Capaction V.2

Drodik alTor

19-01-2007 18:24:15


Here is the board where I will be placing the images for the CapAction V.2 competition Here are a few ground rules and other informational...stuff.

#1- DO NOT place captions here. Those that do WILL be disqualified from their submission AND the following weeks image.

#2- Keep your subs appropriate, I don't wanna see any innapropriate things as the winning captions WILL be shown with the next weeks image.


#4- Awards are fifth level crescents and go to the top three winners.

#5- You can only submit once per round.

#6- Be imaginative!

Drodik alTor

19-01-2007 18:35:59

Round #1

Send Captions to

Drodik alTor

27-01-2007 08:57:28

Round #2

Winners of last weeks Competition:

1) Bran Redmow - Where's the Kool-Aid?
2) Jaxion- Like a rainbow in the dark.
3) Yadar -George Bush singin rock gospels in church.

Congratz! Lok for your medals in the mail.

New week /New Picture

Send submissions to

Drodik alTor

03-02-2007 00:26:15

Round #3

Winners of last weeks picture:

1st- Yadar "Oh yeah, I done stoll all your prozac."
2nd- Jaxion "I need a tutu"
3rd- Alex "Paris Hilton-making her entrance to the Golden Globes sans makeup."

Congratulations, now here is the next picture:

Drodik alTor

09-02-2007 21:33:31

Round #4

I had some very funny entries last week, though I can only pick three, here they are:

1st place: Alex ""Damn those girls give horse cock a new name""
2nd place: Bran: "This is the result of Mister Rogers Neighboorhood after all the puppets jobs were outsourced."
3rd Place: Jaxion "How are we supposed to joust when our heads are scraping the ceiling?"

Congratulations all of you, you did a very good job!!

Now, for the new Image, you have one week:

Drodik alTor

18-02-2007 23:10:14

Round #5

Extremely sorry for the lateness:

1st place: Oh! That one moved!- Bran Redmow
2nd place: Pepper? pickles? botox?- Jaxion
3rd place: "These are Pickellicios."- Yadar

For the sake of not jeopardizing the amount of days, this image will be a day shorter than what you're used to.

Drodik alTor

25-02-2007 22:40:57

Round #6

Here we are again. Once again as well, I'd like to apologize for the lateness, its odd how things can get mixed up over two weeks in RL. Anyway, I'm back on track and ready to get rolling. So without further ado, Round 6.

The winners:
1st Place:"Two Super Models without the usual editing"- Jaxion
2nd Place: "Pink is SO last year." Jet Kasto
3rd Place "The Dreamgirls", Minus Jennifer Hudson." JScumm

And now...Round #6:

Drodik alTor

05-03-2007 22:19:24

Round #7:

I s'pose you guys want to know who won last weeks competition. So here are the winers:

1st Place: Bran Redmow, "Look! Childs playthings."
2nd place: Callus Bo'Amarr, "DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT! Oh wait...
3rd Place: --------------

Drodik alTor

18-03-2007 09:06:04

Round #8

Hello Everyone, now we're back to another updated image for the CapAction Contest. Here are the winners of the last image:

1st Place: Bran Redmow- "What Wilma got with the Life Insurance money after the horrible accident at the Quarry. Poor Fred."
2nd Place:--------
3rd Place:--------

Here's the new image:

Drodik alTor

22-06-2007 15:25:17

Round #1 of the July CapAction Caption Contest:

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