Malus Maximus
25-06-2005 22:15:35
Hello my peoples. I was wondering... how can you get IRC to work on MAC OSX?
26-06-2005 01:42:27
Have you looked on the mIRC website to see if they have a different program for Mac users?
26-06-2005 12:12:04
Malus Maximus
27-06-2005 12:56:41
27-06-2005 16:06:29
Malus Maximus
30-06-2005 13:04:29
Anyone else know something about this. Or rather, does anyone else know anything about an application called "Fire"? It downloaded okay for me, but I can't get my account connected. It says something about my having the wrong server.
03-07-2005 11:03:57
As a Mac user, I wouldn't recommend using Fire for IRC... it's better suited for Instant Messenger services (and there are better programs for that).
I personally use the Mac port of X-Chat for all my IRC needs, you can grab
it here. Just select Undernet from the server list, type in your preferred nick and hit connect; works like a charm. Let me know if you need any help with it.
09-08-2005 23:03:52
Use X-Chat its easy and avilable on all OS's these days