I here there is a brothel in Fable: The lost Chapters. That will be interesting...... Perhaps that's why Peter declared that "Programmers should not be allowed to get drunk." Ah well, here is a compiled list of some secrets that appeared in Fable (Note: Modded Xbox required for some secrets)
Now for the list of definitive aspects of Fable 2:
Release date: before E3 2006
Graphics: Solid 60 FPS performance
Loading Times will be reduced significantly compared to fable 1
You will be able to raise your own child
ingame features are like aging NPCs, growing environments, and hero competition
Your child becomes a major part of your game.
Improved Combat system, more block and attack moves
NPC interaction will be more interactive than fable 1
NPCs will have their own personalities and will react 10x more differently than fable 1
More armor, weapons and clothing
More in-depth Good/Evil System
You will have options of Working, your own House, taking care of your house and business
The Universe will be persistent like GTA except much bigger
Set 100 years after events of Fable 1
You can get lost too..
Upgrading your Character will have a dozen times more options
Lionhead Guarantees game will take 4-5 times longer to finish than fable 1
Fable 2 will have 20 possible endings
You can Swim in Fable 2
You can ride a ship to reach Islands in Fable 2
You need a horse or it will take too long to reach destinations in Fable 2 such is the size of the environment
You can change your hairstyle much more extensively than fable 1
Much more customizable weapons and magic
As for comments on how to really energize Fable 2 myself, I would love different Guilds. Will User Guild, Blademaster Guild, Archer Guild etc. To really become emersed in the society as well would be a plus; become a guard, General of the army, soldier, captain, pirate, bandit, trader etc.... I mean, yeah sure, in Fable 1 you supposedly became a bandit, but that scenario never carried any weight, no one ever revered you as a bandit. ME WANT OCCUPATIONS. Now, dragons.... Come off it, what's a Fable without dragons? Mongo let down. Machines, that would be interesting, not to mention intriguing. A great twist like "Skies of Arcadia."
(For those of you who have no idea what "Skies of Arcadia" is, in a nut shell: Pirates, flying wooden schooners in a world of floating islands, crazed Admirable trying to take over the world. But a particular continent, Valua, is very industrialized and rife with machines reminiscent of Final Fantasy X's machina.)
There are more, but I need to get to work, I'll post more when I can spare the time.