Batman Begins
16-06-2005 12:10:51
Go see, what are you still doing here?!
Saw it last night, and dear lord it was good. They could have left out the whole "love story" since it wasn't needed, but the rest? Damn. And how they ended it? I would've watched the second movie that second if it had been made
So yeah, go see it
P.S. I want the Tumbler
16-06-2005 20:33:16
Yep, EW (
Linky) pretty much wants to marry it... It looks like it's going to be a real good flick.
/me lists yet another movie to ensure to get in UMD format
06-07-2005 12:27:45
It's a damned good film. Not as good as the Tim Burton originals but close. Bale's portrayal of Batman was awesome. Can't wait to see the Joker in the next one. and Two-Face after that. Yee-hah. I'd like to see Bane again, coz the way they portrayed him in Batman and Robin (a heap of cattle-dung) was not right. Bane was more than a massively built retard. He was extremely intelligent. He almost killed Batman (read Knightfall books 1 & 2). And he was NEVER green...!!!
06-07-2005 14:32:46
I'm going to see it sometime soon, then after that I will go see War of the Worlds. I was kind of sad when I heard there was no hot sex scene with Katie Holmes. But I guess that's why their planning the sequel. ^_^
06-07-2005 16:26:13
i have to say, i love scarecrow's power, that freaked me out, and there were a lot of "jump out of your seat" scenes where its very suprising( i.e. batman jumps out of nowhere and you hear scream)
Kaine Mandaala
06-07-2005 17:17:57
This film is so awesome.
Right from the beginning it's nearly non-stop action surrounded by a very well written and much needed story.
It sets itself up for a sequel that I can't wait to see. Hell I said to my wife that I want to see 20 sequels if they'll all be this good. As for a love story - it was pretty well non-existant, and any time you can see an attractive girl on the screen is a bonus.
Show us those crazy eyes, Katie
06-07-2005 19:41:40
:::ewww, creepy eyes:::
but anyway, i had never known that batman even had a background, i love the whole thing about the league of shadows and i absolutely loved his training in the league, i guess he didnt know they wanted to completely anihilate gotham.
anyway: friggin 2 thumbs up!!!! B)
06-07-2005 22:00:26
I liked how we got to see Qui Gon Jin as a sort of pseudo Dark Jedi, it was nifty.
I hated the "Batmobile"...
Thats all I have to say about that.
07-07-2005 00:16:52
oh yeah, the guy who played qui gon was his trainer, the guy who found him in the prison......
damn good actor he is.
07-07-2005 03:15:51
oh yeah, the guy who played qui gon was his trainer, the guy who found him in the prison......
damn good actor he is.
Liam Neeson as Ra's al-Ghul
07-07-2005 18:14:58
Liam Nelson is a good actor. *Thinks of Kingdom of Heaven*
Mike Halcyon
08-07-2005 02:46:53
I love this movie. Best Batman rendition ever since the Tim Burton ones. But there are actually two items I disliked:
(a) The fast cuts during action sequences. Come on, both Christian Bale and Liam Neeson know how to fight. Show it!
(b) Showdown in the subway. Are you kidding me? It may have worked in Collateral but it doesn't work in Batman. No, there should have been a different setting.
08-07-2005 13:31:00
I'm finally going to go see it sometime this weekend.
09-07-2005 13:30:25
Liam Neeson as Ra's al-Ghul
Liam Neeson played Ducard, one of Ra's Al Gul's henchmen. I did think he was very "dark side" though. and the batmobile was cool. admittedly there wasn't anything to tie it to the batman character, but he'll customise it for the next one. remember this was just batman finding he feet. the sequel's gonna kick unbelievable amounts of ass
Kaine Mandaala
09-07-2005 18:37:15
I love this movie. Best Batman rendition ever since the Tim Burton ones. But there are actually two items I disliked:
(a) The fast cuts during action sequences. Come on, both Christian Bale and Liam Neeson know how to fight. Show it!
(B) Showdown in the subway. Are you kidding me? It may have worked in Collateral but it doesn't work in Batman. No, there should have been a different setting.
I have to agree about the action sequences - my only big complaint was that they should have pulled the camera back about 6 feet. I really didn't see the need for such extreme close-up blurs instead of an understandable fight. It reminded me of cheesy shots like Dooku v. Anakin in AOTC.
09-07-2005 19:01:12
Y'all know Katie Holmes has been dropped from the sequels?
09-07-2005 20:21:19
That's the worst news I've heard all day. Anyway, just saw it, great movie. Didn't realize the actor from Kaine's avatar was in it. ^_^
10-07-2005 13:06:53
That's the worst news I've heard all day.
Aww, I'm sorry :huh:
10-07-2005 15:18:26
No worries m' lady.
11-07-2005 11:06:48
WHo do you think played the best Batman?
Val Kilmer
George Clooney
Micheal Keaton
....can't remember the rest but my vote is for Clooney : P
11-07-2005 11:39:20
People who played Batman included:
Adam West (60's Show)
Michael Keaton
Val Kilmer
George Clooney
Christian Bale
My vote is Christian Bale, since he managed to convey the whole of the character the best, with Michael Keaton coming in second.
And yup, Katie has been dropped. Some anger it seems linger over the whole Tom Cruise thing, and really the way the movie ended, you don't need her around anyways
As for the fight scenes, there are 3 explanations:
1. Done that way on purpose since Batman is so quick and ruthless in fighting style you shouldn't see him move
2. The suit, even though much more flexible than previous incarnations, still doesn't have the mobility of a regular person
3. The director isn't used to filming proper fight sequences
It's most likely a combination of the latter 2, with the more "official" reason being the first
11-07-2005 11:55:05
This 'chopping/changing' style in fight scenes is one of my bugbears. It annoys me when I can't see what 's going on in a fight - it suggests that the i) the director doesn't know how to film a fight, ii) they ran out of time to choreograph anything, or iii) the actors can't manage it.
Strangely enough, I thought the fight sequences in this were better than those from EpIII, in terms of following the fight. Batman's fights were ok, you could make out what was going on, but EpIII was simply appalling - half the time it looks as if they were just waving their sabres around randomly.
11-07-2005 12:06:01
Christian Bale doesn't have the Bruce Wayne Persona, not like Clooney does anyway.
11-07-2005 12:22:44
He doesn't? As Bruce Wayne he gave off the "playboy" image quite well, with a good business sense. Can't really tell he's somenoe who'd go around dressing in a bat costume and beating the living crap out of others
So he has the Bruce thing down quite well.
11-07-2005 14:04:15
I love this movie. Best Batman rendition ever since the Tim Burton ones. But there are actually two items I disliked:
(a) The fast cuts during action sequences. Come on, both Christian Bale and Liam Neeson know how to fight. Show it!
(B) Showdown in the subway. Are you kidding me? It may have worked in Collateral but it doesn't work in Batman. No, there should have been a different setting.
Heh. I have a Hollywood family (we're all over. lol) and directors usually do fight scenes like that when they're either lazy or can't choreograph fight scenes well. I didn't like them either.
I thought the movie was excellent; up to par with the original Batman. And yes, they have asked everyone but Katie Holmes back for the sequels, mostly due to the bad publicity surrounding her now with the Tom Cruise thing.
For the sequels, I am fairly certain that they will not be redoing the old Batmans, IE: the Joker, Bane, Two-Face, the Riddler, etc. They have a plethora of other villains to choose from. However, that is just what I believe. I'm not sure.
As for Liam Neeson's character, he was billed as Ducard, but in the storyline, he is the real Ra's al-Ghul. They just didn't tell Bruce Wayne that because they didn't trust him completely.
And I think Bale got the Bruce Wayne gig down pretty well. Heh.
13-07-2005 20:55:28
Nah, I think Clooney is better. This is matter of opinion of course there is no right or wrong answer.
13-07-2005 21:26:42
Eh...there can be in his case

To be fair, the movie concept was so bad that noone would look good in it

However, Clooney played both Bruce Wayne and Batman as the exact same person...except he put on the costume for Batman. No change in demeanor, inflection, etc, etc.
Mike Halcyon
14-07-2005 02:54:13
I thought it was a little awkward when Bale changed his voice as Batman. At least he did in the dubbed version.
14-07-2005 04:23:03
I saw the movie to it was really good i want that tank thing so bad i think its called the tumbler lol anyways ya go see it it was sweeeeet lol
14-07-2005 09:18:35
I thought it was a little awkward when Bale changed his voice as Batman. At least he did in the dubbed version.
Got to say, I didn't notice...
14-07-2005 09:30:59
For Bale's voice as Batman, he seemed to have deepened his voice quite a bit. Worked well, at least for me. Gave it much more of an edge, and the voice change seemed to be natural (ie. no equipment enhancement). Can't talk about how it was done overseas though.
As for the "Tumbler", that was the name of the original vehicle. Maybe Batman calls it the Batmobile...who knows
14-07-2005 14:38:33
Eh...don't mean to drop the bomb on your boy Bale, but have you ever Velvet Goldmine? If you have you know what I am talking about, if you don't......look it up.
15-07-2005 11:14:08
I'm sorry but George Clooney as Batman? The best? Nah. As Mike H said, he played both Bruce Wayne and Batman identically. And his costume sucked. And they gave Robin a red version of Nightwing's costume. What was that film all about? I think Michael Keaton had it down the best.
As Bruce, he had this troubled air about him, with a quirky sense of humour and a strong sense of duty. As Batman he was dark and menacing, possibly borderline psycho. Bale was good, but not quite as good, at the whole Batman thing, but i reckon he did Bruce better than Keaton. But, it's a Batman movie, not a Bruce Wayne movie (this last could be argued). So Keaton gets my vote.
(nothing to do with the fact that his batmobile was by far the most bad-assed, honest :ermm: )
Mike Halcyon
15-07-2005 12:48:21
Actually, that was the other Halcyon.

But I agree with him anyways.
15-07-2005 13:31:18
Actually, that was the other Halcyon. 
But I agree with him anyways.
sorry dude, it get's confusing when there's multiles of a name kicking around. i wonder how things are gonna be when the mandalore goura family expands. my head's gonna be firmly jammed up my ass. which might hurt a little...
15-07-2005 13:36:29
Yeah confuessed me too. And I am guessing that from your lacking of speaking about it everone has heard about Velvet Goldmine, or doesn't want to know. For those of you who don't know, Ewan McGregor and Christian Bale have sex...........*BARF*
15-07-2005 15:57:33
well, if they want to be butt ticklers who are we to argue? lol.
16-07-2005 11:22:51
You scare me, you really do.
18-07-2005 07:14:46
You need to have a long conversation about this topic with Oberst. Should open your eyes a bit. And remove some of your prejudices.
Do you feel threatened by gay men?
Me, I look at it as less competition.
18-07-2005 08:01:51
Threatened? Hell no everyone is gay its just to what extent.
18-08-2005 22:13:56
This is an awesome movie. One of the best I've ever seen.
23-08-2005 19:00:05
I like it as well, but I think that Clooney is a better Batman
freshjive taldrya
24-08-2005 01:27:00
Clooney? Are you serious? Not only was he the worst one, the one he was in is one of the worst movies of all time. Keaton was the best of the older movies. Bale certainly held his own, and, in my opinion, plays closer to the true nature of Batman than even Keaton did. Batman is a scary badass, not a cartoony cheeseball.
Sith Bloodfyre
24-08-2005 10:26:03
You know, I saw this movie twice, and I have to say, best Batman of all time. Firstly, the movie was darker, and "edgier" than the others, which is what Batman is supposed to be. I think it totally reinvents the Batman franchise. I think Bale plays an excellent Wayne/Batman, and far surpasses Keaton. Don't get me wrong, of the old Batman movies, Keaton played the best Wayne/Batman, but I don't believe it was accurately portrayed, to be honest.
I have to say, I wasn't exactly fond of Michael Caine as Alfred, but he wasn't terrible. I just don't see him as Alfred, who (in my mind) is supposed to be this very elderly, doting grandfather. To me, Caine just... doesn't look old enough, really. However, he did play the role well, and did add humor to it. I especially enjoyed their discussion aboard the Wayne private jet, where they mention that Bruce left him all his stock and such, and Caine says that he can borrow the Rolls, he just has to bring it back with a full tank of gas.
I was not fond of Katie Holmes, but hey, I was never really fond of Kim Bassinger, Michelle Puh-feifer, Nicole Kidman... the list goes on. In any event though, this movie was done will. Liam Neeson played a great role, and though I was a little surprised to see Garty Oldman as Gordon, he did a great job within that role, too, I think.
All-in-all, best Batman. Period.
Macron Sadow
24-08-2005 12:10:21
I loved the Scarecrow. Muah ha ha
25-08-2005 05:41:21
the scarecrow was bad-assed. can't wait to see the joker in the next one. i doubt it'll be as cool as jack nicholson's performance though...
Ceric Crimson
26-09-2005 20:17:47
Sh*t, best Bats movie ever, no contest.
Probably the best comic book based movie I ever saw, too...except for Sin City of course. B)