06-09-2005 06:55:18
to you, my friends. What have I missed?
06-09-2005 07:05:14
Who forgot to lock the door?
Well, the RoS is going on right now...as far as I know, you don't play any games, so...do the fiction. I'd post the link, but I have to go to school.
06-09-2005 12:57:49
:w00t: well, welcome back
07-09-2005 00:40:54
good to see you back taigikori, we could use all the help we can get!
09-09-2005 13:07:09
I have some good news Kraval. I finally got that new PC. In fact, I got two. One of them including a $2000 Toshiba laptop. Which means online gaming for me!
09-09-2005 18:08:15
I have some good news Kraval. I finally got that new PC. In fact, I got two. One of them including a $2000 Toshiba laptop. Which means online gaming for me!
Sweet dude!