03-03-2007 11:03:43
Part I. Character Information
Most of the information in the first part of the character sheet is subjective.
Character Name: Pretty simple here. What you want to call yourself. For the example, my character name will be "Gryffon De'Urtha Cantor".
Player: This is your name, mainly just for being able to keep track of the character sheets in such instance where the GM might hold on to them.
Class: This is the character class you want to play. The base classes are found in Chapter 3 of the Revised Core Rulebook. I'm going to choose Jedi Guardian.
Species: This choice can affect your Ability scores, as well as other things about your character. Species are covered in Chapter 2 of the Revised Core Rulebook. I'm going with Human.
Character Level: This is the total level of your character. For a new character this is 1.
Class Level: You are not limited to a single class in the Star Wars D20 RPG. However for a new character this will also be 1.
Age: Self-Explanatory. I chose 22.
Gender: Self-Explanatory. I chose Male.
Height: The Star Wars Universe uses the metric system. If you are unfamiliar with the metric system, you can type in what you want to know in the google search, and it will return the conversion for you. Eg. "1.87 meters to feet" returns 6.1.
Weight: Same as height.
Eyes: Eye color.
Hair: Hair Color.
Skin: Skin Color.
See the filled out example below.
03-03-2007 11:23:08
Part II Ability Scores
There are multiple ways for ability scores to be generated. You should speak with your Gamemaster to see how you should generate your ability scores. The scores represent your characters physical and mental statistics. I used the standard ability set from the Revised Core Rulebook for the example.
Strength: This is your characters physical strength. How hard they hit, how much they can lift. I chose to place an 8 in my strength. My character is not very physically strong.
Dexterity: Dexterity relates to how agile a person is. It relates to how well one can dodge attacks, and how good a marksman they can be. I chose to put a 15 in my Dexterity. My character is rather agile.
Constitution: This stat reflects how hardy a person is. It reflects how much physical punishment a character can take. I chose a 13 for my Constitution. My character is somewhat hardy.
Intelligence: Intelligence is a measure of how smart a person is. I chose to place a 12 in my. My character is slightly above average.
Wisdom: Wisdom is a measure of how much a person knows. Kind of like common sense. I chose to put a 14 in my Wisdom. My characters is moderately wise.
Charisma: This stat measures a persons presence or force of will. I chose to place a 10 in my Charisma. My character is average.
This covers the stats. In relation to the abilities, are the ability modifiers. This represents how your statistics affect what you do. For a simple formula, us this: For abilities 10 or higher, subtract 10 from the ability, divide by 2 and round down. This will provide you with the ability modifier. For scores below 10, 8+9 give a -1 modifier, 6+7 = -2, 4+5 = -3, 2+3 = -5, and 0+1 = -5. If a character has a score of 0, they are affectively incapacitated. If their Constitution goes to 0 they are dead.
Here are Gryffon's filled in stats:
03-03-2007 11:43:11
Part III Vitality/Wounds/Armor
The next set of information on the character sheet relates to a characters health, defense, and a few other abilities.
Vitality: This is class dependant. Each class is assigned a vitality die. At each level this die is rolled and this number plus the characters constitution modifier is added to the current vitality point total. At first level the die roll is maxed out. A Jedi Guardian uses a d10 for it's vitality die. My character has 11 vitality points at first level.
Wounds: A characters wounds is equal to their constitution. This number never gets bigger. My character has 13 wounds.
Defense: The defense is 10 plus a number of modifiers. The first modifier is the class bonus. This comes from the table on your base class located in Chapter 3 of the Revised Core Rulebook. For Jedi Guardian this is +3. Then your Dexterity modifier. For Gryffon this is +2. Size modifier is also used. This is based on Species. For Humans, this is 0. See Chapter 2 for other species. Gryffon's Defense is 15 at level 1.
Speed: This is based off of species. Humans have a base speed of 10m.
Base Attack Bonus: This is class dependant. See your class table in Chapter 3. Jedi Guardian starts at +1.
Reputation: This is also class dependant. Same as above. Jedi Guardian starts at +1.
Initiave modifier: This is based off your dex modifier, and any possible feats you might have that affect it. My character's initiative modifier is +2.
Force Points: All characters start with 1 Force Point.
Dark Side Points: All characaters start with no Dark side points.
See the example below:
03-03-2007 12:05:54
Part IV Saving Throws And Attacks
Savings Throws reflect your ability to escape some situations. These come from your class table in Chapter 3. Your attack bonuses reflect how well you are in melee and ranged combat.
Fortitude: Based off of Constitution. Fill in your Base Save from your class table, and add your constitution modifier. Gryffon's total is +3.
Reflex: Based off of Dexterity. Same as above, except add your dexterity modifier. Gryffon's total is +4.
Will: Based off of Wisdom. Same as above, except add your wisdom modifier. Gryffon's total is +3.
Melee: This attack bonus is strength based. Add your base attack from Part III with your strength modifier. Gryffon's total is 0.
Ranged: This attack bonus is dexterity based. Add your base attack from Part III with your dexterity modifier. Gryffon's total is +3.
See example:
03-03-2007 12:08:30
Part V Skills
Skills can be rather indepth. Refer to Chapter 4 of the Revised Core Rulebook, for more information.