Exploding lightsabres
24-05-2005 09:59:57
24-05-2005 10:32:15
LMFAO, that is REALLY pathetic....everyone knows you don't use petrol. J/K i have F/X blades from master replica those look real enough.
Oh my god...lol That sucks!
24-05-2005 11:53:33
Were they stoned, high, both?
24-05-2005 14:59:48
I want to see the video footage of this one. =P
24-05-2005 15:55:03
Ya know, this should surprise me...really...but, after hearing someone ask if they could drink Hydronium...since, "It's water with an extra hydrogen"...I'm just going to point to natural selection.
Langis Gyn Histop
24-05-2005 16:12:47
somebody find the video link for this one! This is hilarious!
24-05-2005 16:27:39
yikes...that sucks
24-05-2005 19:46:56
Man, that's not cool.
24-05-2005 20:06:38
No that's just plain stupid....I have to agree with Oberst on this one.....
25-05-2005 10:12:40
How the hell did a 20 and a 17 year old think that filling fluoresent light tubes with petrol would make a real lightsaber. I mean even I ,who have done extremely stupid things in my life, wouldn't even think of trying that mainly b/c i know it wouldn't work.
Requite deSaiah
11-06-2005 14:22:26
That's about as bad as the footage of these two nimrods who hollowed out a melon, poured petrol into it, lit the damn thing, and took a thwack at it with a baseball bat.
End result:
Bet they never played with matches again..... Or that could have been the incentive to do it again.... Ah well....
Macron Sadow
11-06-2005 18:23:23
Ouch! Bet they won't try that again.
11-06-2005 18:48:30
probably coundn't afford the hasbro plastic ones...
Shinichi Endymiron K
15-06-2005 13:44:28
It's when I see things like this that I think "The Human Race Must End!"
15-06-2005 16:12:00
I'm just surprised it hasn't
Ark Dowell
15-06-2005 20:03:52
Lol. If they died, they'd have recieve a Darwin Award... <_< They must've been high or something. Lol
23-06-2005 12:08:11
Thats what I said, no young adult i know, well okay a couple I know but thats not the point, would do something like that without being under the influence of some decision altering drug. Its the hair spray : P
23-06-2005 13:34:38
holy cow, that was awesome, im gonna go try that, j/k
Sato Khan
23-06-2005 23:02:39
6 years in the army 4 as a SGT/Squad leader taught me to never underestimate the human capacity for stupidity.
24-06-2005 20:18:47
thank you for serving our country
:::salutes accordingly and sato punches him:::
Shinichi Endymiron K
25-06-2005 23:44:19
I did 4 years Army, but I knew about the power of stupidity long before then. Its called High School.
26-06-2005 12:11:45
I'm going into the Marines as an officer.
30-06-2005 10:47:22
Damn Straight Taigikori. MARINES KICK ASS. HOO RAH
01-07-2005 14:08:51
Semper Fi, my friend.
01-07-2005 21:04:48
"Mest with the best, die like the rest" Everyone in my family has been in the military. I am going into Spec Ops. Either STA (Scout and Target Acquisition) or Force Recon. I am a pretty good shot with an M-16, got a bullseye with standard sights from 500 yards out and I am only 16 with no military training. Though the new XM-8 is looking pretty nice, gonna replace the M-4.
06-07-2005 14:35:11
Not bad. I only practice with side arms, mainly the modified .45. However, I'm a great shot no matter what I use. I should probably save up, for when I'm 18, I'm getting several civillian models of the 5.56 caliber and going target practicing.
Karan Callidus Entar
01-08-2005 22:00:17
Dragging this screaming back on topic, anyone but me think its finally time for forced castration?