Tridens QUA Report #02


06-02-2005 03:40:27

Tridens QUA Report #02

House Tridens of Clan Tarentum
Quaestor — Dark Side Adept Pyralis (
Aedile — Obelisk Prelate Zekk (
Rollmaster — Dark Jedi Knight MERLANCE (

Saturday, February 5, 2005

Dark Greetings, House Tridens --

This past week marks a major change to the Tridens Summit – the Tridens Concordat. I’ll paste the intro to it here:

The Concordat is designed to enumerate a set of responsibilities for each member of the summit of House Tridens. It serves mainly as a guide and reminder for each summit member, and it should not be interpreted to mean “if you don’t do this all the time, your job will be at risk.” This is a contract between Quaestor, Aedile, and Rollmaster. They will aspire to uphold these duties to maintain a higher standard of cooperation between the Summit. They will perform these charges to provide a positive, responsible, and energetic leadership to the Tridens membership. They will use the Concordat to maintain an effective and complete picture for the administration of House Tridens. The Concordat is intended to be a dynamic document which will change with the mission and stature of the House and the face of its leadership. The Concordat will be reviewed from time to time to reflect those changes.

The Concordat was signed by the Quaestor, Aedile, and Rollmaster and forwarded to the Clan Summit for adoption and enforcement. If you would like a copy of the Concordat, please email me at

We Recognize
=== DJK Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir ===
Smoke has played a rather pivotal role in House Tridens since his arrival last year in late November. During this time, Smoke has played hundreds of JO/JA/XWA matches, stepped into the light as a Yeoman in Darkness, and has risen to many challenges, notably the position of First Lord of Yu, where he has succeeded above my expectations, and achieved the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and entrance into the Equites. Smoke has done more than many members of his rank, having recruited Tavin Longspear to the Dark Brotherhood, acting as a pillar of long-standing activity in Tridens for two months, earning quite a wide array of medals, including the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Smoke has secured his future as a future leader within the Brotherhood of the Dark Jedi and has even set a foot within the Headmaster’s office as one of Spears’s magistrates. It is with great pride that Tarentum calls Smoke one of its own.

Welcome DJK Radek Iceclaw. Radek Iceclaw (aka ^Verr^) and I served together in early 2003 in House Galthain. Radek’s favorite platform is XvT MP. So if you guys play XvT, you gotta go for a spin in your TIE Interceptor with this guy! Welcome Radek, and I hope you enjoy your stay in Tarentum.

Other News
1) The GMRG has been restructured to act as guardsmen for Dark Council members.
2) The Amethyst Kukris has been introduced as a medal between the Sapphire Blade and the Ruby Scepter. Congrats Spears and Kaine - the first recipients.
3) New extensions added to the Grand Cross of the Dark Side, Steel Cross, Star of Antei, and Dark Cross. Further, the requirements for obtaining certain extensions to the Scroll of Indoctrination have been made. Extensions have been added to the Seal of Loyalty.
4) The third chapter of the Krath Rite of Supremacy has been released.
More detailed information will be released to House Tridens in the near future. In the meantime, check it out on your own!

Very busy week for awards in House Tridens. Congratulations to all who received recognition during the activity record reviews! Most weeks are not this busy for rewarding, but it would be cool if they were!

Steel Cross (SC), Knight Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir: Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir: Yeoman of the Krath, Hunter of Tridens – Since mid-December, you have demonstrated phenomenal gaming superiority as a member of Yu Circle and House Tridens. You have without relent beat everyone else’s activity record when it comes to gaming ever since your amazing performance in the Yu -vs- Tarentum competition in which you played 68 matches in JO/JA/XWA. Since then, you have played over 105 matches in primary DB competitions like Tuesday/Thursday gaming. Beyond mere activity such as this, you have with impressive initiative helped contact new members of House Tridens, create new competitions for use by Yu Circle, and helped Merlance with his duties as First Lord. You have beyond doubt demonstrated that you will prove to play an important role in Yu Circle’s future now as First Lord. Indeed, you have already taken the initiative to help train new members of Tridens like Sephiroth Storm. You are a pillar of not only Yu Circle, but Clan Tarentum itself. Your initiative and ambition will lead you to tremendous success, Hunter Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir. May darkness guide you. -- Dark Side Adept Pyralis

Steel Cross (SC), Knight MERLANCE: Merlance, Equite of the Sith Order, Herald of the Final Way: Since your ascension to knighthood, you have not ceased to impress Clan Tarentum with your high standard of activity. Since early December, you have played over 50 matches in DB sanctioned events like the Tuesday/Thursday gaming events, the ICTE, and Sunday Tournament. Further, you have played 54 matches in the Yu -vs- Tarentum competition. This is impressive effort. In the new year, you have played nearly another 50 matches in the various gaming events. Beyond this, you managed Yu Circle satisfactorily during your first command tenure and made a great choice for a second hand: Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir, to assist you in the circle’s management. You put out a fair number of e-mails to the circle, including encouragement and updates. Now that you are moving on toward the House Summit, I look forward to see how you perform in managing the activity records. I’m sure you will impress me. For your consistent service to House Tridens and tremendous gaming contributions to the Brotherhood, I hereby award you the Steel Cross. Congratulations, DJK MERLANCE. -- Dark Side Adept Pyralis

Steel Cross (SC), Adept Pyralis: House Ektrosis Website

Star of Antei (StA), Hunter Nit`Chu Tetsuo: Nit'Chu has had a very steady active role in the clan. He's constantly participating in the gaming nights, he's on IRC a lot, and he's visited the message boards on more than one occasion. He also had a great amount of activity in the Yu-vs-Tarentum competition. He's a good example for other members to follow.

Star of Antei (StA), Knight Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir: For doing an outstanding job researching information for a future Course. Spears Tarentae Headmaster

Dark Cross (DC), Prelate Zekk: Zekk has been a steadily active member of Tarentum. He put a good amount of activity in for the recent clan competition and continues to play in the gaming nights. He's got a good IRC presence and interacts with the members well. He also is more than willing to participate in various run-ons. He really inspires his apprentice to continue to be active by challenging him to participate with him. Zekk's an all around good guy and I give him my thanks for that.

Dark Cross (DC), Hunter Shimas: As written by PCON Telona: Shimas you have participated in the recent clan competition and in the Yu-vs-Tarentum competition despite your other activities in other areas outside the DB. You show to all members that they too can participate when they have the time.

Scroll of Indoctrination (SI)
Knight Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir: For recruiting Tavin Longspear

Legion of the Scholar (LS)
Overlord Oberst: For 1st place in the Clan Trivia, Week 5
Knight Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir: For creating Clan Trivia, Week 3
Knight Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir: For creating Clan Trivia, Week 5
Knight MERLANCE: For 1st place in the Clan Trivia, Week 3
Hunter Nit`Chu Tetsuo: For 2nd place in the Clan Trivia, Week 3

JH Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir == DJK Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Congratulations to Smoke on receiving the coveted rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Smoke is one of only two members of House Tridens to obtain this rank in the last 5 or 6 months. He is an example of a leader

PRT Vardar == GRD Vardar
Awesome work, Guardian Vardar!! Though you had a long vacation over the holidays, you have returned in full force. You jumped right back into gaming, and today you wrote an awesome story for the Yu competition! You’re the second person to write for it. Great work. I hope you had fun writing! :)

APP Tavin Longspear == NOV Tavin Longspear
For completing his history, we promoted Tavin to Novice! Good work.

NOV Tavin Longspear == ACO Tavin Longspear
Tavin has on two occasions participated in ICTEs. I decided that his performance last week was more than worthy of promotion and so elevated Tavin to Acolyte.

Observed Activity:
DA Pyralis: 5 matches Thursday, Yu Writing Comp, QUA Report, 10 matches ICTE
DJK Ma’ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir: 8 matches Thursday, Yu Report
DJK MERLANCE: Activity Records, 3 matches ICTE
DJK Radek Iceclaw: 1 match ICTE
JH Nit`Chu Tetsuo: 2 matches Thursday
GRD Vardar: Yu Writing Comp, 4 matches ICTE
ACO Tavin Longspear: 3 matches ICTE

Tridens Activity Ratio: 7/32 participating (21.875%) (down 3.93%)
Yu Activity Ratio: 5/6 participating (83.33%) (down 6.67%)

Note, it is always possible that we have omitted some activity. If something you have done has been omitted, please contact DJK Merlance (, OP Zekk (, and DA Pyralis ( Sorry for the inconvenience!

May darkness guide you, dark brethren.
DA Pyralis

In darkness, unity...
Dark Side Adept Pyralis
DA Pyralis (Sith)/M:GM-QUA-EP-ICTE/Tridens of Tarentum [KSOE: CCE] [ACC: SKR]


06-02-2005 15:38:58

Nice report, Im thinking it was longer than the first one.......I hate to have a inflated ego like some, but Ive just to say that Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir charater is too damn good......hard working mofo he is :P

hahahahaha :D


06-02-2005 23:57:23

I also have one of those Amethyst Kukris :P


07-02-2005 01:53:03

Does that make you uber Sexy, girl? :)


07-02-2005 05:31:58

Your report is still too short, Pyralis... I'm beginning to grow concerned! :P

Nice job. ;)


07-02-2005 20:29:09

Dark Jedi Master Mav --

I am very sorry for writing such terse reports. :blink:

I will endeavor to make them at least ten times as long in the future.

My deepest regrets and highest regard...

P.S. Please do not kill me!!!


08-02-2005 11:32:55

You won't be killed...just referred to as "Goat Jr." when you do make your longer posts.