Vodo called up his HUD display of the contestants as they prepared for to enter his gaming arena. The Arena, previously used as a hall for the induction of new members to Ektrosis, was now outfitted for some small scale competitions. Vodo looked nervously at the four people standing before him.
"To kick off my reign as your new Sergeant, I've decided a series of small scale skill tests are in order. I will evaluate your physical ability, mental capactities, and judge your character. Before you, you will find four images."
The contestants were to write one comment next to each Image. The best answer, as judged by Vodo, would win. A Fairly standard practice within the Brotherhood it seemed for evaluating someone's inner workings. Vodo just thought it was fun.
"You may begin".
image 1:
image 2:
image 3:
image 4:
ooc: the competition ends on the 23rd of April. All submissions must be in by 12:00am EST.
18-04-2007 21:02:12
Are right here we go:
#1 "I feel a disturbance in the force." (No really this picture just sliightly disturbs me)
#2 TK-421 at the premiere of Mulan 3 he was one of the extras as an imperial soldier.
#3 "Soon you will learn to appreciate me...especially with this neat suit I just got. and the cool black and white effects."
#4 "Who's scruffy lookin?"
21-04-2007 09:15:24
1, Han Solo felt as if his heart was being ripped from his chest as he realised Luke would never be his...
2, The Stormtrooper couldn't understand why no-one was impressed with is new disguise
3, "Why's it always me that has to unblock the drains? And why do they smell so bad?"
4, Luke rolled his eyes as he waited for Han Solo to finish his strop
1st place: Swaresu-Dyas with, "Who's Scruffy Lookin?"
2nd Place: Bubbles with, "Han Solo felt as if his heart was being ripped from his chest as he realised Luke would never be his..."
Great Job Guys, I'll have medal reccs done soon