Duga Taldrya Arkarso
22-05-2006 18:52:58
23-05-2006 22:11:12
Aidan Kincaid
23-05-2006 23:23:19
Andan Taldrya Marshall
24-05-2006 14:29:50
24-05-2006 15:06:16
Aidan Kincaid
24-05-2006 16:35:06
freshjive taldrya
27-05-2006 14:39:35
28-05-2006 02:55:56
28-05-2006 05:47:07
28-05-2006 05:55:31
Andan Taldrya Marshall
28-05-2006 11:34:52
Aidan Kincaid
28-05-2006 16:23:01
28-05-2006 16:45:39
Aidan Kincaid
28-05-2006 18:00:29
28-05-2006 18:08:07
Andan Taldrya Marshall
29-05-2006 01:29:14
29-05-2006 03:45:47
Andan Taldrya Marshall
29-05-2006 15:15:19
freshjive taldrya
29-05-2006 16:50:59
02-06-2006 06:05:49
Andan Taldrya Marshall
02-06-2006 12:26:53
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
03-06-2006 21:35:47
We can still do that. We already sort of do something like that with assigning specific ships to the CON/PCON and the house summits. We could change it up a bit to create a nice navy structure.
The entire fleet would be the Tal Home Guard, or something like that, with the CON as the Fleet Commander (Fleet Admiral or Admiral) and the PCON as the XO (VA/AD). Each house would have a few ships under its command that would make up a battle group; the Quaestor would be the Battle Group Commander (VA/RA) and the AED as the Battle Group XO (RA/COL). Then within each house there'd be a few ships that the QUA and AED would have the authority to give command of to members of their house as a RP reward.
Here's a possible break down of the fleet
Taldryan Home Guard:
VSD Dark Prophet (flagship): Hett Squadron (TIE Hunter x12) and Keirdagh Squadron (TIE Interceptor x12)
MTRNS Odin (not specificly attached to one BG and sent where ever it's needed)
Battle Group Ektrosis:
M/BCRS Leviathian (flagship): Hyperion Squadron (Hyperion Fighter x12)
M/FRG Suppressor: Valyorm Squadron (TIE Interceptor x12) and Katarn Squadron (TIE Interceptor x12)
M/CRV Darkstorm
A/FRG Praetorian
VAC Ravager
Battle Group Dinaari:
M/INT Orthanc (flagship): Cotelin Squadron (Scimitar bomber x6) and Spectre Squadron (A-Wing x6)
M/DREAD Dark Seraphim: Telaris Squadron (TIE Interceptor x12)
M/CRV Renegade
VAC Sinister
CGC Outcast
That gives each house 4 ships in addition to the ship that's already given to them (which I called the flagship, that doesn't have to stick). There's also the Odin that the CON can give out if he wants, it just keep the commander as an NPC (cause commanding a Transport isn't that great of a reward X-) ). In addition, command of the various fighter/bomber squads attached to the ships in each battle group could be given as rewards. Members can also be assigned to non-command positions on the ships and squads for further RP reality.
Oh, and for a logistical side note: if we buy any more fighters we're going to need to get an Escort Carrier. We can carry 3 more fighters on the Renegade but after that our fleet's fighter capasity is full. If we get an ESC I'd recommend attaching it to the the Home Guard and letting it float between the two houses depending on who needs the fighters at any given time (like how I have the Odin set up). The other option is to buy an ESC for each house and fill them both slowly as we buy more fighters.
04-06-2006 04:51:21
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
12-06-2006 20:10:00
06-09-2006 22:34:44
06-09-2006 22:58:51
13-10-2006 00:22:16