01-01-2008 10:19:03
Post any fiction (preferably Star Wars related) you like in the
Member Fiction forum for public review. Feel free to comment on and discuss anything fiction-related. There won't be any Dark Side Scrolls awarded based on word-counts. This is what the DSS is currently awarded for:
"either making a submission (either fictional or graphical) to the Dark Brotherhood's newsletter, the Dark Voice, or for authoring or editing an official Dark Brotherhood proposal."
*Update - Re-named the forum to Legacy of Fiction for the time being. This seems to pretty well cover what's in this forum as well as tie into the Star Wars comic of the same name and most recent series of novels. If you like, let me know. If it sucks, let me know, but include a better name.
*Update - Moved all fiction to the
Member Fiction forum. Please post your fiction in that forum from here on. The primary forum will be used for more general fiction topics and other items.
*Update - From time to time the DSS will also be awarded to winners of certain fiction competitions that further official DB fiction. I'll make special note of these when they come up.
Current Competitions
For all competitions please Email submissions to
raken.is@gmail.com Please put [Fiction] in the subject line of your email. Include basic ID Line and PIN in the document file name or in the body of the email or the submission cannot be counted.
Currently working on GJW 9 production. There won't be any competitions from me until the GJW concludes.