Star Wars Character Quiz


10-12-2008 19:28:22

Hey guys. Renci here. You usually dont see much of me on the DJB forums. I'm generally most active on IRC, and emails. I guess I could be a little more active on here I guess. Anyway when I joined the rebel squadrons just a little over a year ago, ( before I came here ) I found these nice little quizzes. You simply answer the questions and it'll tell you what star wars character your most like.

I found this rather fun a while back. I figured I would share it with you.


DJB Protector Renci Janin
Ektrosis Of Taldryan


12-12-2008 00:13:27

I got Han Solo.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 00:25:51

I'm Qui-Gon Jinn


13-12-2008 11:14:49

I am THE CHOSEN ONE. Cool quiz.

Kral Morth

13-12-2008 14:57:32

Wow. Never expected that.


24-02-2009 04:06:45

I am a Sith Lord

Senator by day
Sith Lord by night
'Penelope' at weekends

Hey, wait a minute, who's Penelope?


28-02-2009 11:33:57

Sho' you riiii!