Announce or review maps/mods or discuss games.
22-06-2005 19:31:08
I really don't think you need to start numerous inane topics in an effort to "get people to post more". They post all over the boards. Order-Specific threads are rather utilitarian for Obelisk and Sith.
Even though the meaning of the orders are now irrelevant, people adhere to the former standards. Announce or review maps/mods or discuss games.
and with those wise words, this topic stays closed. thanks Kaine.