28-05-2007 02:58:25
Greetings, House Gladius, and also for the rest of Clan Tarentum. Some of you I hope remember me as Kodiak Tonaloc, or as Bastion Creed. It's been about 2 years since I have made contact with you all. Some names are familiar to me, from what I see on your forums. I thought I would stop by, and say hello to you all, and hope everything is going okay in your lives.
Sith Bloodfyre
28-05-2007 09:59:40
Hoooo-leeeeee sheeeeeeet. It's Poppa K!
For those of you who may not know of, or remember this guy, Kodiak Tonaloc was a Dark Jedi Badass before I began using that term (about myself, of course). Kodiak was the Quaestor of Gladius when I joined up as little old Apprentice Sith Bloodfyre (known affectionately to my mates as "Sithie").
Kodiak, how the hell are you? What's your email? Or, if you like, drop me one at
bloodfyre@gmail.com sometime. I'd love to hear how life has been treating you, old friend.
29-05-2007 12:19:01
Hoooo-leeeeee sheeeeeeet. It's Poppa K!
For those of you who may not know of, or remember this guy, Kodiak Tonaloc was a Dark Jedi Badass before I began using that term (about myself, of course). Kodiak was the Quaestor of Gladius when I joined up as little old Apprentice Sith Bloodfyre (known affectionately to my mates as "Sithie").
Kodiak, how the hell are you? What's your email? Or, if you like, drop me one at bloodfyre@gmail.com sometime. I'd love to hear how life has been treating you, old friend.
I've been doing okay. I got a job transfer opertunity, and took it. Figured anyone where was better than where I was and, and who I had to work with. It ended up being a good move so far. I'm closer to family now. Been doing the MMO gaming thing with World of Warcraft. Recently I was at Celebration 4, in L.A. And, from that, got the nerve up to come and see if there was anyone that remembered me.
Ah, the old days, where this dark jedi wrote about being a dark jedi and being a bounty hunter at the same time...with Wolverine-like claws. lol I got to admit, it was fun writing about not being a conventional dark jedi, and exploring more of my creation. Glad to see that others have picked up the mantle of being the Badass.
29-05-2007 15:56:01
Man I've been missing ya! You dropped off the face of the Earth after Celebration III. I guess hanging out with this crazy bird is enough to drive anyone away
Dang bring back that Badassness of yours, it was always so much more mature than anything some of these kids can bring to the table and it was a lot more fun to picture.
My email is
telonam@gmail.com if you want to chit chat or get caught up on stuff.
31-05-2007 02:42:36
Man I've been missing ya! You dropped off the face of the Earth after Celebration III. I guess hanging out with this crazy bird is enough to drive anyone away
Dang bring back that Badassness of yours, it was always so much more mature than anything some of these kids can bring to the table and it was a lot more fun to picture.
My email is telonam@gmail.com if you want to chit chat or get caught up on stuff.
I missed you and Hades (think he was going by the name Admiral Joe, I think). The first person that ever calls yu crazy gets the claws. >:)
As for coming back.....it is tempting. I don't even know if I am listed as inactive, retired, or whatnot. lol I'll think it over.
I'll send you a private message over the forums for you as to what my mail address is.
Just glad to see you you two still here.
As for the rest of you......(gets in character) The dark side of the Force is with you all. Use it before it is used against you, Bub.
31-05-2007 05:59:10
I missed you and Hades (think he was going by the name Admiral Joe, I think). The first person that ever calls yu crazy gets the claws. >:)
As for coming back.....it is tempting. I don't even know if I am listed as inactive, retired, or whatnot. lol I'll think it over.
I'll send you a private message over the forums for you as to what my mail address is.
Just glad to see you you two still here.
As for the rest of you......(gets in character) The dark side of the Force is with you all. Use it before it is used against you, Bub.
Ooo...Very Wolverine-ish with the "bub" at the end.
Sith Bloodfyre
31-05-2007 08:27:25
Kodiak was always very Wolverine-ish. Hence the claws and such. Whereas Bastion was always very Sabertooth-ish. Go figure.
05-06-2007 02:04:54
Actually, Wolverine was a big part of what Kodiak Tonaloc was like, but I also incorperated other comic book characters into what made Kodiak the character he was. I based him off of Wolvering, Lobo, Batman, and Ghost Rider.
Bastion Creed was based on Sabertooth, Ras Al Ghul, Dark Side, and Blackout.
And neither one of them was going to get the boy scout of the year awards.