What kind of Comps do you guys want?
Muz Ashen
08-03-2005 11:00:27
I'm just looking to get a feel for what you guys want to be doing more of these days. Let me know, and if you have an idea for a comp, by all means, let me know!
08-03-2005 11:47:11
Personally, I'd like to see more and more original fiction competitions, challenging, and not restricted by boundaries of a "normal" story.
Muz Ashen
08-03-2005 11:53:09
Every so often, I run a 'Breathe Life' comp... basically freeform fiction with the only caveat of character development.
Is this along the same lines as what you are talking about?
08-03-2005 12:32:35
No, not exactly what I meant. I did not mean the subject should be free, that is, anyone writing about whatever they want. I meant it in the sense of having an actual subject, but involving, e.g. more than one people writing the story, or a story involving several layers, like an adventure starts out through fiction and is brought to the ACC and then turned into a run-on. You see what I mean? Multidimensional competitions, and not just "write a story".
Muz Ashen
08-03-2005 12:50:42
We haven't done one of those in some time... Good idea, though.
The problem with making it a comp is the complexity of reading fifteen run-ons and keeping track of acc battles. What we can do, however, is have a run-on, end up setting up ACC matches throughout the course, then doing a fiction comp about how each person envisions the afteraffects... This would be a more Merit-award type of thing, and less a competition award, however.
If you want to start a run-on, please go ahead... we can see where it leads from there.
Further, I'll let anyone know that if they want to just start writing, and send it to Manji and I, we'll look at it and reward it appropriately.
Kaine Mandaala
08-03-2005 13:26:59
What about a multi-faceted comp?
Hold a couple phases where some can play a game, others can write about the "fight" and others can reinterpret the battle with graphics?
Just a note from the top...
Muz Ashen
08-03-2005 13:50:45
That's a cool idea also...
when this current batch of comps gets closer to it's end, i'll implement some of these ideas.
08-03-2005 13:51:17
Are the Sith options a joke?
Muz Ashen
08-03-2005 14:26:54
No, they weren't intended as such.
I think one of the big problems that is plagueing the Sith as of late is the lack of quality combat flight sims under the star wars franchise.
How old is TIE? XWA?
and the interesting thing is that LucasArts made some very cool sithy games for the Xbox (maybe it was the game cube), that if they were ported to the PC, would no doubt become pretty serious mainstays of the Sith order. All i recall is that i was trying it at funco or some similar place, flying an X-wing across the Deathstar, thousands of TIEs and towers firing at me. That was sweet.
For some reason, PC game companies have been overfocussing on MMORPGs, war simulators, and FPS.
Maybe JTL's popularity will help refresh LucasArts memory about the success of PC Combat Flight Sims. Has the SHW came out and supported any newer program platforms besides Allegiance?
Kaine Mandaala
08-03-2005 14:41:15
All i recall is that i was trying it at funco or some similar place, flying an X-wing across the Deathstar, thousands of TIEs and towers firing at me. That was sweet.
Sounds like Rebel Assault III.
Maybe JTL's popularity will help refresh LucasArts memory about the success of PC Combat Flight Sims. Has the SHW came out and supported any newer program platforms besides Allegiance?
I hear JTL is like XWA with better graphics... attached to a MMORPG.
There'll be a host of "official" options when I get that SWGN site back up an running.
I know it's tough to get used to orderless thinking when applied to games, even for me. Sith can do anything, right? But then the question always rages on - why bother having orders if they are not locked into specific gametypes/interaction?
This is a debate for another thread.
Muz Ashen
08-03-2005 14:57:11
I think order reflects personality of player rather than the character. More so now that order restrictions have been lifted, it shows more about what the player wants to do.
For example...Muz Ashen (the character) is all about the combat, the hand to hand sabre stuff, with a strong interest in flying his ship around. He does a fair bit of research, a lot of honing his force abilities, and more than a little tech expirimentation. So Muz would be more of an Obelisk or Sith than a Krath, really.
I, the player, on the other hand, am not so good at JO/JK, can't run TIE/XWA on any of my current computers, but can write up a storm. That places me as a Krath.
Of course, now that i have completely derailed my own topic, i should stop.
08-03-2005 16:29:38
We haven't done one of those in some time... Good idea, though.
The problem with making it a comp is the complexity of reading fifteen run-ons and keeping track of acc battles. What we can do, however, is have a run-on, end up setting up ACC matches throughout the course, then doing a fiction comp about how each person envisions the afteraffects... This would be a more Merit-award type of thing, and less a competition award, however.
If you want to start a run-on, please go ahead... we can see where it leads from there.
Further, I'll let anyone know that if they want to just start writing, and send it to Manji and I, we'll look at it and reward it appropriately.
I would gladly start a run-on, but the fact is some people in the House don't yet know me, and I don't know them, so what's the subject gonna be? A personal incident on Falleen that would require my House's assistance? Or something else, more general?
Muz Ashen
08-03-2005 16:39:06
Go for it.
Some of us here are really good at run-ons and bringing people into them... just run with it, and we'll catch up.
08-03-2005 16:40:04
Ok then, trouble on Falleen it is. Just for the fun of it.