This thread will be used for the upcoming training Run-On, "Just Another Milk Run". As a training run-on, the purpose of this runon is to educate and encourage our younger members to develop their characters, interactions with their housemates, and their skills in run-on posting.
As such, this run-on is considered private; invited to participate in this run-on are:
Members of the Jade Serpents Battle Team
Members of HLK below the rank of Protector, with permission from Faeril
Tsingtao Ming, Aedile of Ludo Kressh
StarLion, BattleTeam Leader of Sapphire Squadron (StoryTeller)
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, Quaestor of Ludo Kressh (in detached form).
The setting for this run-on is an area on the planet Loki. details about the planet are available on the Wiki
here. Additional information, which may or may not be useful, is contained below.
Guidelines for Roleplay
While for the most part you are free to do what you wish, keep the following "Do"s and "Don't"s in mind;
DO have fun. If you're not having fun, why are you here?
DO be creative. We like creativity, as long as it makes sense.
DO be part of the group. While having one or two people you like to post with is good, remember that we're working as a group here.
DO bring your character's own perspective to events. Your character may not see everything in the same light as ours.
DON'T insert thoughts/actions/feelings/ideas into other characters. You don't know their character, they don't know yours. If you want to include conversation/interaction between two or more people, either make short, single-speaker posts to move the conversation along, or contact the other person and discuss a longer discussion post. In an era where email and IM/IRC software is so common, it should not be difficult to come up with a complete conversation.
DON'T go off by yourself. This run-on isn't about you, and frankly SL doesn't have time to go chasing your character all over Loki.
DON'T disappear without telling anyone; if you're not going to participate anymore, let Faeril/Tsing/Ashia/SL know, so we're not waiting for your post. Keep in mind that if you choose to stop participating while your character is involved in something, we will need to NPC you briefly to get you to the point of 'background follower'.
DON'T exceed your character's reasonable limits. If you're a NOV, you wont be throwing Force Lightning all over the place, and no I don't care that your character was Vader's illegitimate son to a twi'lek prostitute. The only people with lightsabers are StarLion and Tsingtao. You do not have Sith Swords, or cortosis armor, etc etc etc. Again, the rule of common sense comes into play here.
If you're late arriving to the run-on, just assume your character has been following the group and participating helpfully. StarLion will have control of the NPC group for this run-on; unless otherwise specified, they are considered to be with him.
Location Primer
(Information in this section generated as IC information. All characters may assume knowledge of this information, giving the source of their information the Brotherhood's databanks.)
Datafile #191502
Subject: Loki, Planet
Ice planet contained within the outer reaches of the Phare System.
Controlled by: Emperor's Hammer
Moons: 1 (Hodr)
Inhabitants: No Native, 1 Colony (<20,000 inhabitants, Hodr Icewell), 1 Shuttle Yard (10 inhabitants,
Notable Landmarks:
The Hail Cannon: Colonials name for the shuttle yard on Loki. This location is operated by the EH, and is the access point for Hodr.
Ruined remnants of House Marka Ragnos Cathedral: This ruin is slowly being reclaimed by Loki's elements, ice building on the rubble. Exploration delayed.
Hodrtill ("Hodr's Crater") - large depression 40km south of The Hail Cannon. It is believed that Hodr was originally formed from the ice removed from this location. The cause of which is unknown.
Access to Loki is restricted. Authorized supply ships are to land at The Hail Cannon to offload.
Loki's temperature conditions are classed as Hazardous to Human Life. Extreme-Cold weather gear recommended for travel.
Datafile #191503
Subject: Hodr, Moon
Ice moon surrounding the planet Loki. Colonials insist the name means "The Hail Stone".
Controlled by: Emperor's Hammer
Notable Landmarks:
The Frozen Halls: Colonials name for the settlement on Hodr Icewell. Settlement established as a support town for the Imperial Deep Space Sensor Station located here. Colonials consist of various races, both Imperial citizens and non-citizen servants.
Imperial Deep Space Sensor Station: Called "The Frozen Eye" by the colonials, this facility is a secured location. IDSSS staff only. Small contingent of stormtroopers maintain security.
Access to Hodr is restricted; all transit to and from the moon is done via Loki.
Hodr's temperature conditions are classed as Hazardous to Human Life. Extreme-Cold weather gear recommended for travel.