Tridens QUA Report #03


14-02-2005 03:17:42

Tridens QUA Report #03

House Tridens of Clan Tarentum
Quaestor — Dark Side Adept Pyralis (
Aedile — Obelisk Prelate Zekk (
Rollmaster — Dark Jedi Knight MERLANCE (

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Greetings, Dark Jedi –

This report is going to be shorter than normal this week. However, there’s still plenty of info! Look forward for more during the week, perhaps!

House News
1. A recent AWOL check has been conducted and most of the results and recommendations of that check have been approved by the Clan Summit. Several members who have been gone for at least three months (much longer than the normal 1 month grace time) have been removed to the Rogues.
2. AED Zekk is on leave until Tuesday.
3. The AWOL check has opened up House Tridens to an awesome flow of new members!! We have received no fewer than 4 Dark Fury assignments – we hope this will spell a new influx of energy for us. It is our hope that we will continue to receive assignments like this in the future.
4. Until we have a website for Tarentum/Tridens, I’ve posted some useful files here: At this address you can find various files which you may helpful as a member of House Tridens. So far I’ve uploaded house reports, the Rite of Supremacy helpfile, and the Tridens Concordat. I’ve also uploaded all of the fiction submissions for the Yu Writing Competition which I will be grading soon. You can read them in your spare time if you want.
5. Your QUA was largely absent last week because of two major exams. This week has another big exam, but I think I’ll be around more often!! Catch me on IRC, AIM, or MSN. As always, you can email me at

Welcomes / Transfers
1. Welcome APP Ferrik Drakken, APP Damern, APP Xanath, and APP Nym.
2. Welcome DJK Blazer Mortis who has recently transferred from the Rogues after a long time out of service. Blazer, though recently joining, has already earned 16 CFs and the title of ICTE All-Star for Saturday, February 12. Good work and a stellar start for being out of the loop for so long!
3. Welcome back Primarch Ziguarath, Warmaster Cannabisia Tarentae, and Rax_Joris. These are all very familiar names to Tarentum.

Future Projects
1. Due to the absence of a Clan website, I will be constructing a very crude and temporary website for House Tridens in the near future.
2. Items in the works include an IRC Manual for helping new members get connected to mIRC’s undernet servers, join #Tarentum, and chat with their fellow clan mates. Another project in the works is the Journeyman’s Guide – which will contain the most basic info for all new members to the Brotherhood and what they can do to advance within House Tridens and Clan Tarentum.

Assignments / Competitions / Events
1. Rite of Supremacy. This ends Friday!!! Participate and you get huge brownie points with Pyralis. Go here for details:
2. Tuesday/Thursday Gaming – on IRC in #GMRG (all day February 15 and 17th)
3. Interclub Training Event (ICTE) – on IRC in #outerrim (4:00pm until 11:00pm EST on Saturday, February 19)
4. Sunday Tournament – on IRC in #GMRG (all day February 20)

Dark Brotherhood / Clan Tarentum News
1) DJM Corran Force, One of the Seven and the Master At Arms who helped make the split possible, has resigned due to RL commitments – CoFo got a Ruby Scepter too! Yay.
2) DJM Alanna has received a Ruby Scepter for her service as KHP.
3) JH Jasru Lacka has been appointed to the position of Commander of the Guard to spearhead the changes to the GMRG.
4) KPN Anshar Kahn has been appointed Knight Commander of the Brotherhood and has received the Amethyst Kukri for his contributions to the Shadow Academy.
5) Jac has updated the DB archival roster:

Observed Activity:
DA Pyralis: QUA Report, 1 match Thursday, 10 matches ICTE
OP X-Pilot: 2 matches in ICTE
OP Zekk: AED Report
DJK Blazer Mortis: SA: Test of Lore, JA matches with Smoke 2/11, 17 matches in ICTE
DJK Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir (Yu): Yu Report, 11 matches Sunday, 11 matches Tuesday, SA: Krath Poetry, 5 matches Thursday, JA matches with Mortis 2/11, compiled tournament stats for merlance, Yu Fiction, 5 matches in ICTE (Smoke pwnz j00!!)
DJK Merlance (Yu): Activity Records, deleted his activity report, DIE!, 1 match in ICTE
JH Nit’Chu Tetsuo (Yu): Yu Fiction
GRD Vardar (Yu): 1 match Sunday, 6 matches Tuesday, 3 matches Thursday, Yu Fiction, Krath Rite of Supremacy, 2 matches in ICTE (wooohoo! Nice work)
ACO Rax Joris: 1 match in ICTE
ACO Sephiroth Storm: SA: IRC Basics
ACO Yemmer: 1 match Thursday, 8 matches in ICTE

Tridens Activity Ratio: 11/33 participating (33.33%) (up 11.25%)
Yu Activity Ratio: 4/5 participating (80.0%) (down 3.33%)

As a general reminder, send the Tridens summit everything you do for the Brotherhood! E-mail DJK Merlance (, OP Zekk (, and DA Pyralis (

Good websites:
Tridens Forum:
Tridens Files:
Dark Brotherhood:
mIRC: (remember, use Undernet servers. /join #Tarentum)

In darkness, unity...
Dark Side Adept Pyralis
DA Pyralis (Sith)/M:GM-QUA-EP-ICTE/Tridens of Tarentum [KSOE: CCE] [ACC: SKR]


15-02-2005 07:59:44

Very nice reports. -_-