Idea's for Fable 2


30-05-2005 19:52:26

The biggest advancement they should make in Fable 2 is make it LONGER. Jesus Christ i beat the damn game 3 times over the weekend. It take me that long to get an eigth of the way through Morrowind. Another advancement should be better interaction with townsfolk/your wife. You should have like the same options as the Sims. (Hug, Joke, Kiss, Backrub, ect.) + you and your wife shoud be able to have kids, and they should be able to have kids. That and they should slow down the aging process. I mean the days past count at the end of my game was 15, and my guy had aged 15 years. WTH. They should have him age half a year with each upgrade. Speaking of upgrades these are my ideas for the weapons. First there should be like 20x more. That and the upgrades should be upgradeable. Like go from dull, to sharp to laser-cut. I have more but i have a feeling yours are better.


31-05-2005 01:39:29

Have the choices you make in the game ACTUALLY have consequences. They did a really cool job in having your appearance reflect your alignment and the kind of actions you've done (skin tone, scarring, tattoos, etc).....but it didn't really change much about the core of the game. Sure, if you're evil, people run away from you, and guards come after you.....big deal. The decisions you make should actually have consequences to how the primary storyline plays out through the course of the game.


31-05-2005 11:46:24

Well if your evil a villager will come up to you and ask you to help him beat up another villager, and you'll get ambushed by gaurds. If your good the guy will say his wife is getting attacked by Balverines and you'll get attacked by Bandits, so in a way they do but not as much as we thought.


31-05-2005 17:55:12

Well if your evil a villager will come up to you and ask you to help him beat up another villager, and you'll get ambushed by gaurds. If your good the guy will say his wife is getting attacked by Balverines and you'll get attacked by Bandits, so in a way they do but not as much as we thought.

But that has little to do with the core of the game. Yes there are minor (and I mean MINOR) differences in the overall gameplay experience in terms of quests (i.e. protect/rescue/escort villagers or kill/rob/pillage those same villagers), but the only substatial difference to the core game comes in the arena when you decide to kill whats-her-name or not. Think about Kotor 1 and 2: there is a significant difference to the game experience based on whether you play light side or dark side. Look at fable...the game experience is pretty much the same regardless of which path your life takes.


31-05-2005 20:26:02

Trial and error, thats why i started this thread. I think they should put alot more into it. Though it is a really good rpg.


02-06-2005 00:34:34

It took me about 10 hours total to beat Fable. It had a couple good points:

- the graphics.
- the voice acting. They had some very good talent in this game. I liked Jack of Blades' voice the best, personally.
- the open-ended nature of the game, including the alignment system, etc.

Now here's what blew:

- the story (or lack thereof): The storyline the game used had a lot of potential, and it seems that it was ignored. A good example is (if you explore the Grey House) you discover that the current Lady Grey murdered her sister. Now, what would have been an excellent idea is to make a side quest where you expose Lady Grey. But, there wasn't. In fact, there weren't many side-quests altogether. Plus, you could only visit the Arena once and that for a main plot point. Would have been cool to fight there again and again for different prizes.
Also, your sister plays a fairly bizarre role in the story, especially at the end (assuming you don't kill her); she just shrugs and disappears. Further, it's never really elaborated upon exactly why Jack is looking for the Sword of Aeons, why Jack hates the Guild, and so on. Essentially, the story was woefully under-developed.
- the combat system: If you opted to hack your way through the game, life was pretty easy for you. I never bothered even trying to be a pure Mage because I knew that would make the game long and very painful. Some abilities were too over-powered, and let me tell you: there's nothing stopping a concentrated melee character with all the Strength attributed maxed out and the Slow Time and Berserker spells in his arsenal. Plus, if you did decide to play as a Mage and had more than three spells, it was VERY cumbersome to cycle through all of the available spells.
- the quest system: This just made for a lot of exploits, most notably getting a ton of experience through one quest.
- miscellaneous things, like how enemies returned after leaving the area. This made some quests (like the Rescue-the-Boy-in-the-Cave quest) a huge pain to complete. Quest NPCs were usually such pushovers that it made Defend-This-Guy quests incredibly difficult as well.

Overall, I think Fable tried to be an Elder Scrolls game and it fell several cuts short. Here's hoping the developers have listened to fans and will make some very notable changes in Fable 2 (if it is released).


02-06-2005 12:46:47

I think they tried making thier own style of RPG and it didn't work out so well. It was a decent game overall. I don't think you shoul have to "buy" skills/strength/magic. I think they should slowly go up like it Elder Scrolls as to how much you use it.


02-06-2005 13:58:51

I think they tried making thier own style of RPG and it didn't work out so well. It was a decent game overall. I don't think you shoul have to "buy" skills/strength/magic. I think they should slowly go up like it Elder Scrolls as to how much you use it.

I agree. The system in Fable, while good, allowed for your hero to eventually become a master at everything which destroyed any quality of uniqueness. If you wanted to have different heroes, you simply had to make the choice yourself not to upgrade certain areas.


02-06-2005 19:56:18

Here's to hoping for a better Fable, though its coming out for 360 no doubt if it does

Requite deSaiah

11-06-2005 14:06:17

I here there is a brothel in Fable: The lost Chapters. That will be interesting...... Perhaps that's why Peter declared that "Programmers should not be allowed to get drunk." Ah well, here is a compiled list of some secrets that appeared in Fable (Note: Modded Xbox required for some secrets)

Now for the list of definitive aspects of Fable 2:

Release date: before E3 2006
Graphics: Solid 60 FPS performance
Loading Times will be reduced significantly compared to fable 1
You will be able to raise your own child
ingame features are like aging NPCs, growing environments, and hero competition
Your child becomes a major part of your game.
Improved Combat system, more block and attack moves
NPC interaction will be more interactive than fable 1
NPCs will have their own personalities and will react 10x more differently than fable 1
More armor, weapons and clothing
More in-depth Good/Evil System
You will have options of Working, your own House, taking care of your house and business
The Universe will be persistent like GTA except much bigger
Set 100 years after events of Fable 1
You can get lost too..
Upgrading your Character will have a dozen times more options
Lionhead Guarantees game will take 4-5 times longer to finish than fable 1
Fable 2 will have 20 possible endings
You can Swim in Fable 2
You can ride a ship to reach Islands in Fable 2
You need a horse or it will take too long to reach destinations in Fable 2 such is the size of the environment
You can change your hairstyle much more extensively than fable 1
Much more customizable weapons and magic

As for comments on how to really energize Fable 2 myself, I would love different Guilds. Will User Guild, Blademaster Guild, Archer Guild etc. To really become emersed in the society as well would be a plus; become a guard, General of the army, soldier, captain, pirate, bandit, trader etc.... I mean, yeah sure, in Fable 1 you supposedly became a bandit, but that scenario never carried any weight, no one ever revered you as a bandit. ME WANT OCCUPATIONS. Now, dragons.... Come off it, what's a Fable without dragons? Mongo let down. Machines, that would be interesting, not to mention intriguing. A great twist like "Skies of Arcadia."

(For those of you who have no idea what "Skies of Arcadia" is, in a nut shell: Pirates, flying wooden schooners in a world of floating islands, crazed Admirable trying to take over the world. But a particular continent, Valua, is very industrialized and rife with machines reminiscent of Final Fantasy X's machina.)

There are more, but I need to get to work, I'll post more when I can spare the time.