The Attack


09-12-2009 09:25:31

Due to start this Fri (11th) if I get my arse in gear, so no posting until I put up the opening post please guys!

For those of you who don't know what a run-on is or how it works, then best thing is probably to grab one of the summit or older members on IRC and have them explain it to you!


No double posting

Please disable signatures to make reading the RO easier

Please remember to be realistic in your posts - most people have character sheets, and I suggest you read these before posting; if you don't have one yourself you may want to consider making one to make it easier for others to post your actions.

When you go to write a post, create a post in the thread and just write 'posting' in it; then write your post and edit your initial one with your text...that way we can avoid two people writing at the same time and any confusion to the story line that follows...hopefully that makes sense, if not please ask Sid/Nubis to explain on IRC, as hopefully they know what I mean!!

Check out this part of the Tally website: for further hints and tips!

KE Bubbles


11-12-2009 16:40:45

The buzz of anticipation swept through the Great Hall of Ektrosis, it had been a while since the House had all been called together at short notice, and now that there finally seemed to be a stable leadership in House the Tyros of Ektrosis were ready to do her bidding.

No-one quite knew why Shaz'air had called them all together, but with the Rite of Supremacy just round the corner, and Taldryan having finally lost it's crown as undisputed ruler of the Great Jedi Wars; there was little doubt that, in the greatest Ektrosis tradition, there would be a rousing speech and ice-cream and cookies to follow.

The hubbub of excitement in Ektrosis' Great Hall died to little more than a whisper as Aedile Anubis strode across the stage, which was quickly followed by silence as Shaz'air joined the podium, with little of the pomp and ceremony that many would expect from the Quaestor of such a great House.

“House Ektrosis, thank you for all attending so promptly today. As you know, we have yet another challenge to face,...”

As Shaz'ir began his speech of encouragement, the Journeymen in the crowd leaned closer, hanging onto every word. The Equites and Elders listened politely, interested to hear if anything new would be said. Alanna Taldrya winked at Bubbles across the Hall, and got a tongue poked out at her in return. The sight of an Obelisk and a Sith standing on the dias at the front of the stage, without any Krath presence was unsettling to both, and more than a little unusual in Ektrosis' history. But there was time enough to see what would come of such a pairing.

“And we expect all of you to give the Rite your full attention over the next few months, Ektrosis has nothing to prove to the Brotherhood, but we have everything to prove to ourselves...”

Bubbles stifled a yawn; she had never been good at listening to long speeches. Her attention wandered, and she glanced quickly around the room, feeling an unusual presence. She looked to Alanna, who was doing a very good job of seeming to be lost in Shaz'ir's speech. Glancing at the stage it seemed the House Summit had noticed nothing odd either, so she shrugged to herself, and tried to pay attention to what was being said.

An explosion at the rear of the hall jolted everyone to their feet, followed moments later by the reverberations of one even larger just outside the main doors. All around the room sabers ignited, the noise level rose uncontrollably, and a moment of panic gripped the room, replaced only a fraction of a second later by anger.

A group of Journeymen started to head to one of the exits, quickly stopped in their tracks by Alanna, who muttered a few words to them about fools losing their heads quickly by one means or another.

A third explosion, followed by the sound of part of the structure of the building giving way was enough to convince any doubters that this was not just a drill being carried out by the House Summit, Ektrosis was under attack, and someone had dared to attack them at home.


12-12-2009 13:55:06

Great Hall
Ektrosian Temple
Taruma, Kr'Tal System

Anubis' lightsaber was activated within an instant, as a large buzz of voices filled the entire hall. Nearly every person present was curious as to what was happening, and they were each voicing their opinions. The only ones that remained quiet, were the higher level Equites, the Elders, and the House Summit. The anticipation was murder, all the Dark Jedi preparing themselves for whatever came next. The Lorrdian's gaze shifted to his Obelisk friend; who had his Sapphire Blade and Lightsaber already in hand, and the two nodded.

The Sith cranked the volume on his helmet's external vocoder, to that of megephone levels. He looked to each member of the House, before speaking in a stern, loud tone. "Quiet!!" The assembly of Dark Jedi quickly quieted their voices, turning to look at their Aedile that had called for their attention. Another large explosion was heard, this time rocking the Great Hall and causing several small pieces of rock and stone to fall from the ceiling.

Within moments of the fourth explosion, several Equites and Elders had assembled around the House Summit. Both Alanna and Bubbles slowly joined them, each curious. Shaz'air observed them all, before clearing his throat. "Whatever this is, we must ensure it does not threaten the house. Prepare everyone for battle, and I'll assign you all to a group. We'll send Phoenix to investigate the matter, while we all remain here and prepare. This is by far the best place to be during an attack on the temple; and we need to figure out exactly who these people are, what they're after, and how the hell these kriffers managed to sneak past the Tee-Ess-Eff. Lady Bubbles, please try and inform Consul Biask and Proconsul Marshall."

The small circle of Force Sensitives all nodded, splitting up. Alanna with the two summit members, arms crossed. They all simply stared at each other, while the larger group of Dark Jedi began to whisper to themselves once more, increasing the noise level. Everybody was still on edge, their senses tingling. Shaz'air called James StarGazer over to the group, whom Annedu met half way. Ensuring that he didn't shank the Jedi Hunter, the Inquisitor leaned in close.

"Take Phoenix and investigate. When you leave the Great Hall, do so very quietly. Report back regularly, and especially if you find something Am I understood, Tetrarch?" James nodded, calling out to every present member of Phoenix to meet him at the door to the rest of the temple; armed or not. Another large explosion rocked the Great Hall, as each person could fell another part of the temple giving way from the blast.


14-12-2009 15:15:13

Phoenix’s grass green Tetrarch called out to his Battle Team which consisted of quite a few seasoned veterans. Among the members, mostly women, there stood a tall figure. Though his senses were heightened by the recent explosions, he seemed quite calm. A suspicious man would have thought more of it, but James knew better not to suspect the Champion of Ektrosis of foul play. Instead, the Tetrarch knew that this man’s experience could be a great asset, if properly guided.

“Corvinus, are you with us?” James called.

The tall Krath shot some quick glances at Bubbles, Alanna and Asani. Of course he was with them, he would follow them in to the jaws of death itself. As Phoenix, they had shared life and death together. Bled and spilt blood as a team, a single impenetrable unit. But the new Tetrarch still had to prove himself, in Sena’s eyes.

“Yes, of course…” Lokasena mused. His fingers sliding over the hilt of his saber on his belt and the handle of his trusted Mormegill that was strapped to his left hip. Ready for whatever they may face, his unshakeable resolve to keep Ektrosis safe.

James Stargazer walked off, behind him followed Alanna and Bubbles. Behind them came Lokasena with Asani , Zasati and Quintan in his wake. Amelia, Nodashi and Sara joined them, still a bit hesitantly. But wether they were new members or not, they belonged to Phoenix as well. Or perhaps more fitting, there were the fresh blood that Phoenix lacked for a long time. If Lokasena had been a betting man, he would have waged that with this new compliment of members, new glory days awaited the Battle Team. His Battle Team…

Asani Vosa

17-12-2009 05:51:03

Heart beating fast, blood pumping through her veins, ears still ringing from the explosions. Asani Vosa had only begun to understand what was going on, when she was already following the others outside. She had her armoury saber with her, but in her mind she wasn’t really dressed for combat. She hated official robes, but had to wear them for the speech.

While she was running, she dropped her cloak and top robes, revealing a tight fitting black top with red trim. This was much better, free to move and fight if necessary. Suddenly another explosion shook the ground. She almost lost her footing, when she felt a strong hand grab her arm and steady her.

“Keep your feet, miss Vosa…” Quintan said, while running beside her.

“I will, thank you…” Asani blushed, what a foolish thing to do. Trip over ones own feet. That was the sort of action that could get a girl killed, or worse, expelled from an Elite Battle Team. She knew she had not shown her best performance lately. But that would change, she was resolved to stand with her team mates.


20-12-2009 16:21:42

Bubbs grinned to herself as she noted Asani's slip, the young Jedi Hunter showed much promise, but had yet to realise that Phoenix would be her family, and would support and stand by her even if she did dare to show the occaional imperfection. But there was time enough to learn, and so long as they all made it through the current crisis in one piece, she would learn soon enough.

A chunk of masonry landing near her feet shook her back to the task at hand, and she could have sworn a smile almost crossed Sena's face as he noted her close call. She had known him long enough to know that the arrogant exterior hid a much more complex individual beneath, but she still did not know him as well as she would have liked.

James held up a hand as he neared the end of the corridor, signalling for them to get into position incase there was trouble around the corner. Bubbs flicked her sabre into her hand, and took up a position as rear-guard, eager to be able to observe how James handled the first challenge of his command.

James indicated Asani and Rian forward, and the two edged forwards, expecting a barrage of blaster fire as they rounded the corner; instead they were met with an uneasy silence, with no sign of an enemy.


30-12-2009 05:03:15

“What is this devilry, now?” Lokasena said as he came outside and saw no sign of danger? He walked around to the back of the building and looked at the wall that, from inside seemed at least, to be attacked. There certainly was great damage, but whatever did it was nowhere to be found.

“Was it an air raid? Bomber hit and run?” Asani asked.

That made no sense to Sena. If you’re going to bomb something, you make sure you have the capacity to deal the damage that is necessary. You don’t leave the job unfinished.
“That seems unlikely…” he said, looking at Bubbles with a dark frown.

“Natural phenomenon? Earthquake?” Bubbles shrugged. She knew that was even more unlikely. The planetary control systems would have to have had a serious malfunction and that would have leveled the whole building.

Alanna stepped forward. She looked concerned while bringing her immense power to bare to locate the threat through means of the Force. Closing her eyes and tilting her head, she slowly lifted up her arm and pointed to the woods around the compound.

Within seconds, Sena ran toward the tree line, drawing Mormegill from it sheath. The others wanted to follow him.

“Stop, that’s an order!” James called out. “Don’t you think we need more information than that?” he said, scanning the faces of his team for support.

“But Lannie pointed out the target.” Asani said quickly. “And Sena may already be in trouble. We need to_”

“You need to heed my orders, miss Vosa!” James snapped. “Once we know wha_”

Now it was James who was interrupted by a voice from the woods. It was Lokasena…

“Hey, are you guys coming or not? You really need to see this!”

After that, the whole of Phoenix, even its Tetrarch could no longer contain their curiosity. They all entered the woods and what they found there, they would not soon forget.


31-12-2009 13:30:02

It was incomprehensible, on the near clearing they saw a complete battalion of Battledroids, the 2 SD-10 Series Infantry Droids which stood in the first line went into firing position again; ready to launch further rockets. Ektrosis was attacked by Taldryans own armed forces. Rian addressed the Tetrarch. "We must stop them."


01-01-2010 07:15:14

*** competition for this RO has now finished, will get the results and awards out asap, but please do continue to post - would be a shame to not see where this takes us!! ***


07-03-2010 17:45:20

All eyes were focused on the young Tetrach. James StarGazer looked confused back and forth between them, everything somersaulted in his head. His Battleteam expected his instructions, but he did not know what to say, or what orders he should give them. James was something like a friend to Rian and he was sad to see the young man looking clueless and without every emotion back and forth between them without an idea. But this was about more, much more. The life of all here in Ektrosis was in danger and Phoenix needed a strong
Leader in this situation, a leader who knew what to do in a situation such as this.

"Sara, you run back and inform the Quaestor and the others, we need out of every lightsaber. The rest will stop the droids as long as possible."

Sarah Blackbird hesitated, but then she saw the intense gaze with which highlighted Rian Aslar her and immediately she knew that this was not a request but a command and ran back to the Great Hall. Without hesitating, Rian continued with his orders as new leader of the Battleteam:

"The rest of us will pair up in teams of 2. Those of us, who are unarmed, will have to arm themselves on the battlefield."

Slowly James broke out of his lethargy as he realized that the fate of Phoenix no longer was a subject to his responsibility. Within seconds, they all remaining members had paired up and prepared for battle. Krath Priest Lokasena "Sena" Corvinus stood close to Rian Aslar at the edge of the clearing and spoke so softly to him, that there heard his voice more on his mind than in his ears

"That was very courageous from you, Rian. You were doing the right thing relieving James from his command, and by the way would you have hesitated another second I would have been the one who had ousted the Tetrach."

When the Battleteam a few seconds later stormed into the clearing, it was immediately attacked by the Battledroids. Alanna, Bubbles and Lokasena initially protected the other members of the Battleteam by reflecting the blaster shots back to the droids. But soon they were scattered on the battlefield and surrounded on all sides from Battledroids. Although the battle lasted only a short time its violence was shown throughout the remains of droids lying everywhere. But their numbers did not seem to decrease. Just as Lokasena Corvinus swung his blade guided through the Force, in a perfect dance of light to protect Rian from a deadly wave of blaster shots he was packed from behind by one of the SD-10 infantry soldiers, lifted into the air and thrown down with brute strength. Stunned, the Young Wroonian remained on the ground. Immediately Lokasena was over his comrade and prevented that the Droid trampling down Rian with his foot by cutting of its leg with his lightsaber whereupon the droid felt paddling with its arms to the ground. Immediately James and Zasati who stood nearby rushed after them to aid. Soon all other members of the Battleteam merged with them while the 3 most experienced members of the team battle setting up a protective wall around the Journeymen who helped the injured Rian back on his feet, deflecting all incoming Blasterbolts with their lightsabers. Quickly they were surrounded by all sides with Battledroids. The droid stopped the fire after a sign from their commander. The droid had a small holoprojector strapped to his mechanical arm. A figure wrapped in a dark cloak appeared in the projection area. His instructions to the droids were short and precise:

"Kill them!"

Unfortunately it was impossible for the dark Jedi to recognize who the dark cloaked person was, since he stood with his back to them. The transmission ended and from the other end of the Great clearing there could be heard the ignition of 2 Repulsorengines. In the meantime Rian got back on his own feet with renewed courage to fight and looked angry after the droids, he averts his gaze from the droids after the sound of the engines for a short while. He just could see how a theta-class shuttle disappeared in the clouds. A faint click forced Rian to return his view back to the droids who had raised their blasters again aiming at the small group. Ready to fight the members of the Battleteam raised their weapons as Zasati Tyresh raised her hand and pointed in the direction of the temple.

"Look over there."

Everyone looked into the direction rejected by Zasasti. From the temple 2 LAAT/i gunboats approached with high speed and went over the clearing into a low-level flight.

On board one of the gunboats Shaz'air Rathden stood in the open hatch and shouted to the pilot over the noise of the engines:

"Pilot, when we have reached the Battleteam we have to form a protective wall around the surviving!"