22-07-2005 23:58:30
We all know that Voort is one of our most crazy members, describe here how you think spending the day with him would be like, what crazy mess would this Gamorrean get himself into?
23-07-2005 00:14:35
A day with Voort. Hmm. Let's see. I'd scream mentally, telling him to listen to me. To not continually make a fool of himself on IRC. Jedi Academy duelling isn't all there is to lif... - NOOOOOOOOOOOO IT CAN'T BE TR... - Shut up! This is my turn... Sorry about that, people. Where was I? Oh yes, JA's not all that there is to life. Neither is Battlefront or these games on Voort really should spend more time outside, ya know, in that big room with the blue ceiling and stuff? Well, anywa.. - Outside? You're a damn dumb fuc... - Stop! Damn it. Sorry, but Voort's regaining control over me. I'm going to have to go now... bye and watch out for me, I do manage to struggle past him sometimes!
~ Voort's Common Sense.
Macron Sadow
23-07-2005 09:36:43
I love that avatar, Voort!
30-07-2005 12:30:50
A day with Voort? That'd be interesting. Just because he's unusual. He's a gamorrean with a lightsabre! No comment. Well I'd first get him to stop trying to pinch me. Failing that, as forseen, we'd go to a bar and get totally drunk. Then he'd try to abuse me and I would point him to some other creature in the near vicinity. Then I'd probably cause a bar fight just to escape. Seeing as how there is no escape we'd probably go on a hill and play with toys like The Mortar or his little purple magic stick. Of course he'd be pleased and I wouldn't be able to move as efficiently for a time. Then we would probably go and play some JA, he kicking my ass and getting more CFs (which he already has aboud 570 or so). Damn hipp...I mean good for him. Well if I could spend a day with Voort I'm sure that little gamorrean would try to have his way with me. ^-^ (This post has tried to be funny, but it has failed. Inspiration is sorry, but cannot be held responsible since it didn't participate.) If I'd win the dream date it'd probably be something like this.
03-08-2005 22:48:02
Come on folks! you mean to tell me that no one else wants to win a date with our very own piggy?