What Do You Do In The Real World?
12-12-2010 23:25:05
I'm intrigued by what everyone does in the real world. From my short time in the DJB I've noticed members from all over with various jobs. The curious side of my loves learning what people do for a living and what interests them.
I'm a student, but I do freelance computer repair work. I'm currently looking for a real job. XP
My hobbies are varied but sound cliche when put down. I enjoy writing, mainly horror and sci-fi; reading, currently enthralled by ancient Rome; watching documentaries; and playing Minecraft. There are others, but these are the first few that came to mind.
Kano Tor Pepoi
13-12-2010 08:58:16
I am a former United States Army Military Police Officer and am currently a freelance Bonds Enforcement Agent, that is the fancy and official way to say bounty hunter. When it comes to actually making money tho I am an interior and exterior painter, been doing that since I was 12 because it is a family job.
01-01-2011 08:39:50
I'm the Pizza dude, LOL. I'm a delivery guy at Donato's pizza, though I'm going to school for medical database administration this spring.
Im a Uni Student doing general studies atm...I make my money by playing in the schools band, either marching or pep band. I read a lot, play some games and genrally hang out by myself. Im the creepy person in room 2M in my dorm building. I attend Robert Moriss University, which is located 20 mins from downtown pittsburgh.
I formerly worked as an ETL for Target. I am going to Bradford School of Business and Technology in Pittsburgh for Network Management. When I am done there I am transferred to Carnegie Mellon University to finish out my Major with either a Doctorate or a Masters. Then I am going to apply at the Pittsburgh Google Office and hopefully get a job there.
28-01-2011 09:52:22
I work part-time as a barman, while studying Catering and Hospitality. Great stuff!
I work part-time as a barman, while studying Catering and Hospitality. Great stuff!
Definitely thought you said you worked part time as Batman.
28-01-2011 10:22:35
I work at Honda in the back shop as a technician apprentice. I'm currently a 2nd year college student doing day release (1 day a week) for 6 hours on Mondays getting my schooling. In about... a year and a half's time, I should be completely done my schooling and have my all my hours to go write my ticket and become a certified auto mechanic.
03-02-2011 09:31:32
I'm Batman!
17-02-2011 19:21:57
I'm a telescope repair technician.
What's a telescope repair technician? I hear you ask? Well....
We have somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 remote astronomers and at any given time (except full moon week) we usually have on-site guests who either use their own personal equipment (which I don't bother with) or our own equipment that we rent to them. Our remote astronomers are here in the states, in Australia, China, Russia, Qatar and the most recent one is from Switzerland.
When they email the tech support line, we fix their problems from pointing to silvering on the mirror going bad. We repair their cameras here on site at no extra cost to them. Unfortunately for some of them, we can't fix everything. So, when that happens we will send the camera off to the company that made it so they can fix it.
Oh, did I mention I get paid exorbitant amounts of money to sit on my ass until one of the aforementioned problems come up? Most days I get paid to surf the web
You mean you get paid to be my Aedile Mr. "No Internet at Home"
I'm a graduate student in Germanistik. For monies I teach German 101 at the University of New Mexico and bartend a couple nights a week.
20-02-2011 19:36:07
I think I might be the only "paid" member of the DB....if I'm wrong, meh. Still interesting to ponder. How many of you really get paid to be active in the DB?
24-02-2011 01:40:47
I work as a pizza delivery driver and kick boxes full of puppies. =/
Macron Sadow
04-03-2011 09:00:48
I'm a chemist.
10-03-2011 20:06:51
Hairstylist (at first I lol'd, then I serious'd)
and bartender in the weekends.
Orv Dessrx
10-03-2011 21:14:58
I'm the Lead Developer at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire. I'm the coding overseer for a team of 6 full-time staff and 1-2 part-time staff depending on the time of year (I also oversee a number of developers external to the MIS Team that I'm a part of).
I work on PSU's student information system, e-commerce integration points, our campus portal, our identity management system, and ~120 other smaller applications & APIs (and growing) using PHP, PL/SQL, JavaScript, MySQL, & Oracle. Additionally, I do graphic design work for our portal and our internal apps.
Aside from my day job, I'm a freelance developer and artist. Right now I'm working with a couple of authors on the covers for their books, their websites, etc.
And I'm a dad.
11-03-2011 01:29:50
I used to work at the Apple Store. Now I am just a humble Freelance Videographer, Film Maker, and Sound Guy. I am the co-owner of ThrowDown Entertainment (
I also just graduated college.
The only money i've gotten through the DB is Sang's mom...
11-03-2011 18:24:48
I'm a college student now studying Physical Education at Newberry College.
As far as money. Well the school pays me to be a Resident Advisor, basically I just yell at people and tell them to shut the hell up when they are being loud and obnoxious.
13-03-2011 13:24:03
I'm a college student now studying Physical Education at Newberry College.
As far as money. Well the school pays me to be a Resident Advisor, basically I just yell at people and tell them to shut the hell up when they are being loud and obnoxious.
Being an RA rocks. It was alot of fun, plus free housing.
14-03-2011 13:03:37
I used to work at the Apple Store. Now I am just a humble Freelance Videographer, Film Maker, and Sound Guy. I am the co-owner of ThrowDown Entertainment (www.throwdownent.com)
I also just graduated college.
The only money i've gotten through the DB is Sang's mom... 
I'm going to kill you one of these days Wally.
I'm a security guard at a club on the weekends and a student at Sierra College in Rocklin California.
Sanarai Iridana
16-04-2011 22:05:10
Wow...I feel really, really young compared to all of you guys. I'm a high school student, I go to Las Vegas Academy in Nevada. I work at Barnes & Noble on weekends though.