Hlk Caption Contest
Faeril Munlear
03-03-2009 11:56:21
Title: HLK Caption Competition
Specifics: Every day for the next 5 days until the start of the GJW there will be a new image posted on the House Ludo Kressh boards under Clan Naga Sadow. Each image will be Star Wars related, whether a scene from one of the movies, comics or of fans in costume at conventions. Write a caption for each image. You have until the next image is posted to post your caption. Only one caption per member per image. The more amusing and witty the comment, the better chance of winning a crescent!
Start Date: 3/3/2008
End Date: 3/7/2008
Unit in Competition: House Ludo Kressh
Platforms: Messageboard, Forum Post
Awards: 5th Level Crescents
Comments: Crescents will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd best caption for each image.
Tuesday, March 3- Image #1
03-03-2009 12:16:54
"Woo Woo! All aboard the storm trouper express!"
Shinichi Endymiron K
03-03-2009 13:42:27
"Ever fired your gun in the air and yelled, Aaaaaaah?"
"No...I've never fired my gun in the air and gone aahh."
03-03-2009 15:40:36
"You ever wondered why we're here?"
"It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean...are we the product of some cosmic coincidence or is there really a God watching everything, you know with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man but it keeps me up at night."
03-03-2009 15:52:41
"Nope...still no reception, move to the left a little more"
03-03-2009 18:07:57
"Damn this armour is really riding up my crotch."
03-03-2009 18:33:46
"Dude, I didn't say 'Simon Says'"
Faeril Munlear
04-03-2009 10:14:38
Yay! Good job, everyone! Keep them coming. Here is the next image.
Wednesday, March 4- Image #2
04-03-2009 10:21:20
ANAKIN : "HEY! I'm a computer!"
padawan : "Stop all the downloadin!"
04-03-2009 11:57:37
"Damn I wish the light side of the force would allow me to kill that stupid brat of an apprentice, maybe this is reason to change sides..."
04-03-2009 12:27:30
"Look, it's a camera. Quick strike a pose!!!"
Macron Sadow
04-03-2009 12:38:08
"You want pepperoni on yours?"
"Alright, let's storm the place!"
04-03-2009 13:03:56
Anakin - "Careful, onlystep on the dark hexagons, the others might be booby trapped"
Asoka - "I'm just gonna stand here and hold my lightsaber backwards like this"
04-03-2009 21:31:40
Anakin: "Oh I like that Baby. I put on my robe and wizard hat."
Asoka: "What the f*ck, I told you not to say that to me again."
Faeril Munlear
05-03-2009 10:58:11
Okay, here is the next one!
Thursday, March 5- Image #3
*R2 - "Lis'n, kid, if you think getting stuffed in your locker is bad, I've been trying to make it up those g*ddammed steps back there for the past year and a half!"
Shinichi Endymiron K
05-03-2009 11:35:31
You shall not pass!
05-03-2009 11:54:39
Kid - "Look, I have a multi tool too!"
05-03-2009 13:26:21
Kid : "I have to pee.. and I can't find the bathroom..."
Macron Sadow
05-03-2009 14:43:39
"Dude. Who stuffed you into that trashcan?"
Kah Manet
05-03-2009 15:56:58
Kid: "When I said you weren't a geek...I lied man...
R2: "Beep boop beep?"
R2: "Bee boo boo bop boo boo beep"
Kid: "I hate you"
05-03-2009 17:27:54
"Who the hell put a mailbox in the middle of the room?"
Faeril Munlear
06-03-2009 16:12:37
You guys are going to make this hard! *lol* Good captions everyone! Two more to go. I got tied up at work so didn't get to post this one sooner today.
Friday, March 6- Image 4
"Is Darth Vader gonna have to Force-Choke a ... ?!"
*special thanks to Dave Chappelle and Wayne Brady for ruining my creativity!
06-03-2009 16:58:41
Vader: "Bathroom? Let's see, you go down that hallway over there, make a left, and then turn right at the broken down droid."
Imperial Officer: "But sire, that leads to your quarters?"
Vader: "SHUSH!"
Vader: "Pull my finger!"
06-03-2009 17:27:53
Darth Vader: "Yeah, Yeah I said it! I LOVE YOU!"
06-03-2009 18:11:06
"pull my finger, you'll get a dark gift"
Shinichi Endymiron K
07-03-2009 16:53:13
"You suck!"
Macron Sadow
07-03-2009 20:12:00
"I told you, white is just not your color. Let me give you the number of my tailor..."