New Short Ektrosis Competition


22-04-2005 09:33:16

Okay here is the deal. You need to write a caption for this image. The funniest one wins an Emerald Star. If I get only one poster, the medal will be according to my discression (Emerald, Topaz or Quartz) According to the level of funnyness (there is no such word but I just made it up, but you know what I mean :P) The competition will last only for a week and one day and will end at the end of April (the 30th of April), so you have only a few days left to post. So make it count. And good luck.


28-05-2005 22:04:25

Well no one replied so guess ill do it, although comp seems to be over......

"Force, by the power of. That Lohan Lindsey the hottness is. Falling, I feel myself, towards the dark side."

KP Octa


31-05-2005 11:13:01



31-05-2005 18:16:49

Luuuuke! The stone, remove from my ass!


09-07-2005 02:23:51

No Luke that aint ur lightsabre thats my penis arrrrrrrrr.


09-07-2005 02:25:20

oh it looks like i am a bit late soz