Order Powers

Sephiroth Kali

02-06-2007 22:29:47

What exactly are they? We know that we can find the requirements around. but is there a list of the so-called Order powers?


04-06-2007 02:42:17

I think they may have been canned =P

Sith Bloodfyre

04-06-2007 08:29:19

Actually, they were never canned. Other projects were placed ahead of them as being more important, especially once the Order Leaders (as a position) were dissolved. Many people, myself included, still have interest in them, and I've never stopped trying to figure up some of the Sith side of them.

Sephiroth Kali

04-06-2007 17:24:41

hmm. An interesting thought. WHo was in charge of the project?

Rigar Ulrand

04-06-2007 17:32:55

Just by the sound of the "order powers" intrigues me
Sounds like a good idea that would be fun to and if there implimented

Sith Bloodfyre

04-06-2007 17:52:51

At one point, I was in charge of the project (while I was Jac's Praetor). After Pyralis was added to Jac's staff, and he worked to help finish the medal combos for the level requirements, (and I became SHW), the projects basically got put on hold indefinitely as far as creating Schools for the Orders and such. As far as who's in charge of it now, I would say Sarin is ultimately in charge of it, to decide where he wants to go with it next and such.

Rigar Ulrand

04-06-2007 17:59:42

I say that it should definately be put into place
It could very well add some more dimension and more opprotunities to the story telling apsect of the DJB

Sephiroth Kali

05-06-2007 14:50:16

I for one would be a fan of powers being decided on a level strata instead of medals. Journeymen have access to these, Equites these, and Elders, these. And of course it could be broken down further.

Rigar Ulrand

05-06-2007 15:19:54

I agree.
There could be a really basic power for Journeymen
a few more advanced powers for the equites
and then the most powerfull power for the elders

Like for the obelisk have like something to do with strength
krath something with the mind
and sith i dont really know

Macron Sadow

05-06-2007 15:54:53

I'd be glad to help if this gets rolling again, especially with the Sith part.

Rigar Ulrand

05-06-2007 16:12:12

Same on my part
I would do all i could to help with this on the Obelisk part
Im happy to help anywhere

Andan Taldrya Marshall

05-06-2007 22:12:25

Order powers shouldn't be open to use until someone reaches the Equites because at DJK+1 is when you're officially accepted into your order.

Sith Bloodfyre

06-06-2007 08:27:00

That was the intended "opener" rank initially. And it's something I still very much agree with.


06-06-2007 09:13:34

I agree.
There could be a really basic power for Journeymen
a few more advanced powers for the equites
and then the most powerfull power for the elders

Like for the obelisk have like something to do with strength
krath something with the mind
and sith i dont really know

the whole point behind the order powers, is that they are bestowed upon you by the order for services renderred.
That is why you need to get medals in order to achieve such power.

I have asked the Lady Alanna about our clan powers though. And I'm really excited about elementalism.
Unfortunatly they are not allowed in the ACC... :(


06-06-2007 10:29:24

They were allowed in the ACC during the RoS

Sephiroth Kali

06-06-2007 12:09:11

Order powers shouldn't be open to use until someone reaches the Equites because at DJK+1 is when you're officially accepted into your order.

While I can understand where that comes from, I would say that they would have to be really sweet for the Equites :D Anyway, how do we get this started?

the whole point behind the order powers, is that they are bestowed upon you by the order for services renderred.
That is why you need to get medals in order to achieve such power.

Again, understood, however, That would be based on services rendered TO THE ORDER. Which would be difficult in today's DB. Not to mention that they would likely place heavy emphisis on basicly three medals. CF's for Obelisk's LS' for Krath, ect. And since we are not bound by Order it would make things difficult for say, A Krath who raely writes or a Sith who can't Fly, ect. It is simpler to say that at DJK =1 you can use this, at the next rank this, ect.

Andan Taldrya Marshall

06-06-2007 14:48:32

Again, understood, however, That would be based on services rendered TO THE ORDER. Which would be difficult in today's DB. Not to mention that they would likely place heavy emphisis on basicly three medals. CF's for Obelisk's LS' for Krath, ect. And since we are not bound by Order it would make things difficult for say, A Krath who raely writes or a Sith who can't Fly, ect. It is simpler to say that at DJK =1 you can use this, at the next rank this, ect.

The concept of Order Powers was envisioned in a different DB, one where orders were cohesive groups that people worked for and were loyal to (e.g. "back in the day" Crix was loyal to his house and clan first, the Sith order second and the Brotherhood as a whole third - now there's no sense of community within the Sith at least, I can't speak for other orders, so it's hard to be loyal to a community that doesn't exist). Because of the move away from orders as a central pillar of the DB, we have to rethink how people would gain access to Order Powers. My feeling is that it will become like the lightsabers, a simple "when you get to rank x you can use power y" situation. Maybe other people can think of a better way to do it, but I can't think of any way that really reflects commitment to the orders without them being cohesive groups.


09-10-2007 21:17:17

So when can we expect them to be finished?


19-10-2007 00:01:20

Even though it sounds as though Bloodfyre and Crix still harbor some long lost feelings for these Order Powers, I doubt we'll ever see them come into effect under what Crix just explained. The DB isn't so focused on Orders anymore, and as much I was to instill Pride in the Krath Order in my peers, its just not something that is currently doable. Don't look forward to these!

Sith Bloodfyre

19-10-2007 00:39:44

I will always have an attachment to Order Powers, and to every Clan's Powers, since I was the one who ran the project for several years. That may explain my feelings towards them.

However. I would expect to see these in the future. The problem is, as the role of the Orders has changed, so has people feelings on "what each Order's powers would be." With the dissolution of the Order Leaders, the motivation for the project dwindled, as well.

The problem is, the Brotherhood needs to re-establish purpose for the Orders, or do away with them entirely. I don't believe we'll ever do away with the Orders. In the mean time, no one can really come up with an "alternate route" (so to speak) of where to take the Orders, what meaning to give them, etc.

The DB doesn't have to be "focused on Orders." I wouldn't say we ever DID focus on Orders. What we did, is we gave each Order meaning and purpose. It's just a question of how to get back to that. And this isn't a new suggestion. People have been trying for years to figure out how to get purpose and function back, without assigning roles and such.


Muz Ashen

20-10-2007 13:46:51

Orders will be supported a bit more in the future, by a variety of means...including order powers. I'd say more, but i've learned from rebirth not to give too many details until actual launch, because of the whole "the best laid plans of mice and men..." thing.


20-10-2007 15:43:15

I realize its more of a discussion to be brought up with one's Clan Summit, or even the Dark Council, but I would love to discuss ideas and propositions for your ideas of what importance we could give orders. I would like to see a return in fictional weight assigned to order, rather than the "i'm Krath, Your Sith" syndrome we all tend to fall into these days.

Tarax Kor

20-10-2007 17:07:51

Your face is a Sith!


Kidding aside: Honestly, even a little fictional weight to the Orders regarding things such as powers would be a great thing. The only problem I see is that once you add one more layer of categorization to how things work, we'll again see groups of people forming either official or unofficial units based around that category. Such as: Order-oriented families, BTs, and maybe even some lobbying for Order-oriented Houses (although I doubt that last one would get anywhere). Those were just to name a few. And...people can get a little hot-headed when it comes to such matters. :P

Sith Bloodfyre

20-10-2007 17:18:49

Vodo, I'd suggest to you that mentioning ideas here, or, even emailing ideas and such to Sarin and Muz about Order purposes and such is one way to go. It never hurts to let them know what you're thinking. They may even ask you for further input.


20-10-2007 23:56:03

Honestly, I don't think order oriented battleteams or families are necessarily a bad thing; in fact, they make a lot of sense. If a group of people want to create a family (in line with the guidelines of course) and say that one of their distinguishing characteristics is that they all are Obelisk, I don't see a problem with that. I'd be interested to see an explanation as to why, but I wouldn't object to it.

But, as BF said, go ahead and toss ideas out. I mean, Muz is obviously reading this thread, and I imagine Sarin might be as well, so whatever you say may get the wheels turning in their head.

Sephiroth Kali

21-10-2007 23:51:29

I had forgotten about this, lol, good to see people are still interested.