REPORT #3. May 20th (1 day early)
I am not going to do an activity report this week, It's way to much work.
Anyway, It has been brought to my attention that many people do not have the CSP promotion Guidelines. These guidelines are important for all members under DJK to have in order to know how to gain the next rank. They are also important for members above DJK to guide their students properly.
Here are the guidelines:
The Path of the Initiate
The following will detail the steps needed to be accomplished by the Initiate, or the Student wishing to gain in knowledge. The steps are broken down and explain in detail what needs to be done. When applicable, the reasoning behind the task is given. Behold, Initiate, the path to Dark Jedi Knight. To do any less is to fail miserably. To pass is glory. Note that the process detailed in this document is only a suggestion and probably the fastest way to gain rank. Any activity will eventually get you promoted, so a member needs to make sure superiors are aware of any and all activity.
A Novice is a first rank new members of the Brotherhood get promoted to upon showing some potential and improvement. It is a rank for those who have made a first step into a larger world.
Novice to Acolyte
• Completion of at least two of the following tests with the Shadow Academy will provide the basics for the Novice in the essence of the Dark Side: Test of Wisdom, Test of Endurance, Test of Agility or any of the CORE tests. This is vital, as without this knowledge the Initiate is a boat without an anchor.
• Once done with the those studies, the Initiate is encouraged to complete one of the following tasks:
1. Complete the history section in their Dossier. This is to give his fellow Clan members an idea of where the Initiate is coming from, and provide an understanding between each other.
2. Compete in any ongoing competition within a Battle Team, the House, the Clan, the Order, or the Brotherhood in general. This will prove that the member is indeed committed to proving their worth to this new family. Clan House site, and have it posted. This is similar to the reasons behind the task of completing the History section in the Initiates’ Dossier.
Acolyte is rank of those who show genuine promise. A quick fulfilling of expectations and promotion to Protector is often a sign of bright future in the Brotherhood. For that reasons, Acolytes are often encouraged to quickly earn their promotion to Protector.
Acolyte to Protector
• Completion of at least 2 other tests with the Shadow Academy, or participate in Melee nights and Sunday tournaments. One of those activities should pertain to the Initiate's Order. For the Krath, the Grammer Studies are advised, for the Sith ISET or ESET notes.. If you cannot do MP gaming, please contact your summit.
• Once done with this, the Student is to complete two of the following tasks:
1. Write a story about the Student undergoing an Initiation Ceremony to the House. Use of existing House members is encouraged. The length is up to the Battle Team leader. This is to simultaneously introduce the new member to the various members of the House, as well as get an idea of the types of ceremonies that can happen within the House.
2. Compete in the Krath Monthly Topics, either one poem or one story, or two of each type.
3. Compete in Melee nights with a total of at least 10 played games with at least 3 different opponents.
4. Compete in any ongoing Brotherhood-wide competition other than the KMTs. This might be a Grand Jedi War, Krath War, Sith War, Obelisk War or any special competition of at least award level 2.
5. Mentor a Novice to Acolyte. This is to give the Initiate their first chance at some sort of command, as well as helping out a Novice who has not as yet been assigned a Master
A rank of Protector is for those who are proving to be reliable. Many Masters feel the thrill as their Student earns the rank of Protector, since that usually means that the Student will progress even further in the Brotherhood.
Protector to Guardian
• Completion of the Krath Run-on studies with the Shadow Academy. This is a critical skill to have, and historically one of the Clans’ best strength.
• Once the task of finding a Master has been accomplished, the Student must complete each of the following:
1. Write a brief story of the first time that the Student and Master have trained together. An ACC battle would be an acceptable alternative, with the approval of the Master. This will provide a method for both Student and Master to both get a chance to know each other. The goal of this is to provide a comfortable Master and Student pairing that is conductive towards further training. It would be best if this story can be made to fit into a KMT or other competition OR battle with the Master 5 times in one of the multiplayer games, preferably during Melee nights. This gives the Master the chance to assess the skill of the Student.
2. Master’s Task Alpha is required. The Master will provide the Student with the specific things that the Student must do. This needs to be something which will give the Student the chance to gain a medal, usually a competition or several with in the House or Clan
3. Compete in any ongoing major Brotherhood-wide competition. This might be a Grand Jedi War, Krath War, Sith War, Obelisk War or any special competition of award level 1 OR participate in 2 such competitions of award level 2
Guardian is the rank for those proven as dedicated and reliable members. As such, they attract attention of House Summits, who take an active interest in Student's progress.
Guardian to Jedi Hunter
• An advanced Student will by now continue their training and this path if they may so desire. If this is the case, the following will provide them with the rank of Jedi Hunter. For the Student, these steps will get more and more difficult, testing their true desire to become a Jedi Knight. For those that want it badly enough, the remaining steps must and will be accomplished.
• Once the Guardian has publicly stated their desire to continue training, the following must be accomplished:
1. Masters’ Task Beta is required. This needs to be something which will give the Student the chance to gain a medal, usually a competition or several with in the House or Clan.
2. Depending on the Student’s preference, either a writing task, graphical task or a gaming task will be taken from the Summit. This task should be relevant for the House and Clan, i.e. a gfx for the reports/websites, a story or poem about the Clan's traditions (existing rituals etc) or a gaming challenge against other Clan's members.
3. Of course, the Student must compete in any ongoing major Brotherhood-wide competition of award level 1 OR participate in 2 such competitions of at least award level 2.
Jedi Hunter
A rank of desicion, Jedi Hunter is for those preparing to earn the priviledge of wielding lightsaber; for most it is seen as a temporary rank, since almost anyone who reached this rank finds it very easy to complete Jedi Trials and become a fully trained Dark Jedi Knight. Jedi Hunters attract the attention of the Clan Summit, who show great interest in further progress of the Student.
The Jedi Trials
• Reflecting the experience of the House Summit, and the Student’s desire to prove that they are worthy of such an honor, the Jedi Trials are an exhaustive set of tests done by the Summit to prove that the Student is ready in all respects. There are to be three tests to be given, and to be completed in any order that the Student chooses. However, the Student must complete all three tests to complete the Trials. The following details to some extent to the Student what they may expect from the House Summit for these tests. They are as follows:
1. The Test of Knowledge - This test is to be given by the House Quaestor. It shall reflect on the Student's knowledge of his or her Order. While all Orders are equal and all activities possible, the Orders all have their histories and tradition one must know and expand on to be a dynamic member of the Brotherhood and this Clan.
2. The Test of Skill - This test is to be given by the House Aedile. It shall reflect upon the Student's abilities in his or her prefered activity. Not depending on Order, this might be anything from writing to playing single player levels/missions.
3. The Test of Loyalty - . This test is to be given by the Clan Summit. It shall reflect the traditions, history, and knowledge that have been gained by the Student up to this point. In addition to this, the Student will be given an opportunity to add to this by creating a new tradition or performing something that can be added to the history of the House and Clan.
Dark Jedi Knight
Those who fulfilled all the requirements of the Jedi Trials program, Dark Jedi Knights join the ranks of regular Scholae Palatinae members. Their oppinion is listened to in Clan meetings; they are sent on missions of great importance and greatly awarded for their actions; they are able to accept and train new generations of Students. They are people of power and influence, respected by all, and are the ones who found out the truth about Jedi Trials - completing them is not the end. It is the beginning.
There you have it, CSP's guide to promotions. On a side note, I'd like for the Summits to please get me my Test of Knowledge, Test of Skill, and Test of Loyalty ASAP. Thank you.
Oh yeah,
BE ACTIVE, DO THE Independence Games!!!
Uzbad Zol Volsarax