Aren't we already doing that now, Braecen? We have six KCEs, then the clans can have house-leveled Envoys if they wish. Although I believe you said that the KCEs would report to the KCB personally. The only changes I saw you speak of are the changes Lucien has planned for the KSOE as a whole.... but then again I am no longer an Envoy, and no longer am affiliated as one, plus I am a crazy man too.
Either way, I am going to speak my words before someone takes me off the google group:
The KSOE *is* a good idea, although when I first joined, I never once spoke to any House-Clan Envoy at all. I never knew that either or was until being in the DB for several months, and I just this year found out what a KCB is. Although I like to think I did well, the only person who really was helping me in my advancement was my Aedile Rasilvenaira Stormraven, whom was the most crucial individual of my success for a long while until my Quaestor Braecen Kunar came into my success as well. I think that houses are the most important entities to success in the Brotherhood, and it was to me.
As a Rollmaster, I never followed the regulations. I emailed a few people with the welcoming email but I soon came up with my own technique. I emailed the people personally, asked them what they wanted from the DJB, what they planned to achieve and I also told them the best things to do to get promoted. I didn't play it officially, and the only people I sent it to were the new member. I also found out that I got more replies when I acted as a house-mate/friend than the Envoy.
From what I see, the KSOE does work for some, but I have had lots more success being the house guy than the official guy.... but then again I was fired for being the house guy (as well as my email access being taken away
) as well, so maybe it wasn't the best thing.
I think that what Braecen was saying was one KCB and 6 Clan Envoys. No more House Envoys, just 7 people doing the job that should be done. At least, that is what I THINK he meant.
Sephiroth Storm-
Thats what he said but then he said: "Additional delegates can be assigned at the House Level to spread the load". Which would basicly mean they would be Envoys with no position or title, no way to get recognised for thier efforts. I also have to note, how long it takes to get members to EQ II, and how few o0f them are willing to serve. Also, these KCE's would need experience bringing members up, you dont get that unless you were either a house/clan leader, or an Envoy (like me, I started out 2 years ago, working for my House Envoy, then I took his place, and I hope to take KCE when I he is ready to step aside. I have never been an official House Summit member, but I have been privliged to work along side them). Therefore, assigning the position to former House leaders or EQ II and above is not logical.
I also don't like the idea of Clan "Trials" when a member reaches PRT. I remember when I was knighted, I had to complete 4 trials instead of the usual 3, that nearly had me pulling my hair out. anyway, like I said, I think the Clan's should take over at PRT, this also makes it easier on the MAA, so he can now concentrate on promo's PRT and above, and doesn't have to worry about who rates below PRT. Yes, the HM will have a little more work, but It should be pretty straigtforward, member complete's this many exams of this type, he's promoted. The HM already has Direct promotion athority through the SA so the system is already in place.
Yeah, that's the best idea I have heard.
When I joined the DB, there was no Society of Envoys. There were House Summits, and even Clan Summits, who took an active interest in new recruits. The way I remember it being, you could be promoted up to Guardian through Shadow Academy stuff, and after that, the Shadow Academy site even told you that you needed to become an active part of your Clan to progress further. SA activity wasn't mandatory for progression to Guardian, but it was an alternative. You were quite capable of going into the Clan as "Apprentice [insert name here]," and progressing just as fast (sometimes faster) than those who stuck with the SA through to Guardian.
What I remember of my introduction to the Clan is, an email from Kodiak Tonaloc, the Quaestor, welcoming me, and telling me the House's requirements to be in the House's team, and to contact the TET for further into if I was interested. I was told that the team wasn't just for anyone, that it would offer me more activity, but would require more effort, and afford me certain rewards. I was given all of the info that I needed to progress, and told where to look for help, but specifically told that I had to put forward the effort to achieve things.
In some ways, I have always disagreed with the Envoy system. My initial impression of it was, I understood that some people needed extra help, or wanted to train new leadership, but I've always thought it was a reason to allow House Summits to toss their duties off onto other people. We had Quaestors and Aediles, and we also had Rollmasters. Rollmasters were, back when there weren't databases, the people who kept the House records, worked with the MAA to ensure the DB site was up-to-date, kept records of awards, email addresses, etc. Databases came, Rollmasters slowly phased out, for the most part. Now, they're used by some Clans to train new leadership, etc. It's a subjective position, and not even given real recognition, to be honest.
The Envoys were part of a system designed to put more and more recruits through the Academy and into circulation as quickly as possible (in my opinion), banking on the success of the Prequel Trilogy that was bringing in more people. Some people said the recruits would eventually taper off, others said we had to work to make sure they didn't. When you look at the numbers of recruits, and those who were retained, there's several ways to interpret it. "The Envoys don't do their job!" "The system is broke!" "New people aren't getting promoted fast enough!" You can say anything you want, but as I see it, I think we're looking too high.
What's the benefit of having dozens of people join each week, or however many join, when they don't stay? Sure, some of it may fall on inactive leadership, or people not making enough contact. But really, there also has to be motivation put forward by the recruits. If we provide them with all the info they need to get active, and they don't, whose fault is it?
Personally, I think the Envoys, as is, is dead. I think they're pointless, and there's no reason to have any of them, from KCB on down. What I think, however, is that there is a use, and a purpose, to Clans working with the Shadow Academy, to make sure that new members have all the info they need on the DB site to become familiar with the Clans, to know how to communicate with the Clan, and to make sure that Clan and House Summits are aware of their recruits and doing what they need to help these people enjoy themselves and find a place in the Club.
I've got a huge headache right now, and I totally lost my train of thought. I'll try and complete what I was trying to pass on when I can. Apologies for an abrupt ending.