27-01-2008 15:29:28
The following is a compilation of all questions from Forum SA Trivia as well as the moderator for that week; kept for record purposes. Only the Headmaster is allowed to add to this list.
March 2007 - Anshar
1. How many families are officially listed on the Brotherhood’s Family Census?
2. What is the only family to have a Grandmaster on its “active” list?
3. What family has its members adopt similar names, though these names are rarely shown on the official dossiers of these members?
4. What family traces its lineage back to Kamino?
5. What predominately Arconan family has recently had several of its members take leadership positions in Arcona?
6. What house formerly used a sword as its symbol, but has replaced it?
7. Of the families listed on the Family Census, how many have a member on the Dark Summit?
8. Who are the private soldiers of the Keibatsu family?
9. Who is the only person permitted to edit the Family Census wiki article?
10. How many Dark Council members carry a family name?
11. What is the first known family in Brotherhood history? (free hint: this includes the time we were associated with the Emperor’s Hammer)
12. How many families have wiki pages?
14. Which family is renowned for the common streaks of insanity that each member exhibits (some more than others)?
15. Which family consists of largely inactive members, and is more of a loose association than a family?
June 2007 - Kalak
1. What was the Home world of the Chiss?
2. What was the language of the Chiss?
3. Name one famous Chiss?
4. What year did the Chiss home world freeze.
5. How many Ruling Families were there?
6. What did CEDF stand for?
7. What was the primary fighter of the Chiss navy?
8. What were Visvia?
9. How many known Chiss planets were there?
10. In what conflict was the Parasite bomb created?
June 10th 2007 - Kalak
1. Who is the current consul?
2. How many sons and daughters of Taldryan are there?
3. Who founded the Taldryan times?
4. How many GJW’s have they won?
5. How many clans do Taldryan consider as enemies?
6. Name these said Clans
7. How many Star Destroyers does Taldryan have?
8. Name a former Grand master who came from Taldryan (full)?
9. Who formed the Taldryan Intelligence Service?
10. Name the 3 houses of Taldryan
June 23rd 2007 - Kalak
1. Who are the current leaders of CSP?
2. What are the names of the current houses?
3. What planet is their primary headquarters?
4. How many children of Palpatine are there?
5. Name one of CSP’s traditions?
6. Who is the clan named in honor of?
7. What is the name of the Clan’s VSD?
8. Where did CSP come in the recent RoS?
9. Who were the tyrants of CSP?
10. How many senators are there?
July 1st 2007 - Kalak
1. Who is the current Consul of Clan Plagueis?
2. What are the names of Plagueis's houses?
3. What is the name of the system that Plagueis is based in?
4. What group is the sworn enemy of Plagueis?
5. What is the name of the leader of this group?
6. How many people currently hold the title di Plagia
7. Name a Grand Master from Plagueis?
8. When did the Crimson war begin?
9. Who is the current Head Chef of Café di Plagia?
10. What is the Plagueis Clan power?
July 7th 2007 - Kalak
1. Who is the current Consul of Clan Arcona?
2. In what system is Clan Arcona based?
3. Who wrote the hymn of Arcona?
4. What are the current Houses of Clan Arcona?
5. Who founded Clan Arcona?
6. What is the Arconan Flagship called?
7. Who many people bare the Arconan Clan name?
8. What was the name of Arcona's Krath House during the time when the Brotherhood had strict orders?
9. In what year did Arcona harbour the remnants of CSP?
10. What was Consul Rokir’s first name?
September 1st 2007 - Kalak
1. What’s the name of Nagto Mel’s ship?
2. What’s the name of the Excidium’s Captain?
3. Muz artificial arm was on what side?
4. Who was the dead pilot Muz got the lightsaber from?
5. Which Clan tried to leave the Shroud and was forced to flee back to Antei?
6. Why did Arcona attack CSP?
7. Who compared Antei to a fruit?
8. What did Nagto Mel do to try and keep his honour?
9. What was the name of the Priest who helped the Shadow Hand escape?
10. What is the Baraata Option?
September 8th 2007 - Kalak
1. What was the most common TIE in the galaxy?
2. The TIE Defenders were used in an attempt to take over the Empire by whom?
3. What military unit used the TIE Hunters?
4. What was the difference between Ordinary TIE interceptors, and the Emperors Royal guard TIE Interceptors?
5. What can be known as the forerunner to the TIE fighters and the variants?
6. What special hybrid TIE fighters were used by Zsinj?
7. Who created the TIE Phantom?
8. How many TIE Fighter squadrons did the Empire have on an ISD, around the time of the Battle of Endor?
9. What was the designation of Darth Vader’s fighter?
10. What TIE variant did the Chiss come up with?
September 15th 2007 - Kalak
1. What is the name of the Mobile Shadow academy?
2. Who is its commander?
3 .What class is it?
4. How many Melee training facilities and simulators are there?
5. Who is the current KCB?
6. How many campuses are there?
7. What are the names of the two supporting corvettes?
8. What is the title of the exam graders?
9. What color is the Shadow Academy ship?
10. Why was the Academy made mobile?
September 22nd 2007 - Kalak
1. When did the Jedi civil war begin?
2. When did it end?
3. Where were the 5 star maps located?
4. What was the first major skirmish in the Civil war?
5. Who was the commander of the Lethiathan?
6. In what year was Revan’s flagship infiltrated?
7. What did Darth Malak do as a result of Bastila being on Taris?
8. Who was placed in charge of the Sith Academy?
9. What system was the Star Forge located in?
10. How did the Battle of Rakata Prime conically end?
September 30th 2007 - Kalak
1. Who is the current Consul of Tarentum?
2. Where did Clan Tarentum Place in the GJW 8?
3. What was Clan Tarentum’s flagship before the GJW 8?
4. What system is Clan Tarentum based?
5. What are the two houses of Clan Tarentum?
6. Tarentum’s military is commanded by who?
7. Name one ally of Clan Tarentum.
8. Name one enemy of Clan Tarentum.
9. How many Tarentae are there?
10. What is the Clan Power of Clan Tarentum?
October 8th 2007 - Kalak
1. What year did the Great Hyperspace begin?
2. What were the names of the two explorers that discovered the Sith Empire?
3. Who masterminded the escape of the two?
4. After Ludo Kressh’s supposed death what did Naga Sadow do?
5. Who was the name of Jedi councilor of Empress Teta?
6. How did Jedi master Ooroo kill a large force of Massassi?
7. What was the name of Naga Sadow’s flagship?
8. Which star was the first to receive the brunt of this Starship’s weapon?
9. How was Ludo Kressh killed?
10. How was Empress Teta honored for her impressive contribution to the war?
October 15th 2007 - Kalak
1. Who was the supreme commander of the CIS Droid army?
2. Where was Asajj Ventress from?
3. What planet did General Grievous reveal himself on?
4. How people were on the Separatist council
5. Who initially had command of the droid army?
6. Who became leader of the Separatists after the death of Dooku and
7. Who was the Gen’dai commander of the battle of Muunilist?
8. What turned Ventress to the Dark side.
9. Who commanded the first battle of Cato Nemadonia?
10. Who was the leader of the Geonosians?