11-10-2006 07:10:38
It's a valid excuse for why I'm crap at gaming on my PC. I've never been able to get to grips with control systems with more buttons than I have fingers. Having to hit ESC every fve seconds to go into a control screen to find out which button throws an EMP bomb and not a thermal detonator does my tits in! :@
But, I have got some Star Wars games which I would like to be better at. I have JO, JA and now I even have Republic Commando. I'd like to hear from which controller you think is the best cos I need a new one. I have a pad and a joystik (and unssurprisingly a mouse and keyboard) but the throttle is dodgy on my joy-stick, and the D-Pad on my two-stick pad of messed up and Ic an't get it to switch the Friar Tuck off and stop having my FPS's point of view keep going off to the top right. Piece of crap!! X-)
So I need a new one! Should I stick with the keyboards and mouse combo that I have, get myself an uber-cool, better-than-Maverick-out-of-Top-Gun's joystick, or a gamepad with more buttons, knobs and twiddly-bits than a... a... than a button, knob and twiddly-bit adorned thing for the use of doing stuff. Which make / model should I buy / avoid?
11-10-2006 16:31:11
LOL I would say stick with keyboard and mouse. I've got JA, JO, BF, and EAW, and for all of them I just use the keyboard and mouse.

simple, and they work.
25-10-2006 03:35:37
So do I, although for BF2 I need a logitech mouse with about 10 buttons on it. Keyboard and mouse is best though.
Kel Tavik
25-10-2006 08:17:33
The only games I've ever really found a joystick to be useful in are flight sims, really. And those shouldn't require a massively expensive stick; the old Logitech Atk3 I've got pretty much works for every game I need it for.
25-10-2006 09:26:31
a gamepad isnt a bad idea either, some sport game and some action game works better with it. Although the primary, main controller for PC is mouse and keyboard
25-10-2006 22:18:01
Stick with the keyboard and mouse! I've got JK, JO, JA, BF2 and Allegiance which all work well with the combination.
19-11-2006 03:35:09
Stick with the keyboard mouse combo. That tends to work best for me, but I must admit to also owning a clone of the Playstation 2 controller by Logitech. That gamepad fills in nicely for some games, and has even taken over for flight duties while I'm on the go with my laptop.
13-03-2007 19:05:46
Stick with the keyboard mouse combo. That tends to work best for me, but I must admit to also owning a clone of the Playstation 2 controller by Logitech. That gamepad fills in nicely for some games, and has even taken over for flight duties while I'm on the go with my laptop.
I usually prefer Keyboard and Mouse once I memorize what is needed to be used to play the game
15-03-2007 07:40:12
See, I still can't do it. I'm just as crap as ever with a keyboard and mouse combo, cos I really can't get used to having way too many choices. I'm a PlayStation gamer primarily so I've sucumbed... secumbed... :blink: folded and gone out and got a game-pad with loads of buttons for my PC.
It's a pretty cool logitech IR controller with all the PlayStation buttons plus a few more. Sucks up loads of batteries but you can also adjust the sensitivity and dead-zone on the sticks and pads so that's helpful cos I'm clumsy and have big thumbs. Just ask your momma. >:)
27-04-2007 15:55:36
EEEWWW Controllers for FPS are so Nasty I use keyboard and mouse on PC as well as my PS3, I know I am an overpaid scaley with nothing better to spend his cash on.
But the best combo I have found for FPS is my Razer Copperhead Laser mouse (2000 Dpi) And Cyber Snipa game pad and I do well on most FPS (although I havent played JA or JO for a long time better dig them cds out)
Also I find my Razer Barracuda Headset awesome for its surround qualities for accurate positional sound and a great mic for teamspeak.
Makurth Mandalore
01-07-2007 23:36:33
Yeah, I'd stick with your keyboard and mouse! It'd seems to me to be a lot easier than having to buy and get used to new gear.
04-07-2007 13:12:51
See if I ever played FPS's enough I could justify that pad I bought that is currently collecting dust on the floor next to my computer...