Quintan Tylax
15-12-2008 12:38:13
Just wanted to introduce myself. I know this time of year, with finals and the holidays that there is little activity. So I thought to introduce myself and see if anyone wants to do anything.
I am JH Quintan Tylax.
I am new but I am a returning member. I first joined the brotherhood back in 99 and was active for at time. I found my way to Taldrayan and then to House Ektrosis by default, being Krath. I was in the Army then, and when it came time to change duty stations, my attendence dropped till I was made Rogue. Eventually i was dropped from the roles due to my new unit being extremely time consuming.
I then returned to the Brotherhood back in 2003. I joined just before the GJW that year and was active in it. I had been assigned to the Battle Team Phoenix then. But once again it was short lived as I was going through RL issues.
So after my long exile of 5 years, I have returned to my brother's and sisters of Taldrayan and Ektrosis. I've spent the past two weeks relearning everything I need to know and getting familiar with the new activies within the Brotherhood.
Star Wars related, I am into Second Life right now. i've been apart of the community for 2 years now. If you want to give it a try or are interested n the program, shoot me an email or PM via these mb, I would be glad to help

, they have a strong strong Star Wars fanbase there.
Things I'm getting into:
I'm working on my degrees in the SA.
I will need help sparring with house or clan members in the ACC (I'm going to wait until the new character sheets are accepted)
Any and all Clan and House comps will most likely have a submission by me.
I'm looking for ideas for a competition to start after the 1st.
I'm eager to meet everyone

15-12-2008 19:22:27
SBM ShadowHawk - Dark Brotherhood since 1999, Taldryan since.. almost that long. Welcome back to the Darkness!
I'm Dinaari, not Ekky, but we're all Tal.
I'm reasonably active in ACC, too.
Quintan Tylax
16-12-2008 12:35:19
I am giong to wait till Thursday to see if the new CS are accepted in the ACC, if not I will try to make an old CS again (failed due to lack of a requirement on there). Once either is approved I'll look you up Shadowhawk
