Ektrosis Cup-aed Goodness


21-10-2008 13:45:25

Alright, so this is where the fun comes in. Open up any of your photo editor programs, whether it be paint, Photoshop or what ever, it dosn't matter, just Graffiti my face and make it look good. Can be funny or serious.

Image of your sexy AED: Silly silly Sid


22-10-2008 14:34:42

It's a Sid! :D

/me waves

Hel-Pa Sklib

22-10-2008 16:14:59

"My name is Sidarace and I like to suck wieners"


23-10-2008 01:53:29

/me waves back!
And Sklib, I learn from the best ;]


23-10-2008 07:55:35

wow, what a puppy face...

I want one of those... >:)

Hel-Pa Sklib

23-10-2008 09:26:10

"Watch here as we observe the Sidaraceus Rathenisus. This astounding creature is neither male NOR female, but his massive wiener sucking leads us to believe it is indeed female.


23-10-2008 18:46:11

Lannie LIVES!!!! (me hugs Lannie) Sid wow, cool :P


23-10-2008 19:05:13

Sklib, we all know you have a deep place in your heart full of man love for me ;]


26-10-2008 15:59:35

Sklib, we all know you have a deep place in your heart full of man love for me ;]

Okay, what am I spraying here, this ? the blue thing that's under Sid's sugnature ? I want to make sure I get it right this time


26-10-2008 16:28:21

No no no. =P
The very top post, the last line, there is a hyperlink there labled "Silly Silly Sid" Click on it. It'll open up a picture of me.


26-10-2008 16:34:59

No no no. =P
The very top post, the last line, there is a hyperlink there labled "Silly Silly Sid" Click on it. It'll open up a picture of me.

lol :lol: /me is going to have some fun with this, XD.