*Spoilers* KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords
24-02-2005 10:55:44
Well, haven't seen any other topics about it, so thought I'd make one instead.
I've just finished the game in Light Side. Loved it as much as the first (especially some of the characters, Mandalore, GO-TO, Visas Marr, Handmaiden and of course HK-47) but I must admit the ending was slightly disappointing. Dunno if the Dark Side one will be any better.
Also, anyone who knows how it is possible to turn some non-Force sensitive party members into Jedi and would like to share the information, they're welcome to do so!
24-02-2005 11:23:09
There are a number of characters that aren't force-sensitive to start out with that may become jedi. Most of the human characters actually. So, Handmaiden; Atton; Mira; Bao-dur (sp?) and Disciple if you're playing female. Basically, to turn them you'd have to have a very high influence with them. For Handmaiden, you also have to train with her on 3 occassions and defeat her.
As for the ending...I didn't mind it. I mean, it sets up a lot for a future game and it isn't any worse than the first game ending.
That being said, is it ever actually explained in detail about that other Sith Lord? The one with the mask? I mean...he's this uber-powerful character that is defeated so easily and you learn nothing substantial about him. I found that disappointing.
I also wished that Revan would really show up...
I'll be goind dark now...with a female. Just started actually, so hooray for senseless killings
24-02-2005 12:51:47
Like Halc said if you want to turn Atton, the Handmaiden, Mira or Bai-Dur into Jedi you just have to be nice to them and get their influence up. There are few other clauses;
1. Atton: This requires a really high influence and for you to have gone to the Refugee Sector on Nar Shaddaa. In the big complex with lots of refugees if you walk around there's a place where two Twi'leks will come up and warn you about Atton. Talk to him about it, learn about his history, and you'll be able to turn him into a Jedi Sentinel.
2. Handmaiden: This again requires a high influence but you also have to beat her in the three duelling sessions on the Ebon Hawk. If you want to get her to be any use to you as a Jedi Guardian you need to start duelling with her as soon as you get her as she makes you wait between duels. It also then requires you to talk to Kreia about her mother, then tell Handmaiden to put some clothes on, then talk to her about her mother. If you're playing a Consular you might have trouble with the third duel in which case you might need to leave her out of your party for a bit and level up without her so you are a bit stronger.
3. Bao-Dur: Simplest of the lot, just talk to him and show him some respect. I had him turn into a Jedi Guardian before the end of my first planet.
4. Mira: This requires a fairly high influence but it can all be obtained by saying the right things in the dialogue you get with her as soon as she joins your party. The best way is to talk to her about why she doesn't kill, piss her off and lose some influence, then go through the apology dialogue which gets a lot of influence gains. Then you just need to talk through the right sequence of dialogue to get her to think about the Force. Then you have to return to the place on Nar Shaddaa where Kreia tells you to reach out and feel the real Nar Shaddaa. Then Mira will become a Jedi Sentinel.
5. Disciple: I'm afraid I don't know the specifics about Disciple as I've not played it as a female. I know he becomes a Jedi Consular though.
The ending recieved a fair amount of gripe when the game came out although I liked it. It was rushed but at the same time the final boss explains everything to you so in a lot of ways it tells you more than what KOTOR1 told you about the fates of your characters.
I'm trying to find the voice files of the 'hidden ending' though. I've discovered there are some voice files in the game directory of the unfinished ending and fights that they wanted to include but were unable to finish before being pushed into releasing the game. If anyone else wants to try and find these you'll need to download the Miles Sound Studio first to play them (just type it into Google and you'll find a download page).
The other Sith Lord: Nope. I think it's kinda sad that they never actually say his name. I know that it says that he's called Darth Nihilus in one of the quest journal entries but they never mention it. I really liked him as a character, especially given how much they build him up as a superhuman god- and start to make our ubergod Grand Master powers seem not quite so unbelievable. But then he's just... dead. Then that's it. End of Darth Nihilus. I did find on my second playthrough though that if you talk to your party members about him you do find out quite a lot about his powers and stuff so he wasn't that bad...
...and I've found out that Dark Horse are doing a prequel series that describe what caused the Mandalorian Wars and stuff so they should be nice. I believe they'll be giving us the backstory of Darth Nihilus too.
For story purposes I think he was meant to serve as a mirror of the Exile. If you talk to I think it is Kreia she tells you how Nihilus became like he is. It's basically exactly the same as the Exile and started at Malachor V. The only difference is that Nihilus embraced it whereas the Exile turned away from it. For a while I was wondering if Darth Nihilus was the Exile... sort of like a ghost of your former place in the Force. Apparently the person who authored The Sith Lords also did another game where the main character is the same person as the main villain but they were just split in two, good and evil, so I suppose it isn't too far fetched to imagine that he borrowed on his previous work when coming up with the Exile and Darth Nihilus. If Dark Horse are doing a backstory about Darth Nihilus though then it proves that he can't have been the same person as the Exile.
I have to say I really did like the scene during the Light Side playthrough when you return to Dantooine to meet with the Jedi Council. It was so... true. I liked the fact that Kreia was able to just blitz the whole lot of them in one move, kind of goes to show which is the more powerful side of the Force.
Nekura Manji
24-02-2005 13:05:39
Dark Horse are doing a prequel series featuring Darth Nihilus? Any information on when that's coming out... or what kind of artwork it'll have?
Anyway... I felt that the Dark Side ending was extremely cut off and random. I literally sat up and said 'Huh? What the hell just happened?' when the credits started rolling, because I was expecting more- another cutscene, or something. From what I could see it just went from my wasting Kreia to Malachor V blowing up (I think... my memory is crap) with no explanation of what happened to anyone- my party members or me or anything. Weird. I hope the light side ending is better...
24-02-2005 13:10:36
There's some really wierd stuff in the voice clips folders... there's one of Darth Sion saying "Prepare my shuttle. I will travel to the Smuggler's Moon myself". Makes you wonder what thing's they originally wanted to put in.
I bought the official guide yesterday... it... is interesting. Either there's more endings to this game than meet the eye or it's from an early version of the game. In both my Dark Side and Light Side playthroughs when I returned to the Telos Academy I fought Atris but that was it... I fought Atris.
In the guide book it actually has pictures of her dressed up in a black cloak and with her character named Darth Traya... anyone played it and fought that? Or must that be from an early version?
Kaine Mandaala
24-02-2005 13:32:56
EGM had an interview with a couple guys who worked on KOTOR 2 and they eluded that there's not a whole lot said or dealing with Darth Nihilus because there's going to be a KOTOR 3.
They say that KOTOR 2 is a lot like ESB in that it ends on a down note to set up the final act.
24-02-2005 14:32:17
Well, I must say all this is highly interesting, especially the Darth Nihilus bit. (A sidenote: nihil in Latin means nothing
![Wink ;)]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif)
Also, good news about KotOR 3 and the prequel game!
So, you guys never mentioned, who is your most/least favourite character?
Also, dunno if this also stands with you, but some of Kreia's teachings actually made me think deeply of what truly is "good" and "bad".
24-02-2005 16:36:29
They have confirmed a KOTOR3 now? That's good... I knew there were rumours it had been canned after LA shufled their staff around a bit but I'm glad to see that was what I had hoped it was: just a misunderstanding.
I know some people have wondered if Darth Nihilus actually died or if he'll be back in KOTOR3... if he's back that'd be rather cool actually. Here's hoping they mean that and its not just a ploy to get us off their backs.
Yeah... Darth Nihilus pretty much comes from Nihil or Nihilism. Its one of the things I liked about his character as he was arguably one of the most powerful Sith Lords we've ever seen. He didn't have the control to ever be a ruler in the traditional sense, so in a way wouldn't ever have achieved what the Sith wanted, but in terms of sheer "who would cause the most destruction" I'd rank him right up on top.
Favourite character... that's a hard one. I'd probably have to say Kreia. I know a lot of people hate her and think she was a manipulative bitch but I really liked her as a character. Neither Jedi nor truly Sith. Her character really gave the game something I had been wanting to see enter the world of canon for some time; acceptance that the Jedi teachings were flawed. Its something all the Lucas corporations have always refused to allow to be published under their name; the idea that the "good guys" might be wrong. But The Sith Lords, and Kreia in particular, makes undeniably clear that from either point of view, Jedi or Sith, the Jedi teachings are lame.
24-02-2005 17:18:57
I disagree, Xanos. Many times have characters from the films often came in contrast with the Jedi teachings and admitted them flawed, like Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. So, technically speaking, LucasArts DID admit the good guys might be wrong.
Kaine Mandaala
24-02-2005 17:25:59
Now now - I didn't say they wholly confirm KOTOR 3... they just elude to it and end the discussion when probed further.
As for favorite character... I'm not done w/ the game yet.
So far I like the Handmaiden and Bao-Dur the most - in fact they travel with me most often. T3 is neat, Atton is decent though once he starts becoming a Jedi he gets dull. The rest of them either annoy me (G0-T0, Mira, Kreia) or I have no real interest (Visas, HK-47, Mandalore) in them as characters.
THe thing with Kreia that irks me is that I feel her 'on the fence' views about Jedi/Sith and all that is shoved down my throat. Yeah yeah I get it. Now stop.
24-02-2005 17:31:16
Now now - I didn't say they wholly confirm KOTOR 3... they just elude to it and end the discussion when probed further.
As for favorite character... I'm not done w/ the game yet. ![Smile :)]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif)
So far I like the Handmaiden and Bao-Dur the most - in fact they travel with me most often. T3 is neat, Atton is decent though once he starts becoming a Jedi he gets dull. The rest of them either annoy me (G0-T0, Mira, Kreia) or I have no real interest (Visas, HK-47, Mandalore) in them as characters.
THe thing with Kreia that irks me is that I feel her 'on the fence' views about Jedi/Sith and all that is shoved down my throat. Yeah yeah I get it. Now stop.
You don't like the four evil party members? :S
24-02-2005 19:24:47
If he has Mira, it means he's going the Light-Side route...meaning the bad-guys don't work too well (normally
![Razz :P]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif)
Conversing with, I enjoyed Visas the most. More so than the Handmaiden when it came to "love interests" at least
By the end of the game, I used Kreia and Handmaiden a lot. I had a lot of skills myself, so Haindmaiden was the muscle and Kreia was the uber Force-User.
I never used Bao-Dur all that much, just because I didn't need his expertise. I used Mandalore though closer to the end of the ranged combat. Never used GO-TO at all, and would use Mira occassionally. And because I didn't use Bao-Dur I never did get him to jedi...and never had enough influence with Atton so a no-go there.
I'll use different character during my dark go around. And I heard that wookiee is a monster in terms of fighting...so that'd be good
24-02-2005 21:11:40
That site has a huge amount of information about gaining influence with characters and the cool glitches. I've even seen stuff on that message board about a HK factory that got scraped before it was finished. I'm guessing XBOX live users and PC users can download the hacked level but I've not done that yet.
I think of all the characters I liked Disciple the most, followed by HK, and then Kreia. My hubby likes using Handmaiden so I get to see that part of the game since I don't play male.
But yeah, play around with the influence and see what all you can find out about the other characters. Most of them have pretty interesting stuff to say if you can get it out of them.
25-02-2005 09:10:05
there's still references of the HK factory in the game when you talk to HK-47, so obviously it was supposed to have been there but I guess LA wanted Obsidian to finish it too fast.
Kaine Mandaala
25-02-2005 10:30:01
The interview is in the EGM with The Godfather on the cover. It's pretty unmistakable.... all black w/ The Godfather logo in white (or red... depends on which version of the magazine you see).
Anyhow - they also say there was an HK Factory sidequest involving HK-47 but it was cut because of time.
25-02-2005 12:15:03
I rather found it annoying HK lost his uniqueness in this episode. So, any theories about the KOTOR 3 storyline? (Yeah, so I'm fantasizing. Sue me.
![Razz :P]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif)
Personally, I think it will be something involving both the Exile and Revan, and the *SPOILER*
Sith Empire in the Outer Rim Kreia mentions in the end.
25-02-2005 18:33:23
If they do a third one it's clearly going to be about the Sith Empire... they can't just go and invent a new empire and not elaborate on it. The Sith Empire was meant to have been destroyed during the Great Hyperspace War (Naga Sadow v Ludo Kressh v Republic) so to make a claim saying that it survived, which is plausible as there actually isn't anywhere that has ever said the Sith Empire was destroyed, is asking for some elaboration.
Heck, if they don't make a game on it I want somebody to do a book about it. Its a giant plot hole that needs filling.
There was going to be a NJO length series set in the KOTOR era Old Republic... its possible I suppose that they've been using the games to set up for the books. The impression I had was that the books had been scrapped in favor of the game but its possible that Dark Horse's new comic prequel story will be the first in a series that elaborates around the KOTOR period.
I know that people at Obsidian have said they want to do something different if they make another game. They mentioned a new engine. Quite whether they just meant a new engine or whether they meant a different story setting though... we'll have to wait and see.
26-02-2005 05:38:37
I can't understand why they would want a different engine when this one works perfectly well.
Nekura Manji
26-02-2005 06:19:11
I would like to see the same basic engine but with various bits twiddled and elaborated on- kind of what they did with this sequel, but to a much larger degree. But really, as long as it plays basically the same, and as long as it kicks arse, I'm happy.
Oh, and I found a funny bit concerning HK-47...
Once you've brought relative stability to both Onderon and Dantooine and spoken to Geeda so she increases her stock, you can buy a 'HK Pacificist Protocols' or something item. Go and talk to HK-47 and you can install it, turning him from an insulting assassin droid to a droid spouting stuff about love and peace and how every life is precious
![Very Happy :D]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif)
Made me chuckle, anyway...
Uh...yeah, anyway...
26-02-2005 07:28:46
They probably want to improve the graphics or something... I know that people did complain saying KOTOR2 was looking somewhat dated. Admittedly I would sometimes like to know who these people are that claim KOTOR2 is "dated". I swear the idea of those sort of people must be to make the game so graphically intensive that nobody has a computer good enough to play it.
I suppose what they might be thinking of doing is just overhauling the whole system, updating all the character models and everything rather than porting them across. I know that they began work on KOTOR2 before KOTOR1 had even been released meaning that KOTOR2 is actually based on a beta version of the KOTOR1 engine (which is why its got some of the bugs that were fixed in the KOTOR1 patches). I suppose they might just want to refine the whole engine next time rather than keep on building on the kinks of the originals.
26-02-2005 07:51:27
I would like to see the same basic engine but with various bits twiddled and elaborated on- kind of what they did with this sequel, but to a much larger degree. But really, as long as it plays basically the same, and as long as it kicks arse, I'm happy.
Oh, and I found a funny bit concerning HK-47...
Once you've brought relative stability to both Onderon and Dantooine and spoken to Geeda so she increases her stock, you can buy a 'HK Pacificist Protocols' or something item. Go and talk to HK-47 and you can install it, turning him from an insulting assassin droid to a droid spouting stuff about love and peace and how every life is precious
Made me chuckle, anyway...
Uh...yeah, anyway... ![Very Happy :D]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif)
Wow, does that get you LS points or DS points?
Nekura Manji
26-02-2005 11:59:52
I don't think it gets you points from either side... just experience and a damn good laugh =D Although, since I did it on a Lightside game, I should have tried to figure out how to leave it in... heheheh....
26-02-2005 13:06:41
Αlso, I'd like to add on something people have already mentioned. KOTOR 2 truly IS the series' Empire Strikes Back. It's darker, spookier, more sinister, and good doesn't really triumph in the end.
01-03-2005 10:41:12
I'm doing Dark Side now and am having a blast tho getting influance is harder I guess but whatever
02-03-2005 10:06:48
Getting influence as a dark side character is somewhat more difficult though its not impossible. I just finished my third playthrough, my second time with the dark side, and managed to gain enough influence to turn all three potential Jedi characters into Dark Jedi, and that includes Mira.
A method I didn't discover until late in the game is that there are a number of 'hit list' characters who you can get influence from for other characters providing Kreia is in your party. The mechanic in the Dantooine landing pad for instance, if you have Kreia in your party she can cause another character such as Atton to gain influence where he would normally lose it. Even if you are just nice to the party characters its still easy enough to stay dark side, there's more than enough occasions on the worlds where you can slaughter people without mercy. I did gain a few light side points turning Mira into a Jedi but I followed up with slaughtering everything in sight during my final two worlds, leaving Korriban until last is a good way to get a huge dark side point run before the final missions.
KOTOR2 Missing Content
That site summarises what I mentioned earlier about missing sound files and cut scenes. Its quite interesting and helps to make more sense of Malachor and the game's ending.
02-03-2005 11:31:03
Actually Xanos, Atton gains positive influence from slaughter even if Kreia's not around.
The missing material was brilliant, too bad they didn't put it in.
02-03-2005 11:50:29
Statement: HK-47 is the most hilarious SW game character EVER!
02-03-2005 14:33:53
Well Kreia can apparently force it on most characters too, making it a lot easier to turn them to the dark side and make them Force Sensitive. I found it easy enough just to take the light side points though, I used htem to bring myself back up to neutral to get Mira, as I thought Hanharr was a boring character out of the two, so there were benefits in getting the light side points.
And yeah... HK-47 is pretty funny, I like the "torture" out-take
Nekura Manji
02-03-2005 15:44:59
Actually, I managed to turn Atton to the Dark Side with no problems at all... by the time I'd got him pretty Dark Side he was supporting my slaughter of that Sullustan merchant on Dantooine, making his transformation complete ^_^ The Disciple might be a bit harder, but I'm sure I can turn him with my 3vil feminine wiles....
02-03-2005 17:02:07
By the way, just finished butchering *SPOILER* Atris and it's cool when it's your face as the final Sith Lord on the start-up screen.
02-03-2005 18:50:40
Yeah, Atton isn't too difficult. Bao-dur and Mira are the hardest ones to turn while trying not to accumulate too many light side points. I suppose if you're playing pure dark side then you get Hanharr so it isn't a problem, but since I dislike him I've always gone to Nar Shaddaa first while I'm still more grey than light or dark.
02-03-2005 23:57:59
Yes, but when levelled up, Hanharr's a tank. If you're playing Sentinel/Consular, he's the perfect muscle for your party.
I'll be getting the game today, finally, but reading this I'm starting to wonder something about he game mechanics... what's this influence everyone's talking about ?
03-03-2005 04:50:12
Maybe, though if I want a tank I usually use Mandalore, but that's rare as I've never had a problem handling most things with a team of three Jedi.
Influence... its basically how much your party members like you. Rather than having a fixed dialogue where you must say Line A to get Response B if you want them to talk to you and tell you about their past etc. you need to have a high influence with them. If you say nice things to them you get an Influence Gain if you shout at them you get an Influence Loss.
Having a high Influence has benefits like being able to learn more about their character's history, which sometimes unlocks new powers or skill upgrades, like if you talk to Visas enough she'll teach you Force Sight. It also is how you turn some of your party members into Jedi by getting them to reveal to you that they're Force Sensitive.
03-03-2005 06:02:26
Good point Xanos, but having a Wookie with Frenzy in its abilities is never too bad.
![Wink ;)]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif)
And anyway, I found having a team of three Jedi to be plain boring. And I must add, GO-TO, a.k.a. the fat one, is the second coolest character in the game. Turns out, droids rule.
![Razz :P]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif)
Also, about influence, being nice to characters does not necessarily mean you'll *gain* influence. Most of the dark sided characters, like Hanharr and HK, as well as GO-TO, are disgusted with signs of nobility and kindness.
03-03-2005 09:02:54
Heh, I've never actually bothered to put G0-T0 in my party once, he's never even been levelled up. He just didn't appeal to me at all, his voice and attitude just got on my nerves more than anything. I've played with HK-47 a bit, for obvious reasons, though I normally went with Visas and Kreia. I liked Visas as a character as she was the darkest of the Jedi figures and, much as I really hated Kreia during my first playthrough, I actually strated to like her way of thinking by the middle of my second.
MWHAHAHA I have finaly the gam,e in my hands... I'm seriously thinking about skip aikido today to go play kotor 2.. skip or not to skip, that's the problem.... *sighs*
03-03-2005 14:27:31
Heh, I've never actually bothered to put G0-T0 in my party once, he's never even been levelled up. He just didn't appeal to me at all, his voice and attitude just got on my nerves more than anything. I've played with HK-47 a bit, for obvious reasons, though I normally went with Visas and Kreia. I liked Visas as a character as she was the darkest of the Jedi figures and, much as I really hated Kreia during my first playthrough, I actually strated to like her way of thinking by the middle of my second.
You gotta give GO-TO a chance. Trust me, his background story when you gain influence with him is absolutely brilliant.
![Wink ;)]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif)
And I find Visas' actress' voice to be really soothing, for some reason.
03-03-2005 15:04:11
If my memory serves correctly I think her voice actress was Kelly Hu, who's been in a few films. I think she was in The Scorpion King, not sure what else though I know the name is mildly familiar.
03-03-2005 15:27:33
Nekura Manji
03-03-2005 16:39:07
HK-47's voice still rocks... I downloaded some of that extra content that they didn't put in, including his impressions of characters from KOTOR 1 =D
'Ooh, Master, I love you but I resent everything you stand for. Let us press our slimy, mucus-covered lips together disgustingly...'
Heheh. He is the man/droid/whatever... =D
03-03-2005 17:40:20
Βut I've heard him say that in the game, too.
Oh, on another note, I've just finished the game Dark Sided. Could anyone care to explain what the hell that ending was?!
03-03-2005 18:05:22
That ending was why it is necessary to listen to the Missing Content
I think though that the idea was that you took over as the Lord of Trayus Academy so to speak. I guess they left it open ended so you could make up your own mind as to whether you stayed there, went in search of Revan, or used its power to crush the Republic.
I guess the reason you didn't escape on the Ebon Hawk like in the light side ending is because your party are presumed to have died in the crash or something and there was nobody to pilot it out. That and you had no reason to leave, as Trayus Academy didn't explode like in the light side ending.
"There must always be a Darth Traya..." I dunno. Maybe the Exile becomes Darth Traya. If you are a Dark Jedi then you did betray the Jedi Order... and pretty damn badly, as you destroyed them all. It might be that there has to be a Darth Traya for Trayus Academy to exist rather than implode, hence why it implodes in the light side ending, and continues to exist in the dark side.
Oh hell I dunno, like I said, Missing Content
03-03-2005 23:58:30
Hmmm...Okay... Based on the missing content, in the LS ending, I'm making out that Atton's probably the one who's pilotted the Ebon Hawk? And HK's still with him, along the T3. So, most probably, if a KOTOR 3 exists, it'll base itself on the LS ending and show us what happened when the Exile returned to the Outer Rim in search of Revan.
Who do you think your main character'll be then? The Exile, Revan, or someone else?
Aidan Kincaid
04-03-2005 00:54:58
Hey quick question and I figure you die hard Kotor2 fans might save me the time of going back and playing through the entire game, but anyways...
When you visit that Mandalorian camp and you go to their little brawling club thing, did they have a ranking system or a name for each round?
04-03-2005 05:00:51
Don't think so... pretty sure they were just fighters and called the top one the champion.
04-03-2005 07:16:19
There weren't exactly levels of rounds, there were just levels of fighters.
Oh, and Xanos, by "There must always be a 'Darth Traya'", Kreia meant that betrayal must always exist in our lives, because it is part of who we are. In this case, I think she meant her own betrayal, to force you to come to Trayus Academy, which led to the events we all know.
Sephiroth Kali
04-03-2005 08:52:46
For all you HK lovers such as myself. It sucks you can't comlete him earlier.
04-03-2005 10:37:50
Long live the organic meatbag hater!
By the way, does anyone know which are the best robes in the game, as well as the best lightsabre combination?
Sephiroth Kali
07-03-2005 08:40:42
Kotor 1 or 2?
07-03-2005 09:20:11
Well, the thread is for the second one.
07-03-2005 09:30:25
I'm not entirely sure about robes. I mostly just used ones that looked decent. I suppose the Dark Jedi Master robe is probably one of the strongest, I've only ever managed to loot one per playthrough, as it's got a Defence Bonus +3. I suppose the Handmaiden's is pretty good as it can be upgraded. There's also a bright red robe that's good some immunity to energy weapons, I can't remember the name though, its named after plants from which it apparently gets its red color.
The best lightsaber combination... not sure. The [player name] crystal is naturally the best crystal you can get (don't forget to talk to Kreia without having your crystal installed to make sure she upgrades it to reflect your Force alignment!). Then there's the Kaiburr crystal, thats pretty good, the Ultimate Pearl is good too, and the one you get by giving the Open Visa to the woman in the bar on Onderon, I can't remember the name of it though- its a bright red one.
Naturally the benefits of dual sabers outweighs a double bladed one because you can have four crystals rather than two. Buying high quality lens, energy cells and emitters can make a huge difference too.
07-03-2005 09:32:12
Are you talking about the Qixoni crystal? Yes, that's good, but only works if you're DS. The Solari and Upari ones, I think, are really good too.
What's the Ultimate Pearl?
Sephiroth Kali
14-03-2005 09:32:48
As for handmadiens robes, the cheat didn't work for me. How did you get them?
20-03-2005 14:04:54
Cheat? There's no cheat. You just ask her to put some clothes on.
28-04-2005 15:53:00
Visas is the [Expletive Deleted]. To bad she's blind, i would kinda feel evil screwin her.
If she was real of course
03-05-2005 05:44:35
You just described you're attracted to a fictional character from a game.
That is unsettling and sad.
03-05-2005 13:18:49
I have no life. Not my fault though, i am grounded from one.
Ricco Vao
07-06-2006 16:02:10
I thot the Robes in KOTR1 were a bit rubbish and were better in 2 but the story was better in 1. they were both amazing tho cant wait till 3rd onehope it explains more about Revan and Bastilla etc. Revan is my favourite character in star wars. Any one want to add on that.
Maybe sum1 nos when or if it will come out
I think that being able to turn your comrades, b*tches, buds, or wutever u call them into Jedi is cool.
07-07-2006 17:21:18
Damn straight.....<<<<<*has never played KOTOR 2 but hopes to*
If u have an Xbox then buy it at Wal-Mart or something. It's a platinum hit now.
Well I bought Kotor 2 on pre-order and I have now beat it about 6 times with varing classes.
after play most of the classes I found that jedi Sentinel then Jedi master or sith lord were definatly the most powerful. Once you have a fully upgraded saber you do fine in combat but I rarly had to even draw my saber to destroy my enemies. The only fight i had any trouble with was kreia's three lightsaber attack which needed a few verpine shields.
If you really pay attention to the storyline it explains a lot of the questions posed.
This is what I have figured out.
Darth Nihilus, kreia and the Exile are a new type of force wielder that I refer to as force leeches.
Ok the basics are we know that the force is in every living thing and that killing causes disturbances in the force. For example when the empire destroyed Alderaan Obi-wan was thousands or light-years away but still felt a very strong disturbance in the force.
Now the trayus academy was built on Malacor 5 because the planet had an extremely powerful dark side aura which the academy amplified. The massive dark side area is how Revan corrupted so many in the battle.
Now you find out that the exile some how formed force bond very quickly and very easily with others which gave him greater influence and control with those around him which is what kreia meant when she says you are a leader. Now at that final battle The exile was forced to activate a weapon called the Mass shadow generator from which I been able to determine was some sort of large gravity weapon which pulled Malacors moon into the planet. Because of the force bonds he had formed with so many the feedback from all there deaths on the planet went into the exile and to save himself he cut himself off from the force which turned him into a wound in the force or a living disturbance. The problem was his force bonding only became stronger giving him almost complete control over the Force sensitives he bonded with. The exile became a leech draining the force from other Force users around him and those he kills making him stronger.Heh basically what a sith always wanted:).
Now for now they’re 2 possibilities for Darth Nihilus.
1. is that he is the opposite part of the feed back from the exile which created mirror of the exile only on a much larger scales.
2.He was a jedi or sith that using the force Echo created by Malacor became a wound in force the and didn't cut himself off like the exile did.
Darth Nihilus had one problem however in order to exist he had to drain force from others on a planetary scale Specifically Jedi and force users because he lacked the bonding ability like the exile.
The reason that Darth Nihilus could not beat the exile was because the exile was just like him and if you watch when he tries to drain the exiles life-force it backfires because there is nothing there to drain.
As mentioned before a back story to clear up a lot of the mystery is on the way.
I'll also point out that kreia was like the exile but she did not have the force bonding he did.
As for KOTOR 3 it is in the works but we don't know much more then it is setting up for the final battle. I am hoping for the return of Revan and the Exile. Possibly have them both as main characters. Combine Revans great power with the force and The Exile leeching ability and you have 2 of the most powerful force users the galaxy has ever seen.
KOTOR 3 better be awesome.
Hoped that helped
14-07-2006 13:38:47
I've never played Kotor 2, but I enjoyed the first one, and the second one is probably better than the first...so there ya go
I don't know, Arc. Kotor2 has had a lot chopped out of it, and while it is more difficult and customizable than the original, there are a lot of plot holes and a crapload of glitches.
30-07-2006 21:41:07
I agree, KotOR 2 was amazing to me but it just didnt seem too perfect.
31-07-2006 11:28:19
Well that doesn't sound fun at all
It's fun. I just managed to get Bao-Dur and Handmaiden to go dark, and man, do they look cool.
05-08-2006 02:20:05
Amazing Kal -_-
Almost as amazing as that girlfriend of yours. jk
11-08-2006 17:29:41
Damn rights my girlfriend is amazing, to bad you'll never know
![Razz :P]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif)
. Anyways now having played Kotor 2 I can say that it's fun, but it does indeed glitch out the ass sideways on a train to chicago (yes i realize that makes no sense.)
12-08-2006 01:18:07
I did, they couldn't help
![Sad :(]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif)
look at it this way, at least you didn't eat yours.
16-08-2006 23:58:25
Um.....wtf......*runs away*