Tarax Kor
18-02-2005 15:33:34
Can we please somehow enable the run-on to by default have signatures turned off? People always forget to turn theirs off when posting, and it's really annoying to have to go through them when looking over the posts. :ermm:
18-02-2005 15:55:49
Sorry, I don't think this is possible at thread levels. But then, you don't really have to read through the thread - the content will be in my next post anyway.
07-03-2005 15:01:29
Not sure this is the place to put this, but didnt want to put up a new thread.
I am concerned about the participation of this adventure. We only have about half our people activly participating. I am aware that there may be circumstances that prohibt activity at times. I know we already had to replace one player. But come on guys, we were suposed to post regularly. If I recall correctly it was supposed to be posted within 24 hours. Granted that isnt always possible, but So far weve been on this same turn (Turn 5) for roughly 5 days. We should have had anywhere between 3-5 turns by this time.
I know, I am probably just impatient, sorry. But if theres a problem we need to know so we can understand what is going on, not just wait endlessly for you guys to post. OR the GM needs to deside we are not going to wait and assume they did nothing over that turn. Either way is acceptable. Either way, we need to pick up the pace a little bit, so we arnt stuck on this till sometime next year.
So, please, get active, or get out.
07-03-2005 15:21:52
You have to remember it isn't just the character ppl were waiting on. Kaiann is busy with some other important issues right now as well.
Yes i admit i wish people posted faster but RL and timezones influence the rate of response. when i post it could be night time for some ppl and we wait on them to get to it.
Remember as well this is just the beta test of the system, its gonna be slow and there will be problems (like ppl needing to quit) but its our job to help fix it. These things take time at the beginning but we try to work it out. The goal is to be able to post within a 24hr limit, while im sure everyone wishes this possible to begin with it isn't. its something that needs to be developed so be patient. Hopefully when we're more into the event the response rate will be faster.
07-03-2005 16:01:04
I realize this, I understand that not everyone can post within 24 hours. But what I am saying is its been roughly 5 days since it has been posted, and four of us posted within the first 2 days. Its been roughly 3 days since anyones posted period. I am also aware that there are bugs, and problems. I am aware that Kaiann is busy with other things. But I hate just waiting and waiting for this to continue. What I mean is... Right now we have no idea whats going on, why we are held up. I just want to know if there is a problem or issue that holds us up, that we are informed so we understand what is going on. Not just sitting here getting frustrated that there has been no new posts for a few days and wondering what is going on. Because to me, it seems that right now we are waiting on people that havnt posted in the past couple of posts anyways. But if there is a problem, Id just like to know so I can understand what IS going on.
Such as: "Sorry guys, Im a bit tied up with other things atm. Ill try to get the next round started in the next couple days."
OR: "Hey, Im going to be out of town for a couple of days, so if my post is delayed, or I dont post, you know why"
Thats all I mean. That way we ARE informed, and avoid becoming to impatient and frustrated.
Kaine Mandaala
07-03-2005 17:32:05
Kaiann made a news post on the DJB main site that his server crapped itself. Assume that means he'll be down for a while since his time wil be dedicated to getting it back up.
Also - never expect that all the people involved will do anything on time... ever.
If you want people to post in a faster manner, notify them via e-mail or PM that another topic has come up instead of waiting for them to figure it out.
08-03-2005 10:29:42
Oh wow. That explains a lot. I guess I should check the DB main sight a bit more often. Ya, I totaly understand trying to get things running again. Getting hacked is not a good thing.
Also, I dont expect them to do anything... Ever. But if they dont its the GMs responciblitiy to decide, ok we are not waiting any longer. I have given you guys 'x' amount of days. We are moving on.
If I remember correctly Kaiann DID infact email everyone that the new topic was up. Right after he posted it acctualy. He has emailed people that the past couple of topics were up and ready. Yet still nothing.
Anyways, my question has been answered. The GM is otherwise engaged and his focus is other places at the moment. At least now I know that there is a reason we are waiting, and that it is a damn good one.
09-03-2005 16:59:25
Oh wow. That explains a lot. I guess I should check the DB main sight a bit more often. Ya, I totaly understand trying to get things running again. Getting hacked is not a good thing.
Also, I dont expect them to do anything... Ever. But if they dont its the GMs responciblitiy to decide, ok we are not waiting any longer. I have given you guys 'x' amount of days. We are moving on.
If I remember correctly Kaiann DID infact email everyone that the new topic was up. Right after he posted it acctualy. He has emailed people that the past couple of topics were up and ready. Yet still nothing.
Anyways, my question has been answered. The GM is otherwise engaged and his focus is other places at the moment. At least now I know that there is a reason we are waiting, and that it is a damn good one.
Yeah, sorry for the delay, but this server thing had held me up for a while and then I had to clear some other backlog too.
Now it's time to check what you folks have done (I understand it's a bit frustrating if things move slowly in the story and then even slower outside, but also remember that some people just don't have much to do in the story. Around a table, this whole hyperjump thing would last 5 minutes... I mainly put it in for the benefit of everyone getting familiar with the writing style before I throw the first battle at you.)
Oh, please don't use the abbreviation GM for Game Master
PP AM for adventure master is better in a DB context