01-02-2005 13:12:52
This is the place where all the daemons should gather and discuss evil plans. >:)
A question: How do you guys (from Daemoni or not) see this circle so far?
Respect my bro`!
You`re doing a good work with our circle. You are our strenght, our soul, our protector and without you will be ....
02-02-2005 06:27:19
Haha, you could have just told me that instead of posting! But I don't know about the soul, the Daemoni members are the real soul, as in any circle. I'm just guiding you guys.
02-02-2005 15:43:40
I'd like to see more circle members playing people outside their circle.
03-02-2005 06:58:34
I tried to convince Ice Wolf to play with other players, but he's just to afraid. So next time you see him in #tarentum, challange him, or at least try to convince him. I just can't understand his behavior.
He certainly has a problem, try to have a talk with him. No?
A deep one!
Somthing serious.
04-02-2005 09:32:01
What the hell are you doing, posting from school?
05-02-2005 14:11:54
Tell Ice Wolf, or anyone else for that matter, the following things:
1. You'll never get any better by playing the same people over and over again.
2. There's nothing to be afraid of in terms of losing. I've played some of the top players in JA that are out there (back when I did the WoWs) and got my ass kicked all over the place.
3. Finally, if you want a moderate challenge, play me in JA if you can.
06-02-2005 04:04:36
BTW. Good work Dox and Frosty on participating in today's ICTE!
06-02-2005 08:27:30
Thanks, it was about time. I was getting rusty...I mean I am!
Too bad nobody is playing for the Tourny!
28-02-2005 17:07:58
You will never get better if you never lose. Always seek out people beyond your skill level so you can improve yourself.
And don't use the word daemon, it makes me think of slave threads in java, and I don't like dealing with daemon threads.
01-03-2005 11:38:13
Hehe, I always seek out better and better oponents. Do you wanna give it a shot?
05-04-2005 14:36:11
Heh..I think this will be fun just as soon as I can be allowed to play games again...
But, for now, Frosty charged me with writing the history of the Daemoni Circle...I'm gonna try to get it done this week, and design a cool Zalmoxis (the dragon we face off with on Yridia).
:lukevader: :lukevader:
08-04-2005 15:19:00
You better get it done...or else!!!
Or else what??
Would you kill Alex?
13-04-2005 14:36:16
I will kill the whole lot of you.
Dox go write me up a report about the various fun DB things you have been doing.
*mutters something about lazy Apprentices
14-04-2005 01:19:14
Spears watch your mouth around here, the Daemoni were preparing to kill you. Luckyly I was there to stop them

14-04-2005 12:52:48
*reaches out with the Force and begins to crush Frosty;s windpipe.
I think I can handle the Daemoni
*smacks Spears, misses, soils himself and runs away.
No ya' don`t!
15-04-2005 08:20:14
*lays the smackdown on his young and foolish Apprentice
15-04-2005 09:41:37
*holds Spears down and whistles*
15-04-2005 09:47:31
*grabs the DAEMONIC SMAKER and smaks Spears until he blacks out*
*then wakes up from his dream only to realize he has soiled himself*
15-04-2005 12:00:41
*Starts demoting the Daemoni to INI's
*Arranges to have the Daemoni quarters, moved to the waste disposal area of the Asteroid.
Hahahahahah! >:)
If you mess with Frosty, you`ll feel the wrath of the Daemons!
*malefic laugh*
[Expletive Deleted F-word]ing replies!
And Spears, I`ll make and send you the report!

And for wath do you need him?
I know you`re there
15-04-2005 13:36:58
I am always there it is simply a matter of where there is.
15-04-2005 14:32:58
*Starts demoting the Daemoni to INI's
*Arranges to have the Daemoni quarters, moved to the waste disposal area of the Asteroid.
haha we will get back to our curent ranks in less than a month

15-04-2005 20:30:20
Well, certain things can be "arranged" so that you don't get your ranks back so easily.
15-04-2005 22:26:33
It only takes me a matter of seconds to press the demote button so the time battle would be in my favor
16-04-2005 03:10:49
Well, we won't back down no matter what. Daemoni TM

. And beside what would be the reason of our demotion?
What do you need demotions for? Can't you handle a bunch of Journeymen?
16-04-2005 21:36:29
It would be pretty funny which is a good enough reason for me
and yes I could handle a bunch of Journeymen especially when their leader is my Apprentice.
17-04-2005 10:38:37
Hehe u got him there
yeah, but usually the apprentice kills his master

17-04-2005 17:18:37
But, the apprentice could also be killed in the fight. So, it would be like "whoops, I guess he wasn't ready."
18-04-2005 00:31:47
Dox, you don't see any of my other former apprentices running around do you?
18-04-2005 03:41:04
And then there's the fact that I am Spears' Master...and don't take too kindly to anyone abusing my Apprentice...
*puts on the gloves*>:)
hahaha, Spears' master!
Spears go to you`re dady

...You know this is just a friendly taunt, right?
19-04-2005 14:32:46
*smacks Spears.
No ya' don`t!
We ummm...don't want to be against Spears...he is after all one of the most powerful ones here....
/me turns Dox in... "muahahaha...follow Spears, or die.." :lukevader:
You don`t want! Don`t be so afraid!
Dark Prince
17-06-2005 06:37:05
Hey everyone!
*joins the the fight and whacks Luke on the head*
LoL, I found a true daemon. Welcome abord homie!
Dark Prince
22-06-2005 04:15:04
Thanks Dox! Anything new ?
22-06-2005 12:05:44
I'm preparing a new run-on just for the Daemoni and the prize would be a special one.
And I am thinking at 5 competitions for Daemoni. They will come soon. So Dark Prince, prepare
Dark Prince
01-07-2005 11:12:41

I just can't wait to get started!
Hey do you use mirc ? :huh:
Dark Prince
04-07-2005 11:43:18
mIRC? Ummm... nope afraid not! But I do have Yahoo! Messenger. will that do?
Hey what kind of competitions? If writing/ fiction/ poems, I'd love it!
Yeah, writing and fiction...and many others. Now give me you`re id.
05-07-2005 11:10:12
Yeah....well, this board needs to be active again...
05-07-2005 14:17:29
Yea, m' bored. Really bored. o.O How come Tridens writes more than us? Or is that just my imagination?
05-07-2005 22:17:24
It was just your imagination...running away with you. It was just your imagina-a-tion. Run-ning. A-way. With you.
I don't think Tridens writes more than Gladius...do they?
06-07-2005 00:36:48
probally we have a active writing team...hahaha....Id really like to see a challenge get issued from one of Gladius to Rei(tridens)
06-07-2005 02:23:56
probally we have a active writing team...hahaha....Id really like to see a challenge get issued from one of Gladius to Rei(tridens)
Ooo, indeed, indeed. That would be interesting. Something to consider?
Tridens has a battle team specific to just writing? Or just a team of people in Tridens who enjoy writing? And we don't? How did this happen? ;p
06-07-2005 06:55:14
Battle team Rei is for our writing
Battle team Yu is for our gaming
06-07-2005 11:50:52
I'm thinking that since we have more Kraths and Tridens has more Siths, that Gladius writes more.
We have specialized BT also:
Daemoni is for gaming mainly but they also write.
Keepers of the Night is for our writing.
And nice to see you on the Forum Ciara, welcome!
06-07-2005 11:58:08
I'm thinking that since we have more Kraths and Tridens has more Siths, that Gladius writes more.
We have specialized BT also:
Daemoni is for gaming mainly but they also write.
Keepers of the Night is for our writing.
And nice to see you on the Forum Ciara, welcome!
Thanks. =)
Keepers are our writers.. hrmn. Maybe I should check them out. Do they have enough people to play a friendly game with Rei? =P
Dark Prince
07-07-2005 12:23:47
Yahoo ID is darkprince4800.
Hey good to see you here Caira!
For playing a "friendly" game with Rei you can contact us Ciara
08-07-2005 17:00:19
For playing a "friendly" game with Rei you can contact us Ciara 
I don't have a battle-team.. sniff.. can I still play? =P
. . .Prince, good to see you, too. Respond to my mails. ;p
I know you don`t have a battle team but I was saying that you could contact me (if you don`t want Daemoni) for some Rei kicking. I would gladly help you
Ylith Pandemonium
13-07-2005 11:23:39
I am a lover not a fighter. O-)
but hey keep up the good work!
you do the gaming and I'll do the writing. B)
have fun you guys
13-07-2005 13:01:26
14-07-2005 02:11:28
True, that's why I started writing myself. Too bad I suck at it.
Lol, you don`t suck at writing......well....you suck
Ylith Pandemonium
19-07-2005 11:51:52
Frosty doesn't suck, he just needs to practice it a lot.
and Ciara, how far do 'our' games get?
sorry just had to ask
At the sex part they stop. I think so... :huh:
Ylith Pandemonium
20-07-2005 13:37:25
Don't know...I guess I'll be suprised I even get that far,
Since Ciara is my Master and all.
20-07-2005 14:09:05
Heh.. that took an interesting turn. To answer the question.. I did say that writing had -no- limits, didn't I?
I suppose.. writers.. can. Have limits, that is. So, we all have to answer that question for ourselves. And isn't that a lovely mystery to explore.
Yeah, sex is full of mysteryes
Ylith Pandemonium
20-07-2005 18:04:35
I prefer a romantic thingy than just plain old bed cranking love shagging,...without the romance their
is no realy base for true passion

Translation for Dox :huh: :
be romantic and get nookie :$
21-07-2005 01:23:24
Mm.. not always. Some us like a little more.. erm.. adventure? Sure, that's a nice, pleasant sounding word. Not that is has to be.. pleasant. Or, ahem. O-)
Writing. Yes. No limits. Fun-Fun. >:)
Dark Prince
21-07-2005 03:00:26
*lol* laughs at all the things going on
I've send my poem Caira! But I don't think tis any good. I suck at blank verse.
21-07-2005 03:52:46
Heh, there are plenty of good peices of sex fiction out there with out any romance

Personally I *cough* dont *cough* read any of it, but when im writing

I dont have any limits, i mean come on, look at my avator <<<< lol
Your avatar is so cool...this guy is never tired :blink:
Ylith Pandemonium
25-07-2005 17:17:44
maybe he has somekind of battery pack...
You should check him
Ylith Pandemonium
27-07-2005 11:04:22
I aint gonna touch him...he's got white stuff all over him :blink:
Then trow him into dirrt
Ylith Pandemonium
27-07-2005 18:08:34
why dont you try it?
Cause I'm the SGT!
01-08-2005 15:13:14

people in command never do the dirty work
Ylith Pandemonium
01-08-2005 15:57:42
that aint a good example for your men
It's true, that's why we have our troopers
02-08-2005 15:02:07
and failing that we can hire people
Ylith Pandemonium
02-08-2005 15:46:34
so why not hire someone to check the white guy?
02-08-2005 20:54:13
Cause im tight as a scotts man
Ylith Pandemonium
03-08-2005 04:56:24
scottish huh? I'm sendin in the welshman!
The sheep could replace his battery pack
03-08-2005 05:58:31

Welshman's Welsh, not scottish
03-08-2005 08:05:08
Hence his name being Welshman and not Scottsman
lol, not Welshman, not Scottsman....is Sheepman
Ylith Pandemonium
04-08-2005 14:21:05
Welshman VS scottman with special co-host SHeepman! yay!.... :ermm:
And with the RHoJ we'll have a good fight
Ylith Pandemonium
05-08-2005 16:30:06
bets anyone?
No one.
What did I missed Ylith?
Ylith Pandemonium
26-08-2005 10:40:03
Daryus is gonna join Daemoni, Maikeru is back from inactivity...
Made Daemoni Banners which all Daemoni will have shortly, got third on ICTE and now have 88 CF's
Posted another 20 pages of fiction which brings me up to 8 Dark Side Scrolls
Got the Romanae family name, Fenn has one of Daemoni's banners now and ehh....
dont know....
Well Daryus is in DAemoni right now.
Congrats for all your hard work
And welcome to our family
Ylith Pandemonium
26-08-2005 15:52:46
hah! you aint finished with me boy! muhahahaha
I will fight so hard in ICTE you'll need a month to count the clusters and awards!
And thanks, I really like the name, bit bummer can't change my forum name...ahh well, it's a
reminder for who I once was
And since we have more places open I'll look some people up and force choke them to Daemoni
27-08-2005 13:56:00
Wookie!!! yes i am a wookie. I am proud to be the wookie of Battle Team Daemoni.
Ylith Pandemonium
27-08-2005 14:32:52
glad to have you
What's your ACC rank?
Ylith Pandemonium
27-08-2005 20:44:49
Fellow Daemons,
I must appologise for my weak bahavior on ICTE. I wasent in shape and
people could notice that very well, I may not even make it to the top 3 this time.
I will however repay this by playing Tuesday gaming like hell. I intend to make it all work out.
Thursday will be my first day of school, and I will be competing, however not all day.
Although I didnt do well I must say I also feel ashamed by the lack of Daemoni gaming
activity during ICTE. Please correct me if I am wrong but I have seen NONE of the Daemoni
present on ICTE.
If we want to keep Daemoni on the top we have to work for it, and to do that we must play
those evening nights! For those who have a legimate reason it's fine. For those who think
a battleteam is just a cool status on you ID line, WRONG.
If you can't game rank up to Seeker at ACC ASAP, so that you can compete at ACCLive! and
support Daemoni this way. I did weak this last ICTE, but at least I competed.
Our Sergeant Dox isn't around all the time, like most of us he has a social life, one which he like
to preserve. As his brother, any questions to Dox can be asked to me in case of Absence by Dox
AND Frosty. If I can't answer them I will e-mail him personally about the matter.
One last thing, Critism always has a good side, Daemoni is one of the best Battleteams around.
For those who did compete in the last week, Congratulations and Thank you for your efforts.
C'mon Fellow Daemons! Don't let Daemoni fall into a botomless pit! Let us fight and make people
afraid of the name Daemoni! Make Daemoni as Powerfull as the GMRG and as Active as a whole Clan
put together! Lets be proud of beeing Daemons and instead of hiding it show it! We need your help
to realise this all! So I ask of you, Please dont let it fall and hold it high!
In Darkness,
GRD Ylith Romanae, Proud Daemon
That's the spirit I like to see. Keep it !
And welcome Farrrellenor ! Be active !
Ylith Pandemonium
30-08-2005 20:56:49
Tuesday went pretty well, there was more activity then during the ICTE
last saturday. Fenn, great work, and Dox, get on ACCLive more often will ya?
I wanna talk about ACC, since not everyone has JA or other multiplayer games
I would like to introduce some more Writing to Daemoni. This month there will be
ACCLive every day. So get startted and go for it, CF's galore!
I will be mailing every member of Daemoni about it to get this every attention the
battleteam has. The Activity of Daemoni has to go up people! only one has
answered my previous call, Thank you Fenn.
Again, I will mail tomorrow and when you recieve it, I expect to get some work done!
In Darkness,
GRD Ylith Romanae
Ylith Pandemonium
09-09-2005 18:33:09
Hey Daemons,
Made one big mistake though, CF's arent given for ACCLive during the ORoS
(Yeah i know...sucks)
But it's a very good practice time to get steamed for the real deal!
So get to it!
JH Ylith
15-09-2005 06:14:16
CF's are given for the ACCLive! September Jamboreee competition. Details
So let's ACClive! If we have the right ranks :ermm:. I think I'm ini
Ylith Pandemonium
27-09-2005 11:32:39
I am a seeker, and I'll do some matches with Frosty sometime to train for the Championship. He always seem to win...maybe he bribes the judges with those Twi'lek babes who are walking around lately....I dont know...
Valheru Ylith Romanae of Team Daemoni
No, I think the judge is always drunk
Ylith Pandemonium
05-10-2005 07:58:35
Daemons! Hear thee, hear thee!
Well ehh, Good news! I am made vice chief of this
joint, so I'll be smokin this to the core yo!
Good news, I have been made vice chief of the BT! Yay!
I have to say to those who did fight for the RoS did an amazing
joB! Congrats for you guys!
The MP gaming nights have startted again...yeah I know...RoS
and everything made your arm go all whoozy. But! there is a but here!
I know I am not officially the Leader of the BT, but heck...as long as Dox
doesn't see this and you keep your mouth shut. it's fine capice
This is gonna be very simple, those who fight on the gaming nights, and win
20 Cf's during one of the 4 gaming nights, will recieve a customised Banner
for Forum use, or if they want a logo for site use.
20 CF's is a cakewalk in the park

so go get em and claim your reward!
This will go into action next week, So just mail me when you get results. And
I wanna see proof people, so forward your medal requests to me to recieve
your logo. (ofcourse I'll first ask you what you want

So it's a deal then? Good, and remember, no talking to Dox about it.
Another thingy,
I am at this very moment participating at the ACC 2nd Championship, which will
end for me in a short notice. Why? because my opponent is writing in such
english that Shakespear would get hiccups from it thats why. Anywho, I won't be
very active for Daemoni during the period I am fighting. Again, I think it wont
be long, but if I manage to survive somehow, you know why I am kicking butt.
Every story has it's ending, I know. So here is a final word to you all, I know
you've probably heard this many times, as I have heard it myself. Yet it can't
harm to say it again. Get into comps people! there are a few Tarentum comps
running and a Daemoni ego to blow up! So get working and win!
Another things is gaming, due the RoS I figure you guys are burping your
brains out when you see the word MP again. But go kick some buttocks and
get your reward as compensation! Go Get 'em!
In Darkness,
Daemoni Valheru Ylith Romanae
19-10-2005 20:21:32
Well...howdy yaol...
just wanted to say i was accepted to Daemoni...i`m a proud new member...hope i live up to your standards and requests....
special tnx to Frosty for lettin me in...and...
...Master Dox Romanae...In darkness i live to serve....
Protector Tyren Zin, Obelisk Trooper, Daemoni
Ylith Pandemonium
20-10-2005 12:45:41
Glad to have you Tyren, as Second in Command
of Daemoni, I welcome you to our circle
There is an AWOL check oging on now, but since
I know you're active and was added to Daemoni after
the AWOL check mail got out, so you're pardonned
Although I will do a Report lateron, (wont be a very large one
or official, since I dont have all the info Dox gets.) I do want to
remind you I have a Daemoni comp running! Check it out!
That'll be all for now, keep going Daemons!
Daemoni Valheru Ylith Romanae
Link to comp:
Well glad to see that the vice is doing his job. I think I'll get a banner or a logo from you

Welcome Tyren! Enjoy your staying and as I say "Be active!".
You will get further news soon
In darkness.....
24-10-2005 17:58:42
Tnx Dox...
i got an idea for a comp in Daemoni...brief you soon..
but first how many of the Daemoni have XvT?
ill need everyone to answer ASAP
Ylith Pandemonium
25-10-2005 00:44:13
Not many I think,
whats the plan?
Valheru Ylith Romanae
25-10-2005 03:18:44
well....this is gonna be a tough comp if its gonna be approved...but if not many have the game i aint gonna put it on...
its starting name is "Pin the tail on the donkey"

where the tail is a proton torp and the donkey is played by one of the players(i wanted to do that part

) ...its played with TIE-Interceptors....the "Donkey" has no weapons and the guy shootin` can shoot only torps...everyone makes 3 runs at the target, all 6 torpedos are fired, pilots are graded by the most kills...this as i said is an extrimely hard mission because its not easy to hit moving target with a torp (especially a Squint) and although some may not do good(maybe they wont hit him at all) it could do the good for reflexes and aiming...
As good old Han Solo used to say: "Flying ain`t like dustin` crops boy!" >:) B)
any suggestions ill take...
oh and yes...since the "Donkey" has no weapons he can convert all energy to his engines which makes him an even harder target... >:) ...i dont wnna hear stuff like "Its impossible!" cuz i did it with a friend...after 15 runs i hit him with 4 torps...and yes nothings impossible to the Daemons :fear:
goooo Ylith
Ylith Pandemonium
25-10-2005 12:32:52
sounds pretty good, but to do it properly we need at least 3 people
who have XvT or XWA, I will send an e-mail to the BT to check
for this, if at least 3 people have either one of the game, or both
I'll make it a comp, if not we cant make it very succesfull.
Thanks for the suggestion though, pretty nice
25-10-2005 18:11:46
tnx...i guess Vandross and that other guy have it...unfotunately my CD is broken and i had to do a full system format(fcin spyware)...trying to find a new one...hope for it soon
nice, especially the but part
Ylith Pandemonium
26-10-2005 12:56:48
I've sent the E-mail, now we wait
Ylith Pandemonium
29-10-2005 08:54:52
"Lady and Gentlemen....I have news from Daemoni...
Dox has retired, although it saddens me to see a great
leader leave, it also brings the honor to me to fill in his
footsteps. From this day forth, I shall be known as
Lord Valheru of the Daemoni Circle
And continue in the vast leadership my brothers have
built this great Circle before me. I thank you all."
29-10-2005 14:49:50
First of Im glad Dox put you in that place. Youve shown that you can be an excelent leader...gotta work on those reports a bit but you can handle `em

Second im glad Dox stepped down...i have enough of him all over me cuz im his apprentice...dont need him as a BTL >:)

nevertheless i hope you will continue the great leadership Frost and Dox have shown...congratulations!!!
30-10-2005 04:46:48
Congratulations Ylith! And great job Dox.
30-10-2005 12:22:51
Dox, Dox, have some rocks >:P;
Ylith, Ylith, go and spilth!
*Guess who alcohol stream has absolutely no oxygen in it*
Damn Tyren. I'll get you for that
31-10-2005 18:16:30
oh pul-lease...
Ylith Pandemonium
31-10-2005 20:40:19
guess who got Daemoni toilet cleaning duty..? hm? whatsthat? oh...right...TYREN!!

31-10-2005 21:49:00
*flyes of in his X-wing*
"Im on ELOA...

02-11-2005 14:48:33
/me shoots a buzz-droid missile at Tyr's X-Wing, and watches as they rip off his S-foils.
02-11-2005 15:44:52
I told Tyren he should have gone with an Interceptor and not some broken-down jalopy!
02-11-2005 17:17:31
excuse me...the T-65 X-wing is the best snubfighter the galaxy has seen...
Shields, Hyperdrive, agility, small profile(hard to shoot at), etc.
nuff said?
X-) dont insult he X-wing
(since Fenn is a lousy aimer i pass unscratched

03-11-2005 01:01:51
Bah, if that missile didn't tear you down to your cockpit, then Zil's really a 47 year old 400 lb. male. (Heh, throw paper at me, will ya?!

Anywho, I'll take a TIE Advanced or TIE Defender over a flimsy squint.
03-11-2005 12:40:47
Well, we KNOW that I am 1) without a penis, 2) certainly not really fecking old, and 3) tight, muscular, and athletic, therefore, *throws more paper at Fenn* TIE's rule and X-wings drool! >:P
03-11-2005 13:03:33
Ill see you say that when my missle is blowin up your central ball...
03-11-2005 14:11:30
/me dumps a bucket of shredded paper on Zil.
Hoo hah! :fear:
03-11-2005 15:11:19
*Dumps 500 reams of paper on Fenn*
w00t! :shuriken:
03-11-2005 17:24:24
*Dumps a truck-load of paper on Zil and Fenn*
I 4m 73h 1337!
03-11-2005 23:19:49
Thanks, after all these editing & priting jobs I need some more paper!
Btw Tyren, where do you get all these frickin' cool smilies.
Yeah! Where do you find that ass?
Ylith Pandemonium
04-11-2005 06:32:51
the one with the missile is awesome
04-11-2005 09:39:09
wouldnt you like to know...
its a forum of my clan in L.A.R.P....its in Croatian so you wouldnt understand a dang thing...i ya want ill postem here...but itll take some time
("the ass" is actualy an Orc ass, the rocket is teh "Nuke" from UT original...pwn >:))
04-11-2005 13:41:02
/me looks left.
/me looks right.
/me licks his finger and touches Zil.
/me runs away.
04-11-2005 19:29:09
Fenn, LOL! You are teh awesome one! >:)
*me gets a really big hammer and chucks it at Fenn*
Oops; did I do that?!
04-11-2005 19:52:35
Yes, I
am the awesome one.

*Fenn's inflated ego gets beaned by the hammer.*
05-11-2005 01:21:05
*Ziltopia blows Fenn's ego back up*
Better? >:P
05-11-2005 01:28:53
*Ziltopia blows Fenn's ego back up*
Better? >:P
*Fenn's mind jumps out of his skull and makes a beeline for the nearest gutter.*
Oh yes, that's much better. >:)
05-11-2005 06:53:06
*Ziltopia's mind is waistdeep in the gutter looking up at Fenn*
Glad I could be of service!
Ylith Pandemonium
05-11-2005 18:52:50
well...ahem...anyway...someone fetch Tyren for me...he is on toilet duty and
we had wookie visitors so....get em fast!
05-11-2005 19:45:41
05-11-2005 20:02:13
Yeah, but have you seen what happens when they masturbate?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
05-11-2005 20:11:07
05-11-2005 23:41:02
You have you dirty, dirty boy! :chewie: :leia: :lightsaber:
06-11-2005 04:10:51
Hehe...when this tree's a rockin... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
06-11-2005 05:13:25
Worm Quartet Wookie Weenie
06-11-2005 05:45:08
Sato Khan
06-11-2005 21:51:10
So this is what goes on in the Daemoni....tsk tsk tsk
07-11-2005 01:30:11
I'm not the one who let the Wookie's in here to begin with *looks at Ylith*; however, I may have had something to do with their "issue" that led to the "mess" in the washroom! >:)
07-11-2005 01:33:43
07-11-2005 01:36:19
I guess my pink cammo has not more allure.
07-11-2005 01:38:58
That's just what I want you to think. You look so much cuter in it when you're not holding a pose.
07-11-2005 02:11:36
Ylith, I told you not to share those with anyone else!!
07-11-2005 06:00:18
"Here ya go! i cleaned them for a change!"
*gives Zil her 3 sizes larger undies then walks away*>:)
07-11-2005 14:07:06
Ylith, you been holding out on me?! Hook me up with the pics, man!
07-11-2005 18:23:20
Tyren, how many times have I told you not to wear my pink cammo undies? You stretch them out!! :@
Fenn, maybe we should make our own photos!
07-11-2005 19:32:29
Name the place and time. >:)
08-11-2005 12:13:33
Oberst's quarters; now! >:)
08-11-2005 12:35:55
Sorry, that chamber has too many wards for me to go near.
08-11-2005 12:48:11
Oh, come on, I thought you could use a good fisting ... eerr ... I meant reaming out! >:)
08-11-2005 12:49:51
Knowing Oberst, he'd probably try both. :S :sick:
08-11-2005 12:54:14
LOL! Don't worry, the only one on the fist, rape, and kill list is Ylith! >:) :w00t:
08-11-2005 12:55:13
Well, that's a relief, I suppose. Sorry, Valheru.
08-11-2005 12:58:22
Well, it depends if you want to live in fear of the inevitable or just get it done and over with early! >:)
08-11-2005 13:00:54
We all live in fear of the inevitable. I thought you would've realized that by now.
09-11-2005 09:06:46
Yes, because "fear leads to the Dark Side."
Ylith Pandemonium
17-11-2005 00:50:42
The creator of this great Circle, Frosty Romanae, my brother, Has been promoted to Templar!!
Congratulate him and show him Daemoni still remembers him!
Brother, congrats and keep up the good work! *raises his beer*
17-11-2005 12:22:59
Congarts Frost!
You earned it!
*raises his beer drinks it all in one gulp and falls unconcious on the floor*
18-11-2005 11:50:32
*gives Frosty some blue popsicles*
Now come to the best hangout spot in the galaxy--Mystics: Where all the c00l kids are >:P!
18-11-2005 12:11:17
*looks at Zil*
we may not be cool...but we pwn you every time >:)
18-11-2005 13:06:16
yay for Frosty good job dude !
*raises his MJ*
Ylith Pandemonium
18-11-2005 17:23:26
*gives Frosty some blue popsicles*
Don't come to the WORST hangout spot in the galaxy--Mystics: Where all the Dumpasses are >:P!
your absolutely right Zil! But dont call my master Ciara a dumpass though!
19-11-2005 13:05:02
*Force crushes Ylith's balls*
Dumpass? Wtf?
Informs Ciara of Ylith's treachery! >:)
21-11-2005 16:34:49
So what's new Daemoni!!!!!!!!??????????
12-12-2005 07:50:59
well i havent been around much i ant tell you that...dont have that much time any more...gotta study and stuff...i ahte the system
Ylith Pandemonium
12-12-2005 12:07:09
its nice and quiet. i really got the time now to spend the battleteam funding on a nice tanning system with sauna and swimming pool.
nah, back to serious
anywho, I am gonna send an enquete (translation: question thingy, you answer them, send it back, I review and make out
a conclusion) and look on how I can Daemoni to rock
I'll do my best for the team but i can't do it alone. Daemons! I need you!
Tyren, 2 coffee please
nah just kiddin
If you want active people you'll have to bomb the schools and burn all the books
13-12-2005 19:46:44
Tyren, 2 coffee please 
:huh: i dont get it :huh:
anyway...whats this question thing you gonna send us...whats it about?
Ylith Pandemonium
14-12-2005 00:51:34
you'll see it today
17-02-2006 03:26:06
it seems that once i temporeraly left the forum the Daemoni tread went down the drain....whats new peeps...i was *kinda* gone for a while...home problems <_< , university stuff <_< , girlfriend <_< ...woops, no, no the girlfriend part is good >:) ...
a lot of changes...Yliths gone :'( ...oh well lifes a biatch

...Dox is leader AGAIN...everything is back to normal i guess...were just vegetating O-)
17-02-2006 13:13:04
YOU're just vegetating
18-02-2006 04:10:14
*Levathan quiely sneaks in and looks on*
20-02-2006 11:34:04
*hears the Daemoni alarm*
*watches the Daemoni gearing up*
Oh boy...
Ylith Pandemonium
22-02-2006 00:47:51
since when do you have that?
22-02-2006 08:08:16
Have what?
22-02-2006 08:21:19
YOU're just vegetating
not true :ermm: im just...erm... X-) oh fuc it ok im vegetating
Have what?
i dont get it...wtf are you two talkin about? :huh: :S :blink: :ermm: :mellow:
Anyway...youll not see me in the comps for some time(not that you have :ermm:

) cuz i dont have net at home no more...probably ill get Bandwidth and start playin JO and JA properly(and the angels sing: HALELUJAH, HALELUJAH!

)...then ill pwn all...mwahahahaha...khm...well anyway see ya soon >:)
and yes i still make better sigs then Ylith...thank you very much >:)
22-02-2006 12:49:07
Oh, sweet! I hope you get that new conn soon...
15-03-2006 04:31:26
I'd like to add something in here 'cos there were no replys sice 1954
OK Daemons i've recently created the Daemoni website >daemoni.darkjedibrotherhood.com<
So visit it at least once in a month
THe rooster is a bit changed than it was before and I'd like to welcome our newest brother Thorin
Fledgling >:)
you should take example for him he is doing a pretty good job here !!!
15-03-2006 06:37:57
Good Job apprentice!
27-03-2006 03:55:27
nice one mate...i see you need help round the graphics stuff...[cockymode]like everyone knows im the best around so id like to help[/cockymode]

i will help you no prob just e-mail me here:
demonion@net.hr and tell me what kind of design, dimensions(in pixels) and all that other bull....k?
hope to hear from you soon
i dont have net at home and i probably wont for a long time so i can forget JO/JA and other comp games...its writing and poetry for me...
Ylith Pandemonium
30-03-2006 17:29:13
hey Daemoni,
hope you havent forgotten about me, which is good
Hope you all are doing ok, and I wanted to let you know
I havent forgotten about you guys.
If you ever need help or anything, feel free to knock
15-09-2006 04:55:02
Daemoni will come back...Very soon! Prepare yourself biatches!
Sato Khan
16-09-2006 00:37:39
Can't wait to see what you've got.
13-10-2006 09:28:46
Ylith Pandemonium
14-10-2006 04:07:18
I tried to come back and save them...didnt work out
Daemoni <3
15-10-2006 08:34:01
Daemoni 4ever!!!
We will return...one way or the other! B)
21-10-2006 09:17:34
Rock on!
Ylith Pandemonium
25-10-2006 10:47:11
The Romanae Legacy will return!
26-10-2006 17:04:14
Damn right! I just need to get to an University, then I'm back in business.
20-01-2007 05:35:11
I was wonderin:
Where are the Daemoni?
Ylith`s in Naga Sadow, Im in Plagueis, Frosty and Dox are still in Gladius, where are the rest?
Most of them went rogues, some got banned