Elder Scrolls
Alright, I was just wondering who plays this game, mostly on Xbox, for that is what I play on. My character is level 43, Imperial, Female, and I have a lot of prestige in the game...let me see, for those of you who know this stuff.
Grandmaster of Great House Hlaalu
Factor of Solsthiem East Empire Company
Blodskaal of the Skaal
Oracle of the Imperial Cult
Ringleader in the Thieves Guild
Yay for me!

I haven't even started the Main Quest yet...heh...right.
Let me hear what others have.
09-05-2005 20:43:49
I've never even heard of that game.
10-05-2005 08:38:06
I'm not as far as Esca. But here's some of my stats.
Male, Dark Elf
Self-Proclaimed Vampire Hunter/Royal Guard Hunter/Oridnator Hunter
Level 51
House Cousin of Great House Hlaalu
Journeyman of the Fighters Guild
Ringleader of the Thieves Guild
Warlock of the Mages Guild
Associate of Morag Tong Guild
10-05-2005 08:53:27
I have Morrowind 3, on PC and I cant get the sound to work. Sound works on everything else and volume is turned up, I have also tried to configure the sound but nothing works. So does anyone know how to solve this problem?
I really wouldn't know for the console version of the game. Try reintalling the expansion, I feel as if you are talking of...Tribunal is it? I don't know if Tribunal or Bloodmoon is the third expansion or not. Anyways, try reinstalling it and see if that helps you. Sorry if that doesn't work, but I don't play the console version.
Alright, on my character, I have some updates...sorta...
Self Proclaimed Ordinator Hunter
Nevarine (sp)
Lots of other stuff that I keep forgetting to write down
hahaha Yeah...I'm special, what can i say?
For any type of the game, console or Xbox, list what sets of armor you have. Full, planned, anything. Weapons as well.
Dark Brotherhood
That was armor
Daedric (One of each)
I have no life. I play Morrowind too much...Go me.
10-05-2005 09:30:10
I have the Bonemold armor, all except the ebony right bracer and different type of Bonemold Left Pauldron. I also have a set of Dark Brotherhood armor. My weapons are a Dwarven Claymore and a Silver Claymore. I have a Steel Longbow in a box, along with a Demon Spear, and a Fiend Katana.
11-05-2005 21:09:21
I know this is off topic but if they were to combine Fable and Elder Scrolls, they would have one kick ass RPG
lol In my opinion, Fable has nothing on Elder Scrolls. That would be interesting to see what they do to add it in. Say, put an aging portion of the game in Elder Scrolls. That would be cool.
12-05-2005 08:12:44
I really wouldn't know for the console version of the game. Try reintalling the expansion, I feel as if you are talking of...Tribunal is it? I don't know if Tribunal or Bloodmoon is the third expansion or not. Anyways, try reinstalling it and see if that helps you. Sorry if that doesn't work, but I don't play the console version.
I was talking about the PC version of Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls 3
Console version IS the PC version.
12-05-2005 10:30:02
Fable has better graphics and in my opinion a better story. If they were to add Fable's graphics and a decent plot + being able to interact more with the locals like idk marrying them and having a house together.
First of all, I agree with the graphics, for the most part. The story, though...the story in Morrowind completely outclasses the story of Fable. The only thing you do in Fable is 'protect the world.' In Morrowind, you do the same, yes, but in the process of that, you are able to do many, MANY, side stories, that could even effect the outcome of the main quest. The dynamics and the length of the story line within Elder Scrolls 3 is well put together. I don't think Fable's is anywhere near the class in which Morrowind resides in.
12-05-2005 21:25:23
I said it was my opinion. Thats like saying my favorite movie shouldn't be my favorite, i think Fable's is much darker than ES3
13-05-2005 05:07:19
Console version IS the PC version.
What did they just port it over, or is there some console in the US or elsewhere called PC?
Cause im referring to personal computer, im assuming we have some sort of miscommunication here
Whenever people talk about Morrowind, the 'console' version in the PC version. The other is just the 'Xbox' version.
13-05-2005 06:49:27
Whenever people talk about Morrowind, the 'console' version in the PC version. The other is just the 'Xbox' version.
wtf, The XBox is a console, why are ppl calling the PC version a console version when clearly a PC isnt a console?
Also never heard a PC version of a game called the console version, is this like a American thing or something
Usually not. It's just a 'Morrowind' thing...lol Anyways, now that this topic is cleared...what else?
13-05-2005 20:15:43
PC could be considered a console
13-05-2005 22:24:03
not really....
14-05-2005 00:07:57
PC could be considered a console
How can it be???
The fact that it is? lol
15-05-2005 21:53:27
If you can play games on it, its a console, just b/c you can do other stuff doesn't make it not a console, b/c Xbox 360 has like a bunch more stuff
15-05-2005 22:05:56
It doesn't matter if its console or pc. They are boththe same!
Anyway, yeah Morrowind is awesome, I love destroying cities. =P
16-05-2005 12:49:09
Yes, i agree, that is a plus
16-05-2005 16:27:53
AH, Morrowind... good times, good times...
I played it and beat it, all except for Bloodmoon which I never started, last year...
I think I quit at level 70ish, I was at the point where I would have to start going to prison so that I could level some more.
When all your skills are at 100... no more levels. If you go to prison, your skills are all reduced, so you can get a few more levels at the expense of having to retrain your skills...
I wore some heavily enchanted glass armor, mostly with Sanctuary and permanent strength increases, I also used blunt weapons, so SUnder was a very nice hammer... I was an Imperial, custom class, the Administrator. Because I administrated PAIN!
By the way, Oblivion looks nice
16-05-2005 20:21:27
I beat it only once, which i don't plan on beating it again
I think I somehow screwed myself over. I can't get the guy in House Redoran to duel me to be named Hortator. ><
16-05-2005 23:38:50
Just destroy some cities... thats what i do
17-05-2005 12:56:27
If all else fails destroy some cities, words to live by.
18-05-2005 12:46:59
Then how a high bounty on your head???????
18-05-2005 12:50:38
I'm guessing it would be pretty high, though i stick to more, um, subtle means
19-05-2005 10:51:54
Subtle? You mean sneaking and killing?
19-05-2005 12:54:17
No I don't sneak and kill, I just kill who i have to and move on, i don't kill innocents or anything like that, unless they become a reason for me to kill them.
20-05-2005 08:29:55
I kill because I want to. If I see a shop I want. Boom I kill owner and it becomes mine. Or if an innocent pisses me off. They end up dead. Yeah it may seem a little brutal. But I know how to do it where you have a small bounty and can make lots of money off of kills like that.
20-05-2005 10:10:39
Not my style.
Yay! Second character now a vampire! ^^ Just south west of Ald'ruhn. Awsome type to choose, though no quests for them. hahahaha Vampire Kajhiit ^^
20-05-2005 10:59:00
Styles can be changed. Wicked Esca.
20-05-2005 13:49:59
Not mine, I use the same style of fighting in every game, and it hasn't failed me yet. I have beaten every game i have come arcross. Ep. III took me like 4 hours to beat. Elder Scrolls took me like a month, and Fable took me like 7 hours. I've beaten more games than that, but those are some examples.
20-05-2005 15:47:03
After all the people I killed on Morrowind, I had a 6 digit bounty. I was going to go higher but I got bored. =P
20-05-2005 19:54:34
Sounds fun
Awsome thing just happened. I used a Scroll of Icarian Flight, jumped a ways, waited till the last second and used another one to get my agility up so I wouldn't die.....and my Acrobatics was increased to a permenant 1015!!!
23-05-2005 10:18:34
Wow, that is awesome. You know what sucks is devoting your whole life to a game, then you beat it and your life feels empty, like reading a book that suddenly ended and left you with no certain ending.
lol yeah. Which is why games are not my life.
25-05-2005 10:14:29
Fable was, until 7 hours later i beat it
25-05-2005 11:17:28
Morrowind was a lot of fun. And Oblivion looks AWESOME... I can't wait. Did anyone see the new trailer? It's on the Elder Scrolls website if you haven't. We finally get to see the game in action a little bit.
Oh, did anyone ever play Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall? It was buggier than heck but I played that game for a looong time. The storyline and setting in Daggerfall is probably one of the best I've ever seen in a CRPG.
25-05-2005 12:49:50
Indeed I have played all of the Elder Scrolls, and yes i thought he storyline in Daggerfall was excellent as well. Can you remember what the first elder scrolls was called? I don't know if it was unnamed or what, i havn't played it in like 7 years.
25-05-2005 14:53:34
I think it was Arena. Not sure.
First one was Arena. I love all of the Elder Scrolls. Awsome series. The only thing that I won't like about Oblivion, is that their will be a 'great war.' And you are supposed to be the hero again, but no matter what, there will be that damned war pestering you if you don't do the main quest. heh
25-05-2005 15:29:20
Yeah, Elder Scrolls I is called Arena. You can actually download that game for free from the Elder Scrolls site. Kind of outdated, silly graphics but it's fun to play with.
26-05-2005 12:48:59
Yep, i remember it now. I'm not to good with names, especially over a 7 year period.
27-05-2005 20:44:12
I have a question. This question is pretty much aimed at
Esca. But anyone feel free to answer. I'm trying to find those standing stones for the Skaal in the Bloodmoon part. Up there on the same island as Raven Rock. So how do I find them? I know about the scroll. But how would I know if I found the right stones?
You will know. They all look like giant cones, and they have runes on them. When you click on them, they give you a quest, so you must refer to your journal. Good luck. That is the longest and most antagonizing portion of the Bloodmoon quest.
27-05-2005 20:57:15
Thanks Esca. And I figured this would be the hardest part.
28-05-2005 19:09:08
Did you guys meet the talking mudcrab yet?
28-05-2005 20:31:57
Yeah, the mudcrab is great for selling things. Though I always end up adding my own merchant to sell stuff...
28-05-2005 20:43:42
I just like reading his accent its hilarious read my lips, er, mouth parts
02-06-2005 14:18:25
Where do you find the mudcrab?
05-06-2005 20:04:48
Is on one of the islands on the sout eastern part of the map. I can't remember which b/c i havn't played it in like a year
09-06-2005 22:22:48
Ebony Longsword KICKS ASS
10-07-2005 17:54:50
Anyone here beat it as a vampire, yet? Or a werewolf if you have Bloodmoon.
I can't go to Mournhold or I risk attack by High Ordinators. But I can take them out pretty easily. Anyone here been able to kill of the Hands of Almalexia? They are EXTREMELY difficult to kill. And they use magic-assisted weapons. Everything.
Nice to see that I'm not the only one who wasted away in front of the screen while living in the world of Vvardenfell
10-07-2005 18:00:54
I have the Game of the Year Edition for Xbox. My best character is a level 50 Nord. My friend and I however got up to level 999. Took a while...lol. I mainly stick to Vvardenfell.
10-07-2005 21:08:27
How the hell did you manage to get up to 999? Man your INSANE.
10-07-2005 21:16:01
Takes around a month of pure gaming. No stops. Of course we stopped, but the stop watch helped. ^_^
10-07-2005 21:16:36
Also, Her Hands Echanted Armor>>>Ebony.
10-07-2005 21:27:46
I love how random people have like the coolest stuff
13-07-2005 06:53:20
Lol yeah, random people rule.
13-07-2005 10:29:34
Enchanted High Ordinator Armor that fortifies strength (constant effect ).
If you want constant effect you need a Grand soul gem (or Azura's star) and a Golden Saint's soul, as I'm sure you already know. Go to the Armorer in Godsreach for unlimited grand soul gems and unlimited golden saint scrolls. (I think the inventory is random, though.) That's where I get mine.
13-07-2005 20:32:12
I also love how people leave like thier most valuable items out on the counter for you to snatch so easily
Drodik alTor
17-07-2005 04:35:48
Whoa!!!! we had a Morrowind topic? I did not know that. I play morrowing GOTY but all my files got deleted. I think I was a Dark elf somethin or other.
17-07-2005 10:43:15
Which do you think is the best species?
17-07-2005 11:43:52
All hail the Nords! Lords of Skyrim!
30-11-2005 12:05:21
i got to level like 152, with full stats, 2 million in gold, dark elf , male, necromancer, have been almost everywhere
Grandmaster of House Hlaalu
Grandmaster of Morag Tong
Operative of Blades
Knight of the Imperial Dragon of Imperial Legion
Master of Fighters Guild
Patriarch of Temple