I've decided to take a different approach to how I handle new members and the early promotions in their careers. To often after completing the easy steps of the old Trials, a new member will go inactive because they haven't yet learned to master the basic tools for survival in the DB. Because of this I have re-written this new guideline to include all ranks up to and including Jedi Hunter. Dark Jedi Knight will remain a part of the Dark Jedi Trials, a test that will recquire you to use all your skills and knowledge to pass.
This basic promotion outline will prepare the new members to go on knowing how the DB operates. They will have the basic idea of what they need to do to gain future ranks. By babying them and taking their hand through each step it actually helps ruin their chance of surviving on their own.
With all that said the updated guidelines can be found here:
~ Shadow Taldrya
Promotion Guideline
Greetings, Apprentice. Because the Brotherhood is such a large, overpowering club to join your initial ranks will be outlined by this guide. You must complete the listed objectives as they are stated to move on in rank. Please note that the secondary objectives do not have to be completed but our beneficial in their own way. I wish you luck with your first endeavor as a member of House Dinaari and of the Dark Brotherhood.
Rank of Novice
Time Requirement: None
Objective: Create your Dark Jedi History. Login to the Dark Brotherhood site using your PIN and password, and check out the admin functions you have. One of them should be "Edit Your History" Click this link and you will be brought to a page of questions with places for you to write answers. Create the basic history of your character and submit it for approval. Once approved you will receive email notification. After being notified email Ben and Fire-Knight to let them know you accomplished the objective. We'll check it out and elevate you in rank.
Important URLs:
Important Addresses:
Objective: Sometime within your first week of joining Dinaari, Quaestor Benevolent will send you a welcome email. In this email will be instructions on how to obtain, install and connect to the chat program mIRC. IRC is where we get to interact with one another in real time and it holds many events and competitions. IRC is a must for being in the Brotherhood.
Important URLs:
Objective: Create a user account for the Dark Brotherhood message boards. Read and accept the "Rules and Terms" form, don't forget to check the "I have read" box. The next page will be the actual sign up. Fill out all pertinent information and include your PIN where it asks. Once completed submit the application. You will then receive an email to your specified address asking you to confirm. Simply click on the link in the email and you will be signed up and ready to post. To prove you've completed the above create a greeting topic on the Taldryan forum. Just introduce yourself to the Clan.
Important URLs:
Secondary Objective: Complete Shadow Academy Courses. Find the Shadow Academy site and click on the menu link "General Studies" This will list multiple courses and tests for you to complete, each adds a bit of information about the Brotherhood and it's many aspects.
Important URLs:
Rank of Acolyte
Time Requirement: One week at Novice rank
Objective: Competition submission. The Brotherhood is based on running competitions for members to compete in. To truly be a part of the DB you have to participate in and submit an entry to a competition. Any competition be it House, Clan or Brotherhood-wide. There's always a steady stream of small, simple competitions you can compete in. Upon reaching the rank of Novice, Quaestor Benevolent will send you an email outlining said competitions. Remember to CC your Quaestor and Aedile on all competition submissions that aren't run by them.
Important Addresses:
Secondary Objective: Create an ACC Character Sheet. The ACC is a fiction role-playing arena for people to have fictional Star Wars fights. Each opponent gets a certain amount of posts and then a death post. In the death post you draw a conclusion to the battle. Login to the Dark Brotherhood site using your PIN and password, and check out the admin functions you have. One of them should be "Subscribe to the ACC" Click this link and you will be brought to a page where you can create your character sheet. Fill out the little background information and make sure your measurements are in metric then choose your attributes and skills. Submit and wait for email confirmation that it was approved. Once approved email Ben and Fire-Knight.
Important URLs:
Important Addresses:
Rank of Protector
Time Requirement: Two weeks at Acolyte rank
Objective: Complete your qualifying match in the Antei Combat Center (ACC) and send Ben and Fire-Knight the link to the battle. Visit the ACC site and login with your DB PIN and password. Once logged in click on the "Challenge" link on the right menu. You'll be brought to a page with two lists. One is for the members you can challenge the other is for the Halls. This being your qualifying match you must select the Proving Grounds Hall and select a Trainer.
Important URLs:
Important Addresses:
Objective: Get yourself some recognition by earning a medal. There are many medals that normal members like you can earn through various means of activity. Checking out the descriptions and the reason why each medal is rewarded might give you some extra knowledge. My advice would be to participate in as many competitions you can. Multiplayer nights are the easiest places to earn the Cluster of Fire medal. Mini-House and Clan competitions (ie: trivia) are a good place to earn low-level crescents. And large DB-wide events such as Rite's of Supremacy and Great Jedi Wars are excellent ways to get some of the higher end medals. If you feel you've done all that is needed to be rewarded a medal email Ben and Fire-Knight.
Important URLs:
Important Addresses:
Objective: Show off your battle prowess by competing in the weekly multiplayer nights and earn five (5) Clusters of Fire. This requires you to either win five matches, or lose fifteen, or any combination of the two. For those of you that play the MP games this is what the DB is all about. For all information on the weekly multiplayer nights see the link below.
Important URLs:
Alternate Objective: Not everyone that now joins Dinaari does so to compete in multiplayer and it is no longer restricted by the Orders in the house. Therefore this is an alternate to the previous objective for those of you who lack any of the Brotherhood's sanctioned multiplayer gamers.
Show off your battle prowess by competing in the Antei Combat Center as a full-fledged member in the Combat Center. Login to the ACC site with your DB PIN and password and select the "Challenge" link on the right menu. Select your opponent (be sure to read his/her character sheet to get background info on who you're fighting) and then select the Hall as "Combat Center". Once the match reaches completion email Ben and Fire-Knight with a link to the battle.
Important URLs:
Important Addresses:
Rank of Guardian
Time Requirement: Three weeks at Protector rank
Objective: You must be worthy of the rank of Guardian by proving your skills and loyalty to the Clan. Your only objective for Guardian is to become a member of Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn's honor guard - the Cohors Praetoria Taldryae. It is a great privilege to join the ranks of the Cohors Praetoria and it is quite difficult to get in. You must prove your worthy with constant activity. Overshadow your clan mates so that the Consul recognizes you. See more information in the URL below.
Important URLs:
Objective: Further extend your knowledge of combat by competing in the weekly multiplayer nights and earn twenty-five (25) Clusters of Fire. This requires you to either win twenty-five matches, or lose seventy-five, or any combination of the two. For those of you that play the MP games this is what the DB is all about. For all information on the weekly multiplayer nights see the link below.
Important URLs:
Alternate Objective: Not everyone that now joins Dinaari does so to compete in multiplayer and it is no longer restricted by the Orders in the house. Therefore this is an alternate to the previous objective for those of you who lack any of the Brotherhood's sanctioned multiplayer gamers.
Further extend your knowledge of combat by competing in the Antei Combat Center and earning the rank of Combatant, which is equivalent to five (5) victories in the Combat Hall of the ACC.
Important URLs:
Important Addresses:
Rank of Jedi Hunter
Time Requirement: Three weeks at Guardian rank
Objective: Obtain the right to use Level Four Clan powers as outlined in the Clan and Order Powers System. To do this you must earn at least four merit awards of at least two different types, as well as possess either two LSS's and one DSS -or- two LSS's and 25 Clusters of Fire.
Important URLs:
Objective: Place in a major Brotherhood event of any kind. Examples of such events are: Rites of Supremacy, Great Jedi Wars, ICTE, Sunday Tournaments, Weekly MP Nights, Krath Monthly Topics, etc. So, basically any events run by an Order Leader or other DC member. You must get at least third place for it to count.