Gobhainn Sgath
24-02-2008 21:29:37
"Ok, whoever hit hit me with the shrinkray can now revese it so I can stomp this skinbag." Little D. V.
25-02-2008 05:06:24
*mechanical breathing*
"Judge me by my size, would you?"
25-02-2008 17:51:23
Yoda: My size are you now, hmmm?
Vader: Don't make me destroy you... *whiney child voice* Get off my blanky, I'll tell the Emperor on you!
25-02-2008 19:21:31
Yoda: Don't worry young pupil size doesn't matter.
Lil Vader: You say so cause your ... has always been small. "cries like a baby"
28-02-2008 22:29:11
Lil' Vada: "Now I will destroy you all! .... After I get Yoda here to change my diaper..."
10-03-2008 01:22:39
"So Big Ears old chap, whaddya think of my new hands? Latest edition REAL2.0 hands, fully automated with fingers and come free with synthetic humanoid feet," growled Vader baby.
"Small hands have you, my oh," said Yoda.
"All the better to touch you up with... Yow-Dar..." mentioned Vader baby in reply. "...your ears of course," he added, a smile upon his robotic face(however it happened, one can never know...)