Topic #1 - Military
Aidan Kincaid
16-11-2005 23:53:29
Okay so this is going to be our first area of discussion. I'll most likely open up several such topics at once so people can choose to add their thoughts to what they feel the most strongly about rather than forcing everyone to talk about the same thing.
So first off on the list is the Clan's military. Each Clan in the DB has military comprised of non-Force sensitives. They have their own hierarchy, which is one thing we can create/discuss, style of dress, weapons, training, etc, etc, etc. There's a lot to be said about a Clan's military. And this topic ties in nicely with the final SW movie Revenge of the Sith because it has a lot of information on how Jedi characters deal with their subordinate military commanders.
A few questions one can ask. Does a member of Taldryan (a member being a Dark Jedi listed on the roll) have a military rank used for soldiers to address them? Surely the Clan Summit is ultimately in charge of the military forces but what role does a seasoned Dark Jedi Knight play? Some kind of commander or lieutenant? I wouldn't mind giving members military rankings based on service, etc. Could add another fictional dimsension as well as make for a neat reward.
What kind of training do we give our military? If you've played the KotoR games once think the Sith Troops mention is they've been trained to resist the mind-effecting techniques of other Jedi/Sith. What other kinds of Force-like training should we give them?
What does the military do on a daily basis? While we do spend a great deal of time in conflict, those times are rare these days. Should we be scouting new planets, spying on other Clans? Acquiring information or keeping the local populace in line? Maybe we can hire them out to gain extra credits. (note a lot of this stuff will be tied into Rebirth and it's credit aspects.)
These are just a few ideas to toss around. Feel free to share more if you have them. I think this could lead to some interesting plots so I'll open up the floor for discussion.
Also... anything we do decide upon will probably be official with a new page on the Taldryan site. I'd like to continue adding information to Kir's Codex as well to keep future generations from having to start over and re-create everything. I know this was a big problem around when I first joined. A collective codex of fictional information would be a good thing.
17-11-2005 04:47:07
My feeling is that any Jedi who has earnt his sabre would think nothing of ordering the military around... even high ranking military officers. The higher the ranked officer, the less power and awe the lower ranked Jedi would have over them... but they'd still follow orders, because the higher Jedi would kick their asses if they didn't.
The higher ranked Jedi's commands would supercede those of a lower ranked Jedi. I don't think it would be necessary to have a whole new military ranking system for Jedi.
Andan Taldrya Marshall
17-11-2005 10:14:28
I like the idea of awarding military ranks as part of the RP/Tal story line, in fact it was something I was planning on bringing up in the group...damn you for stealing my idea X-) . Anyway, we could steucture it so that our Jedi are the elite troops and they have a loose rank structure. We could do something like under DJK is a Lieutenant to a Commander, DJK to SBM is Commander to Colonel, SWL and up are Generals.
I don't see the ranks being a very large part of the clan so I'd probably just award LT, CM, COL and General as the ranks for simplicity's sake, unless we want to start and entire ranking system which I don't think is a good idea, at least for the moment. Also, I think that a Jedi Lt's orders should override a non-Jedi Lt's, but not a Commander's unless given special permission by the CON. That would make it so that the new people don't let their power go to their head in the RPs and start ordering our generals around without letting the more experianced members know what there doing. If we do something like that training op run on again and we have lower ranked members acting as field commanders then Shad could give them a temp. promotion to Commander or simply tell the non-Jedi working with them that this person's orders are to be obayed as if he were a Commander.
I think that when we aren't fighting another clan/other enemy then we can have our troops rotating between police work (think stormtroopers, they ended up being the Empire's police when they weren't fighting) and training. That'll keep them fresh and current with all of the weapons we'd give them as well as allowing us to keep the population in line.
As for training, I think we need to do a little research as to what exactly they could be trained to do in terms of Force resistance. That aside, they should all have basic weapons training, as well as a crash course in operating all the vehicles and heavy weapons we'd deploy, just incase. I wouldn't be oppsed to renting a portion of our military out as mercs, just as long as we kept enough in system to keep an approperate level of readiness, in case someone decides to try to invade or we get pissed at someone and want to move quickly against them.
17-11-2005 15:58:07
Okay, so taking into account our resources I think that it would be safest to just be ready for attack. The largest capital ship we have is the Dark Prophet, which only a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Yes, they're bastards to fly against, but it doesn't really stand up that well to other capital ships.
I think Alanna and Crix have great points about the ranks and orders of Dark Jedi. We definitely don't need a complex hierarchy of Dark Jedi ranks (just Lt, CM, Col, and Gen. like Crix said) and within the Dark Jedi themselves I think we would just have to follow the hierarchy already set forth by the Brotherhood, unless otherwise dictated by the CON.
17-11-2005 16:19:48
Okay, so taking into account our resources I think that it would be safest to just be ready for attack. The largest capital ship we have is the Dark Prophet, which only a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Yes, they're bastards to fly against, but it doesn't really stand up that well to other capital ships.
I think Alanna and Crix have great points about the ranks and orders of Dark Jedi. We definitely don't need a complex hierarchy of Dark Jedi ranks (just Lt, CM, Col, and Gen. like Crix said) and within the Dark Jedi themselves I think we would just have to follow the hierarchy already set forth by the Brotherhood, unless otherwise dictated by the CON.
Yeah so I just compared our military strength with the other clans' and I realized that we're not as disadvantaged as I thought we were so disregard the comment about just being ready.
freshjive taldrya
17-11-2005 19:57:23
First, I'd like to address the idea of ranks. Kind of excessive if you ask me, any standing army the Clan has, I'm sure each and every member of it would realize that they have to defer to the high ranking Jedi. DJK is an acheivement, but I see it as a starting point, more like "Ok, you've showed us your dedication, now you start your real service to the Clan" APP to JH is merely a testing ground to weed out the less dedicated individuals. If we want to start referencing actual happenings in Star Wars, the Jedi in the prequels were pretty much the ground commanders, but that only extended to certain extremely experienced Jedi. Obi Wan, Yoda, Mace Windu, etc. When the clone wars began, I don't think any clone trooper would have obeyed Anakin as readily as Obi Wan or any of those other examples. Yes, they were conditioned to do exactly that, but in the presence of Obi Wan and Anakin, who would you listen to? We can split hairs about power and stuff, but thats a wild tangent we dont need to get into. Also, no good military commander would simply jump into the mix and start ordering around their Generals in the heat of battle, its simply confusing to the ground commanders and the actual troops fighting.
On the flipside, we have Darth Vader in A New Hope, who, despite his power and stature in the Empire, was deferrent to Tarkin to a certain extent. This deferrent I'm sure was limited, but it was there.
I don't know how familiar any of you are with the Dune series of novels, but in the later ones, especially Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse: Dune, the Bene Gesserit have their own military and Supreme Bashar (General) but they don't really interfere with the way he leads the military, they give general objectives and let him handle the actual fight.
We should limit who leads what and how, maybe have Jedi assigned to certain units, training and integrating with them so that when they need to lead them there is no incongruence, but leaving the majority of the day to day running of the unit to subordinates. Not really officers, but not without leadership responsibilities.
Crix had a lot of good ideas about how to check the ability of lower ranked members to give orders. This should definately be considered.
As for what the army is doing when not fighting, I'm inclined to include all the examples Shad gave, especially the spying part, but that goes with the character I've created in the DB. I think people should look at their characters and see where in the military structure their character could provide some benefit. Mine would be in a special operations capacity/spying unit. Some people tell me, "Your character is too uber...its not realistic at all because he seems to be able to go anywhere do anything." This is untrue. I've developed my character as a stealth operative, he's able to put himself in critical situations and succeed and survive. He uses the Force to augment his stealth but I would never expect him to be able to shoot Force Lightning. Think of Splinter Cell, but with the Force. Sam Fisher (the guy in splinter cell) isnt a one man army, he relies on stealth, surprise, intelligence and training to accomplish his mission. My character is a former special forces operator, which means he's got a lot of training in a wide variety of skills, martial arts, demolitions, stealth, survival, etc etc. He's expert in a few of those but not all, put those skills together, throw in the Force and you've got a potent warrior who could be a great benefit to a special operations or spying unit.
All this leaves the question, What do we do with the lower ranked members then? I don't know. The way Tal has always worked (at least in my viewpoint) is what I described with the DJK situation. DJK is really the starting point in the clan. I hate to suggest a master/student thing, because, frankly, it doesnt work and is a stupid idea. You can't pair two people in an online club and say "Ok, you're buddies!". There has to be a way to do it though, in a way where the lower ranked member learns something and the higher ranked member doesn't come off as a total tool ordering someone around. Maybe for fictional stuff we could pair up people. For now, I'm going to stick with "I don't know".
Hope that helps stimulate conversation :shuriken:
Andan Taldrya Marshall
17-11-2005 20:19:56
Maybe we could pair two people togeather in the RP as a master/student thing and have it effect only the RP. That way we'd have something to do with lower ranked members besides giving them a blaster and telling them to not die.
I'm not thinking so much about the traditional master/student pair where one person simply teaches the other and that person gets promoted. It'd be more like a rookie cop partnering with someone who's been working longer. They work togeather in whatever task there assigned and the rookie gets good field experiance.
18-11-2005 01:12:54
As one of these "lower ranked jedi," I'm gonna speak up and say that I like Crix's last post. Its kinda like the whole Obi/Anakin thing! The more experienced Jedi has the ear of the troops and has a partner fighting along side, while the less experienced has an example to follow.
Basically what I'm getting from all the good ideas is:
High ranking Jedi loosely leading the military, as well as mentoring the lower ranked Jedi.
I don't know which
I think is better(Lt, CM, etc. as rewards or just aloof Jedi giving strong suggestions to the Generals) but both are pretty good ideas with a lot of support behind them. For fictions sake we may want to have the military ranks as rewards so the soldiers have something to refer to the Jedi by, but they'd have to be different than regular military ranks to avoid confusion. For instance, if I'm rewarded with the rank of Lt, does that mean that a non-Jedi general outranks me? Ya know?
So...yeah...that's my two cents for now.
ACO Odium (Sith)/FM/Dinaari of Taldryan
Aidan Kincaid
18-11-2005 01:15:27
Definitely a good idea to see if we can find some more info about force-enhanced training for soldiers. I'll try googling around later. I'm also into any other suggestions for the non-saberist members (DJK and below) I think the more we can include them the better chances of keeping them around longer.
As for the actual "need" of military ranks for members... it's really more of an extra thing. It keeps some people interested. As for the argument about whose commands would be taken Obi-Wan vs younger Anakin... well I don't think their commands would contradict the others. As far as the troops are concerned the Jedi all get their orders as given to them by the Jedi Council... so basically if Anakin says they're supposed to jump into a pit they have to do it
Plus a lot of it ties into the younger members ideas based mainly on the new trilogy. Obi-Wan was a general and a Jedi Master. Troops are more used to a military-esque chain of command. Probably helps them identify with the scary Dark Jedi
I'll add more tomorrow hopefully... first day back to work in like a month. So sleepy. Keep the ideas flowing!
18-11-2005 02:24:12
Would it be possible to train troops in a "Royal Guard" fasion?
just a question. the URL explains a little about their training. Cause if we could..ya know as a general training proceedure our ground troops could be nearly unstoppable.
ACO Odium
18-11-2005 11:27:14
Would it be possible to train troops in a "Royal Guard" fasion?
just a question. the URL explains a little about their training. Cause if we could..ya know as a general training proceedure our ground troops could be nearly unstoppable.
ACO Odium
That would be cool but I don't think it will be entirely possible since the RG training is supposed to be reserved for the elite of the dark jedi in the brotherhood and not really meant for general troops. Something like special ops training would be suitable however.
Aidan Kincaid
18-11-2005 21:00:23
We could probably "super train" select troops and form special squads or something, but for the majority it would have to be relatively simple. Can't have everyone battling to the death all day
![Razz :P]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif)
Nice idea for special ops team though.
19-11-2005 02:43:20
Where to begin....
1. Military Ranks - Love the idea. Anything we can use as an award to fill the overtly long gaps between DB promotions is a great idea. So is assigning command of certain forces (Say, vehicles, special ops, infantry units, etc) to certain folks as a way of adding to their prowess. Of course, when it comes to ranks, I'd say go with an officer scheme rather than an enlisted scheme. Having an enlisted Dark Jedi just throws too many wrenches into the machine.
2. Training: I propose the creation of two academy type deals on one of our planets/ships. One for ground fighting, one for space combat. Throw in a command college, some Vehicle/Spec Ops/MP training schools, and we're set. Obviously, this is going to be a continous process of recouping from losses, since as we all know from the movies, stormtroopers/clone troopers are highly expendable.
3. What our military is doing: Well, you've got the training angle. You've got the system defense angle. And now you've got the International Pirate (Arrrrggggghhh Matey) angle. We could be having them out looting, pillaging, raping. Well, you get the point. And, much like any army, our military is going to have family and [Expletive Deleted] to go home to. I figure, even if we're not using them for a major conflict, we might have a platoon or two out at a time doing various bitchwork for us (Rounding up hoes, scouting systems, looking for new fangled Dark Jedi artifacts/drug paraphenalia.....again, you get the point.
4. Some random thoughts: Special Ops units need to be extremely limited. The sheer amount of training/funding you have to put into a squad to make them l33t is amazing.
5. More random thoughts: Don't just forget the military with regards to the infantry angle. We're going to need various support staff too.
6. Figure we'll want fictional biographies for all our general/admiral level officers. As for our supreme commander, I'd recommend just creating a character formerly allied with the Empire.
7. We're going to want various squads oriented towards various things. Infantry, Fire Support, Artillery, Vehicles, Intelligence, Recon, Special Ops, etc. But the most important point will be to do a breakdown of what our typical infantry squad has in terms of capability. Will they all be carrying standard blasters, or will we have a breakup of like, 3 riflemen, 1-2 machine-gunners (Or E-Web in geek terms), and 1-2 heavy weapons/demolitions?
8. Military bases: Where are they. What do they contain? What purpose does each one serve? Details, details, details.
9. Unit integration. Obviously, we'll probably have more folks in the military than we will Dark Jedi. How are we going to solve this problem? Do we stick Jedi with certain squads? Let them have free reign?
10. Going back to what they're doing during downtime.....duh.....they're soldiers. They're gonna be drinking, chasing booty, and living it up. Just like regular soldiers.
19-11-2005 03:49:43
First of all back to the RG training:
What I meant by the suggestion was, like, kind of having a high standard of training. For instance, taking what could be considered basic Spec Ops training and applyin it to everyone. Yes the Spec Ops and such get more advanced training, as does every other type of trooper, but the basic starting point would be raised from other clans "Basic Training." Understand where I'm goin?
About "unit integration" I think we're comin up with, or at least I'm understanding it this way, is that Jedi are assigned to a unit, much like, in fact, Obi-Wan. If you'll notice he's always with the same Clone commander. Even if we weren't getting that as a group I think that would be how it would work best, instead of having Jedi assume command of a squad of troopers. ya know?
Sithspawn took the "ranks as awards" to a new level. I personally like the idea of assigning specific squads to people as an award, because then we end up establishing a kind of hierarchy without trying too, and the different commanders don't get in each others way as each of them has their own area of command(i.e. Infantry, Artillery, Spec Ops, etc.) Different squads could signify a higher reward(i.e. Spec Ops could be harder to achieve than Infantry)
Hey, I just had an idea about the ranks. Okay, so, in the movies you always hear "Commander" as a referrence to the Jedi(Commander Kenobi, Commander Skywalker). We all know each others ranks, but a trooper could care less what rank we are in the Brotherhood, unless two different orders came from two different Jedi and they needed to decide which to follow. All that to say, why don't we just have the troops call the Jedi "Commander ------," or even "Master --------"(for some differentiation) Just a sudden, random thought.
I also like Sithspawns idea of Bios for the officers and a "supreme" commander who was allied with the Empire, maybe an actual general/admiral from the movies/books.
ACO Odium
19-11-2005 03:53:29
First of all back to the RG training:
What I meant by the suggestion was, like, kind of having a high standard of training. For instance, taking what could be considered basic Spec Ops training and applyin it to everyone. Yes the Spec Ops and such get more advanced training, as does every other type of trooper, but the basic starting point would be raised from other clans "Basic Training." Understand where I'm goin?
About "unit integration" I think we're comin up with, or at least I'm understanding it this way, is that Jedi are assigned to a unit, much like, in fact, Obi-Wan. If you'll notice he's always with the same Clone commander. Even if we weren't getting that as a group I think that would be how it would work best, instead of having Jedi assume command of a squad of troopers. ya know?
Sithspawn took the "ranks as awards" to a new level. I personally like the idea of assigning specific squads to people as an award, because then we end up establishing a kind of hierarchy without trying too, and the different commanders don't get in each others way as each of them has their own area of command(i.e. Infantry, Artillery, Spec Ops, etc.) Different squads could signify a higher reward(i.e. Spec Ops could be harder to achieve than Infantry)
Hey, I just had an idea about the ranks. Okay, so, in the movies you always hear "Commander" as a referrence to the Jedi(Commander Kenobi, Commander Skywalker). We all know each others ranks, but a trooper could care less what rank we are in the Brotherhood, unless two different orders came from two different Jedi and they needed to decide which to follow. All that to say, why don't we just have the troops call the Jedi "Commander ------," or even "Master --------"(for some differentiation) Just a sudden, random thought.
I also like Sithspawns idea of Bios for the officers and a "supreme" commander who was allied with the Empire, maybe an actual general/admiral from the movies/books.
ACO Odium
or was "General Kenobi" wasn't it...oh well i still think that it could be a good idea.
Andan Taldrya Marshall
19-11-2005 11:17:56
Hey, I just had an idea about the ranks. Okay, so, in the movies you always hear "Commander" as a referrence to the Jedi(Commander Kenobi, Commander Skywalker). We all know each others ranks, but a trooper could care less what rank we are in the Brotherhood, unless two different orders came from two different Jedi and they needed to decide which to follow. All that to say, why don't we just have the troops call the Jedi "Commander ------," or even "Master --------"(for some differentiation) Just a sudden, random thought.
Obi-Wan was called called by a rank because it was given to him when the war started. Same with Luke; he didn't have a rank at Yavin, but he was later called Commander because he was given that rank, not just because he was a Jedi. If we give ourselves military ranks I think we should actually give them out and have some sort of small ranking system (see my first post) and not just say that all people DJK+ are to be called Commander.
I don't know about other people, but I've been tailoring my character in a certain way. He's mainly a pilot but if you give him a lightsaber or sword he may not be the best with it but he definately knows what he's doing. Spec Ops isn't his thing at all, he could do some basic recon if need be, he can deal with basic demolitions, but he's first and foremost a pilot (chalk it up to joining when the Sith were still the pilots B) ). I do like the idea of designating different tasks for certain units and if we give people command of those units make sure that their character matches up with the unit; i.e. not giving someone who prefers front line combat a spec ops squad.
Aidan Kincaid
19-11-2005 22:40:24
20-11-2005 01:30:02
Hey, Shadow, nice sites!
Everyone check out at least the second one! Its a great modification to what I was just saying! If you'll notice there is enough differentiation to tell what jedi overrides who but its simple enough to be easy to implement! And anyway I wasnt necessarily suggesting that that is how they got their ranks in the movies. I was just suggesting an easy way to relate ourselves to the military in a simple, yet effective fashion. :-p
Andan Taldrya Marshall
20-11-2005 13:28:28
From what I can see we're all pretty much saying the same thing about ranks: We want to give our Jedi ranks in order to show their place in our Clan's military and make the chain of command clear to the non-jedi in the military. Also, we want to keep the ranks simple so that it's an easy system to implament and won't take much work to keep going. Thirdly, we want some sort of distinction between what I'll call junior Jedi and senior Jedi and the their ability to issue orders.
What we don't agree on is how to deal with the junior/senior Jedi issue and their specific command abilities. The CON and PCON have authority over everything no matter what rank they hold, that's an easy one. I may be a bit biased, but I feel that my idea of the Anakin/Obi-Wan master/student relationship would be a good way to make a clear seperation between the junior and senior Jedi, as well as give the junior Jedi something to do and give some fictional reality (there's an oxymoron for you) to their training. We could say that those Jedi under DJK are designated as the students to be pared with someone over DJK, the masters.
This also would provide a clear divide between junior Jedi officers in the military and senior Jedi officers. We could use the ranks ffrom TIE Fighter, without the Flight Cadet and Officer. That would leave us with Lieutenant and Captain for Jedi under DJK and Commander and General for those DJK and over. Promotions would be given for RP activities only (ie. winning a battle, not making a new web page).
21-11-2005 03:22:24
Good call, Crix. I do believe that summarizes it very well! Let's go with it! Unless anyone has any objections... :w00t:
freshjive taldrya
22-11-2005 02:09:44
I'm not so sure I agree with the awarding of ranks for the military stuff. It just seems so....extra to me. People are already trying to do things for one rank, I think throwing another in there would just confuse things. Let's remember that these ranks are to fill in the ficional backround, not actually effect any real dealings in the DB.
Aidan Kincaid
22-11-2005 19:42:01
ehh they are extra.. that's kinda the point
![Razz :P]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif)
Sometimes people do stuff in between promotions (especially in the higher ranks), it's just an extra thing to tell people. Plus it will add to any fictional stuff we do - Run Ons, GJW/RoS fictions, etc.
Aidan Kincaid
28-11-2005 01:42:42
Looks like this convo is mostly wrapped up. I will add that when reading about some of the "extra" Clone Wars stuff it said that when Obi-Wan was named a Jedi General, Anakin was his Lieutenant. We could do something like that for ROs and the like with our elder members acting as Jedi (or Dark Jedi) Generals and the younger members paired up with them as Lieutenants.
We'll leave this topic open in case anyone else wants to add anything. I'll add a second topic soon.
28-11-2005 04:17:58
Sounds good...
So I finally looked up the password to this MB and thought (after a very quick skimming of what has been said) that I'd make a few comments.
I had always invisioned Tal's military in the Imperial-mold (As in, I hate stupidass droids for armies). So that is the basic foundation.
I also thought of Taldryan's military as a very independent bunch from the Clan members themselves. The Military has its own officer corps, and if you look back to old fiction I wrote, I would usually have military officers and advisors with me (as CON) when I was in combat or command. The CON and PCON always had the supreme authority over everything, but they trusted their head military guys. Also the QUAs had a good say, but they might bow a bit to the leading Clan military advisors, just because they know it would be in their best interest to heed their advice.
That is part of the reason I never gave out military ranks to members, I wanted an independent and kickass Tal military structure. The other reason I didn't integrate the two fully was because I thought that Clan members would have spent their time in much more intense training. Be it force training, physical combat, private studies, or even studying war in all its different aspects. Clan members would use the military and work with them to train and develop as a whole, but the Tal Military officer corps was not to be taken lightly.
You guys also mentioned spying, I know I often referenced an "intelligence" branch of the Tal military in official Tal fiction. I always considered them a part of the military, yet
they make up their own structure and answer to their own officers.
One more quick comment: I loved Ziggy's idea for the creation of two military academies and a command college. Great stuff.
Ok, that's all from me.
05-12-2005 01:41:17
okay so...I ment to bring it back up but kept forgetting to come to the board to check, until Kir wrote in and I got an email telling me he
Do we have a way to actually spy on the other clans? (i.e. Admin telling us what they're up to as far as military decisions/movements, etc.) If we do we should definitly get the info movin in!
k, :maul:
Aidan Kincaid
05-12-2005 03:33:36
I would think from a fictional standpoint each Clan would have an Intelligence team monitoring the other 4 Clans to keep tabs on their activities. We should be able to include that somewhere with all this
05-12-2005 04:09:36
yeah thats what I'm talkin about!
Odium :maul:
Werdna Elbee
10-12-2005 15:30:41
I don't think we should have official military ranks. Titles like M'Lord, Sire, etc should be used for the Clan Summit members, and General used as a honourary title for anyone ranked a Leader rank, and Commander for anyone else above DJK. It's just to make it easy for the soldier-plebs.
Who exactly are we going to use our forces against? The DB has a very strong and vast force as a whole and anyone would be stupid to go against us. But on our own we'd have trouble invading a system.
11-12-2005 03:49:25
We wouldn't have THAT much of a problem...yeah it would be harder, but still we can definitely do it!
From what I understand...we'll be somehow facing the other clans...
Werdna Elbee
11-12-2005 06:17:28
From what I understand...we'll be somehow facing the other clans...
As I mentioned in the Clan Ventures topic, I personally see us in a 'cold war' with the other clans. They don't want us around but they need us and can't risk upsetting us.
Meanwhile, the DB can organise Vendettas between us but I'd like them to be carefully crafted skirmishes with rules. This way we can still wage war with each other but function as a strong Empire. Whoever disobeys these war rules must deal with the wrath of every clan.
Of course, the rules for expansion or dealing with 'civil unrest' are completely under our control.
Andan Taldrya Marshall
11-12-2005 13:33:01
If anyone has read any of the Dune books I see the clan's relationships like the Houses Major. Basicly there is a congress of all the Houses Major that has power to write and pass laws. Then there is an emperor over that congress who has to approve of anything that the congress passes except in certain cases (think Magna Carta-era England). The Houses Major, however, could go to war with each other using their individual fleets and armies.
Basicly we can all go war with each other if we want, but generally it isn't a good idea to unless we have a specific goal in mind. Also, the fact that each house (clan) has more or less the same amount of troops and ships was a major deterant so what ends up happening more often then not is two houses will ally against another one and split the winnings.
So the moral of the story is that generally we won't be fighting other clans cause it'd be pretty stupid but pirates, other random people that we want to invade, etc. are all fair game.