01-01-2008 12:11:08
This is the first AWOL check of the year. It will be done lightly differently. Instead of replying to me in this email, in order to fulfill this check you will need to go onto the boards and post in this AWOL check thread.
This is standard practice to ensure that there are active members within the House for it to grow, please post in the forum within one week (January 8th) as all non-active members will be sent to Rogue.
03-01-2008 06:20:01
Heh... I'm here too, oh wait... Im not part of Ravana Squadron any more either...
Those who need to post here are:
Sith Flight Member Callous Apprentice
Obelisk Trooper Marcellus Sang Novice
Krath Tyro Jalor klenstan Acolyte
Krath Tyro BelZithor Novice
Obelisk Trooper Zaroth Novice
Sith Flight Member Lexmark Novice
Sith Flight Member Farik Calrun Novice
Krath Tyro Lamber Novice
Obelisk Trooper Korranos Force Acolyte
Obelisk Trooper Stuka van dar Novice
Arfalax was part of Ravana Squardon at the time of this AWOL check. Those listed above need to post in this thread. Keep up the good work.
Kray Shalluat
03-01-2008 17:25:49
Yeah, I forgot I wasn't part of it any more. lol
09-01-2008 17:43:35
stuka reporting in
death to all who stand in our way
15-01-2008 15:43:04
AWOL Check has finished... the following members now make up Ravana Squadrom
Ravana Squadrom
Sith Commander Alexander Anderson Jedi Hunter
Obelisk Trooper Zaroth Acolyte
Obelisk Trooper Daren Jai Kaleb Stanford Acolyte
Sith Flight Member Vo Spader Acolyte
Obelisk Trooper Stuka van dar Novice
Apprentice Dark Angaloia
Apprentice Karig Dolor
Apprentice Aryn Vail Noven
Apprentice Abner
Apprentice Exur Kahn
Apprentice Xaru
Recruits will be added to the squadron after their promotion to the rank of Novice
Jalor Klestan
28-01-2008 01:19:32
Have i been added?
oh Ashura im working on a story for the writing competition for Marka Rangos, its looking good hope you like it
28-01-2008 02:11:22
Have i been added?
oh Ashura im working on a story for the writing competition for Marka Rangos, its looking good hope you like it 
Cool. If you still havent found the Transfer In option by the time I wake up, as I just got in from my night shift, I'll e-mail the MAA and P:MAA and ask for you to be transfered into HMR
28-01-2008 08:05:21
Obviously im here

but we all knew that bit, and now i get to annoy everyone as much as possible haha
Jalor Klestan
28-01-2008 18:52:56
Tekryn i would recomend anoying Macon Sadow myself, he has an interesting sense of humour.