House Tridens Aedile Report
Written by MERLANCE, 07/17/2005
Heeeeeey Tridens! This is your friendly neighborhood Aedile with his bi-weekly report. Its slightly late, but I've been slightly busy, so I hope you don't hold it against me.
Anyhow, I want to give mad propz to X-pilot for the IG; I overlooked him during my report two weeks ago, and I'm remedying that now.
I've not been around on IRC as much this week because, like I said, I was just "busy". Places to go, people to see, things to do, you know how it is. Of course, drop me an email if necessary, especially if it involves the Yu Circle.
Oh, and honorable mention to our QUA, smoke20, for being made a Tarentae
DB news: Stuff to note, by no means complete
Sith ranks have changed
Dark Voice deadline is midnight tonight, I think.
Rebirth is allegedly moving along, though there are indications that its going to be late
Activity: In the future, this section will be trimmed down quite a bit, but just so you can see everyone's medals...
SA stuff
Leadership Studies Passed: Vardar (Sith)
Conflict Mediation Passed: Diablos (Krath)
ACC Initiates Course Passed: Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir (Krath)
Krath Grammar Studies Passed: Tyrus (Krath)
Leadership Studies Passed: Minaith (Sith)
ICQ Studies Passed: Archean (Sith)
IRC Basics Passed: Tyrus (Krath)
Obelisk Core Passed: Xanatos97299 (Sith)
Krath Poetry Passed: Minaith (Sith)
MSN Messenger Passed: Kire (Sith)
Conflict Mediation Passed: Kire (Sith)
Krath Poetry Passed: Tyrus (Krath)
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to PRT Rax Joris (Sith) x5
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to KP Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir (Krath) x3
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to SW MERLANCE (Sith) x3
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to PRT Archean (Sith) x4
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to OP Zekk (Obelisk) x4
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to GRD Rayf Bynne (Sith) x5
Legion of the Scholar (LS) awarded to SWM Cannabisia Tarentae (Sith)
Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to PRT Tyrus (Krath) “clan Lore comps” 1st
Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to JH Shimas (Krath) “clan lore comp” 2nd
Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to OP Zekk (Obelisk) 3rd place IG event
Crescent with Diamond Star (D) awarded to SW MERLANCE (Sith) x2 Ig events
Crescent with Diamond Star (D) awarded to OP X-Pilot (Obelisk) x2 IG events
Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to SWM Cannabisia Tarentae (Sith) IG event
Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to SW MERLANCE (Sith) x4 IG events
Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to SW MERLANCE (Sith) x2 IG events
Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to KP Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir (Krath) x2 IG events
Seal of Allegiance (Al) awarded to OP Zekk (Obelisk) x2 IG
Seal of Allegiance (Al) awarded to OP X-Pilot (Obelisk) x4 IG
Seal of Allegiance (Al) awarded to SWM Cannabisia Tarentae (Sith) x3 IG
Seal of Allegiance (Al) awarded to KP Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir (Krath) x12 IG
Seal of Allegiance (Al) awarded to SW MERLANCE (Sith) x23 IG
Seal of Allegiance (Al) awarded to JH Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo (Sith) x3 IG
Seal of Allegiance (Al) awarded to PRT Tyrus (Krath) x2 IG
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to OP Zekk (Obelisk) x4 IG
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to OP X-Pilot (Obelisk) x8 IG
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to KP Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir (Krath) x16 IG
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to SW MERLANCE (Sith) x7 IG
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to JH Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo (Sith) x2 IG
Steel Cross (SC) awarded to SW MERLANCE (Sith) 2nd MVP
Legion of the Scholar (LS) awarded to SBM Cannabisia Tarentae (Sith)
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to KP Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir (Krath) x20
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to OP X-Pilot (Obelisk) x2
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to OP Zekk (Obelisk) x2
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to GRD Rayf Bynne (Sith) x1
Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to JH Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo (Sith) x1
Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to KP Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir (Krath) ICTE ALL-Star
Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to GRD Diablos (Krath) “Rei-Captial ship comp” 1st
Crescent with Emerald Star (E) awarded to PRT Archean (Sith) “Rei-captial ship comp” 2nd
Crescent with Emerald Star (E) awarded to GRD Diablos (Krath) “Rei-Oath comp” 2nd
Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to PRT Minaith (Sith) “Rei-Oath comp” 1st
Kire promoted to Novice
Rayf Bynne promoted to Jedi Hunter
Horus garm matt promoted to Acolyte
Vharcil Jr’ent promoted to Acolyte
Anikin Starkiller promoted to Novice
Trexx promoted to Novice
Fabulous Force Focus just ended, with Zekk taking first place, Diablos getting second, and Vardar and Tyrus tying for third. Congrats, all, your medals are in the mail!
Tarentum Slugfest (Clan comp)t:
Tridens Old Country Gaming Buffet (House comp)has not had any entries yet, so I am opening it up to X wing vs TIE Fighter. If you play a multiplayer match of it for a gaming night or comp, make sure to notify me of who and the score, if possible.
Warming up the team (Yu Comp):
Trivia with the commander (Rei Comp):
And of course, any other comps from the DB:
So... that's all, folks!