ooc: The competition specifics can be found here
HUNT FOR THE QUA this is a run-on for HOO members ONLY!!!! We're trying somthing new here for this run-on, for those lazy folks who don't or can't get on the message boards for whatever reason. We're going to be posting on the message boards and through e-mail. Sooo this is how I figure it's going to work. We'll start the message board topic here, obviously. Then we'll have an e-mail entitled [HOO] Run-on those posting via e-mail should read and reply to that e-mail. I'll do my best to coordinate the e-mail to the message board as I'll up-date it every day or so. I'll also post summaries in my reports so anyone who falls behind can check that if they need a quick recap. : end ooc
Quaestor of House Oriens Obscurum, Alex de'tana was sitting in his office resting after lunch. The door slid open and the Krath spun his chair around. Before he could blink a bowcaster bolt hit him square in the chest flipping him out of the chair. The blast was intended to stun the Krath but unfortunately it wasn't powerful enough it just dizzied him for a second. Two daggers came flying through the door and caught Alex in his biceps. The distinct
snap-hiss of a lightsaber is heard as a blue blade of light roared into the office. The assailent placed the blade to the nape of the Quaestor's neck. A small bothan rushed up and injected a high dose tranquilzer into Alex's arm. The Quaestor went limp and was hefted up by a wookie and carried out of the office.
"SITH SPAWN!" Aedile of house Oriens Obscurum, Odin Vaaj swore as he stormed into his office where the two security officers were waiting for him. He slammed his fist down on the desk and looked at the two men. They weren't at all force sensitive. They were those who somehow ended up in Oriens space and are being used by the Dark Jedi there. Odin didn't have time for dealing with these worthess beings. He drew his saber and before their minds could process what was happening their heads were no longer attached to their bodies.
Odin activated the comm system. "Attention! Quaestor Alex has been abducted by terrorists unknown. From this moment on the house is in a state of RED ALERT! That is a total lockdown of the facility. No one goes in or out without my express permission. I want everyone to the breafing room... NOW!" he shut off the comm and made his way to the breifing room.
"Well, well little darksider. It looks as if they're coming for you after all." A man said to Alex.
"You're all dead." Alex spat.
"I'm sure we are." Came the cool crisp voice of a Zabrak sitting on a nearby crate.
"Rwwrarrrsharrrrrrrrr!" came the chortling roar of a wookie from somwhere in the shadows.
"Yes Raabaruun well said. I'm sure the entrails of this darksider would be quite delicious." A small squekey voice came from inside a small compartment tinkering with some mechanics.
"Indeed, I would love to split you from head to groin right now, but the coucil shall decide your fate, and that of your pitiful allies." A fist from somewhere in the darkness collided with Alex's face and the darkness was even more so for the Quaestor.
"I've sent you everything I could find Odin. I'm sorry I can't be there with you."
"Thanks Callus you've helped us more than you know. Even if we don't have your blade at our side."
"May the darkness guide you." Callus said over the comm
"And you." Odin replied as he cut off his comlink. Odin couldn't have thought of a better time for one of his Battle Team leaders to be on LoA. He entered the briefing room and plugged his datapad up to the holo-projector.
"This is the information packet about our quarry that I just recived from Callus. He's assured me that it's accurate. I'm uploading it to your datapads now." Odin keyed a sequence and transmitted the files. The following appeared on everyone's datapad::
-Begin Transmission-
During this political time, there has been a power shift within HOO. The new Quaestor has recently been threatened and kidnapped by a few thugs, which have allied themselves against the new leader. It is your job to find these thugs, find out why they kidnapped the Krath and defeat them. Beware, because they come from many walks of life and have many talents, this is the worst terrorist attack that HOO has ever seen. This is the following information that has been taken of the recent terrorist and Dark Siders pursuing them should use extreme caution.
Leader: Jermaine DeColve
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Combat Experience: Jedi Knight
Description: Jermaine is a tall man, standing at about 5’11 with broad shoulders that show extensive power or weight training. Jermaine is of what the humans call, African American decent, his head is shaved revealing a shiny skin top head. Jermaine’s outfit consists of combat boots, tied tightly to prevent losing them. He wears the standard Jedi Knight robes, which are dark brown, with a blue bladed lightsaber clipped on his belt at the waist. This is a standard Jedi Knight belt that incorporates many different gadgets that could be used in times of crisis.
Following members of terrorist strike:
Race: Wookie
Gender: Female
Combat Experience: Bow Caster Sharpshooter
Description: Raabaruun stands 6’1, about average among wookies. Her fur is black with a few patches of white that consistently makes her look angry. She is known on her home planet of Kashyyyk for her extensive use with a Bow Caster. She has had much praise and buys only the best equipment for her “tool”. Where she gets the money to do so is a mystery to even us. Not much more is known about her, again, may I stress to use caution.
Veshphek Vekwen
Race: Zabrak
Gender: Male
Combat Experience: Starship Pilot, Teras Kasi Master
Description: Veshphek is a little shorter than the others, standing nearly 5’5, he vestigial horns may cause a problem for you, he also has the standard facial tattoos of the Zabrak race. He has a military background also, serving for 7 years as an Admiral in the Imperial Navy. Fairly interesting to see what he would want with our Quaestor. Teras Kasi Master proffesion, scary thought, it would be best to disable this one, maybe you could keep him alive, it would be interesting to see what he wants. He wears robes that are similar to that of the Jedi Knights, they are baggy and flowing, allowing the user to have free range of movement.
Niaan Rayl’leb
Race: Bothan
Gender: Female
Combat Experience: Smuggler, Pistoleer.
Description: The Bothan is 4’11, he wears a black sungaurd on his head, standard pants and a long duster. He has a warrant out for him on 27 systems for smuggling and slicing. Our friend gets around, to bad he doesn’t keep quiet about it. He has records of using a pistol, small and concealable that can be used to unleash sneak attacks when ever he may need to do so.
That wraps up the list of conspirators, I cannot stress it enough, use caution, these criminals are highly dangerous, if you get the chance, dispose of them immediately, if you can take them hostage that would be excellent. I’m sure the Justicar and Grand Master would love to hear from this Jedi Knight. May I wish you luck in your travels, bring him back.
May darkness guide you all.
p.s. JScumm you're incharge of the team, try and make sure no one dies
-Transmission End-
"Well folks that's all we've got as of now." Odin said adressing the collective house members. "Ok This is how I want it to work. All the battleteams will be working togeather ofcourse. Anyone not in a battle team find one and stick with them. I dont want anyone alone if they can help it. Ashura and I will be constantly on the move between the teams offering assistance where we can. Everyone becareful We have reason to belive that the abductors are still within the compound. If you find them call for help. We're gonna take them out togeather. Well... get moving!" Odin ordered them out and he and Ashura got a command post set up in the breifing room. They routed all security controls to the terminal in the breifing room.
"this is going to be a rough night eh Odin?" Ashura asked getting all the comm channels set up.
"Could be a rough week Ash." Odin saied studying the camera feeds...