A comic book related versus...
20-07-2006 21:03:45
I thought of this while looking at an Alien VS. The Terminator VS. Predator comic and also looking a a RoboCop versus The Terminator comic. The Critters and the Gremlins are from movies, along with Jason Voorhees, Freddie Krueger and Jason X....
Baron Zarco
20-07-2006 21:41:46
The terminator can take more damage than anyone (anything) on the list. he has access to well nigh infinite data. They can learn from each encounter. They have some power over machines.
I have full files.........
Boo yah!!!
20-07-2006 21:43:54
Maybe, you also have to think of Jason and Jason X, Jason is more of a zombie, and Jason X is mostly a full metal cyborg-zombie...
Baron Zarco
20-07-2006 22:54:08
I felt like Jason was a close second but felt like he could not harm the Terminator endoskeleton. I suppose Jason X could but my reasoning was that even if Jason X was able to harm the endoskeleton the terminator is smarter, hands down.
You all seem to be forgetting one key fact: when Freddy fights, HE makes the rules. Freddy is the epitome of invincible. If you do the whole pull him out of the dream and kill him thing, he will come back in your dreams. He would have killed Jason if he had been given enough time, and I mean perma-kill. Sure, the Terminator doesn't dream, but that also means the Terminator is incapable of fighting him. That doesn't mean that he would win, that means he can't fight him. It is a disadvantage of the Terminator's.
In all reality, I vote Freddy, he could pwn anyone but the Terminator that's on that list.
Ylith Pandemonium
21-07-2006 04:31:55
Alien rules simply for its wicked design and ofcourse...his owningness
21-07-2006 05:01:17
OK, Kal you do have a point there with the Terminator thing. But also, Alien, Gremlins, Critters, AND Predator doesnt dream either. And I just added Gremlins and Critters on for fun. But, Jason whooped Freddy, Freddy is ONLY invincible in the dreams. I am the horror master, i have been called...
And Ylith, Alien is good and does have a good fighting chance. All cause of its speed, killing instinct, and acid blood. But, that dont necsasary mean that he/she would win. And there is ONLY ONE Alien Queen. And The Terminator is the TX-1000 or 800, hes the Arnold Swartenegar model...
Ylith Pandemonium
21-07-2006 05:11:03
when you cant spell the name Swartzenegger then the Terminator is doomed to failure...
Alien Ownz yet again
Baron Zarco
21-07-2006 10:13:33
In my best Hans and Franz (SNL) voice:
"Ya...it is the fact that you are tantalized by his name is what makes him all the more invincible." Hand clap for effect. "When you cannot dream your little girly man Freddy Kruger cannot even enter the fight. He is all in your imagination!" Hand clap for effect. "The terminator is real. Watch him pull the skin off his indestructable endoskelton...Ya." Another hand clap. "He will squish your little alienss like the bugs they are." And so on.....
Now I know that if you did not see the Hans and Franz skits from Saturday Night Live from a decade or more ago you must think I am crazy. You would not be the first to have that belief. But maybe, just maybe, if you saw that you are laughing your ass off right now. "Ya!!! We are here to pump you up!"
Remdan Tyranius
21-07-2006 15:45:29
AHHHHH!!!Robo Cop all the way.
OK, Kal you do have a point there with the Terminator thing. But also, Alien, Gremlins, Critters, AND Predator doesnt dream either. And I just added Gremlins and Critters on for fun. But, Jason whooped Freddy, Freddy is ONLY invincible in the dreams. I am the horror master, i have been called...
And Ylith, Alien is good and does have a good fighting chance. All cause of its speed, killing instinct, and acid blood. But, that dont necsasary mean that he/she would win. And there is ONLY ONE Alien Queen. And The Terminator is the TX-1000 or 800, hes the Arnold Swartenegar model...
No, when the Alien Queen dies, a new one gets born. And the fact that we've never seen Gremlins, Critters. or Predator sleep doesn't mean they don't have to. But, no matter how many times Freddy gets whooped, he will always come back. THAT is true invincibility.
21-07-2006 17:01:19
Same with Jason...
21-07-2006 19:38:08
Predator whoops ass....seen Predator vs. Alien lately.
21-07-2006 19:52:26
Alien VS. Predator, yes, i have it. and they are working on Part. 2, coming out at the end of the year...
Ylith Pandemonium
21-07-2006 20:51:14
so...nobody won in the first one? Gah...bastard!
21-07-2006 21:37:11
well the predator sorta, they blew up like the rest of the aliens in it, and the Queens dumbass fell into the ocean with a bog ol tank tied to her leg. To me, the predators won.
22-07-2006 06:11:34
the movie sucked tho so who cares?
The movie did not suck. And at the end, you see how the Predators are f*cked 'cause after they brought their fallen hero on board a friggin alien popped out.
Xayun Erinos
22-07-2006 08:07:24
No, that movie did suck. As do all Paul WS Anderson's movies.
Besides which, Judge Dredd would pwn every single one of them.
Baron Zarco
22-07-2006 13:45:33
I have to agree with Malik, the movie was terrible. I will say, however, I had read the comics and the book so my expectations were high. A lot of people really liked it. I suspect the one's who did not like it probably read the book and were disappointed.
22-07-2006 16:45:44
I didn't know there was a book, or comics I just thought the movie was horrible
22-07-2006 21:46:57
you have no taste, the movie was raw as hell.
Xayun Erinos
23-07-2006 06:19:39
If by raw you mean unrefined, then yes, it was. AVP was godawful. If you don't like it I'd say that's indication of pretty good taste.
Alien 3 and Resurrection were not good. Nor was Predator 2. If the original franchises couldn't carry off more movies, Paul WS Anderson certainly freaking can't.
Ylith Pandemonium
23-07-2006 06:31:37
you have no taste, the movie was raw as hell.
seriously...dude...how old are you? 12?
That movie sucked the gayness right out of pikachu's ass. lemme compile it for you:
sucking Alien version VS sucking Predator version = double suckiness movie.
its all math...
23-07-2006 16:10:46
15......but i still think it was a good movie.
23-07-2006 16:56:40
yea, i thought AVP was a good movie, but it will NEVER compare to the books and stuff......
23-07-2006 17:13:21
The gremlins are the greatest threat.
No one would suspect them of being evil when they're cute and fuzzy, and all it takes to make them real monsters is a simple snack after midnight. All they need to do then is touch an ocean and BAM, world conquest. Plus they can do it all with a mischievous grin and a laugh. The only things that can really stop them are the sun and Snow White.
/me starts humming gremlins' theme song
The Gremlins were the coolest, no doubt. And as for AVP, for those who have a complete lack of taste: THE MOVIE KICKED ASS!
Macron Sadow
27-07-2006 10:00:30
The Terminators rock.
27-07-2006 12:06:14
The Terminator never gives up, and would just keep pounding away until all in front of him was dead. And he had the coolest lines as well. The coolest Predator could come up with was looking like a vagina when he's not wearing his mask and saying "Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccckkkk Yooooooooooooooo..." Great.
I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Judge Dredd though. I know he's a lot bigger in the UK than in the US, but he is a hard MoFo, and I reckon very similar in traits to the Terminator.
27-07-2006 15:01:50
If by raw you mean unrefined, then yes, it was. AVP was godawful. If you don't like it I'd say that's indication of pretty good taste.
Alien 3 and Resurrection were not good. Nor was Predator 2. If the original franchises couldn't carry off more movies, Paul WS Anderson certainly freaking can't.
I love all those flicks in a very "B movie" sort of way. But mark my words PW Anderson has got a s/f masterpiece in him somewhere.
And Gremlins would win. They're crafty.
27-07-2006 20:53:15
I voted JasonX, simply because he's indestructible. Alien blood can probably corrode the Terminator's endoskeleton. Terminator can blast the [Expletive Deleted] out of JasonX... So I guess its a rock, paper, scissors situation.
27-07-2006 22:23:39
what the hell are gremlins.....oh god no...their Vessciant spawns.
31-07-2006 07:11:49
*Cooch feeds Aghasett after midnight to see what happens...