Kaine Mandaala
26-09-2006 09:26:17
Big box store plans halted
Wal-Mart proposal met with opposition
The long-running dispute over a proposed Wal-Mart store in Rotterdam ended Monday with the company announcing an end to its plans. The company announced it will terminate its contractual arrangements with landowners at Burdeck and Thompson streets and said it has no other plans to bring a superstore to the town.
The Wal-Mart plans were met with resistance from some quarters from the beginning, although there were supporters also. Oppositions was from residents arguing the store would hurt the neighborhood - primarly residential and the site of the former town Republican Club - reuslting in reduced property values, increased traffic and crime.
Baron Zarco
26-09-2006 10:05:35
Macron Sadow
28-09-2006 13:02:44