22-09-2008 13:25:57
Greetings Progeny of the 10000 Suns,
This forum topic is to be used to nominate members for election to the CSP Senate.
Each House will have one Journeyman Representative and one Equite/Elder Representative.
The criteria is as follows:
Must be a member of the House to which nominated.
Must not hold a Summit position (QUA/AED/RM)
The nomination process will be open for one week. Nominations end 11:59 Eastern Time, Friday, September 26th, 2008
You must nominate one person for each position.
Post two names.
22-09-2008 13:46:16
I nominate Kosk and Reiden.
22-09-2008 14:33:58
Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana
22-09-2008 16:59:46
I agree wpould would make a great senator
Thran Occasus
23-09-2008 14:26:22
I second Dante's Nominations. Koskian and Reiden