Battleteam Bas-Tyra
20-02-2006 14:34:22
Battleteam Bas-Trya Members:
Welcome! Here I will keep you updated on Battleteam news, compeititions and as a place where we get to know each other.
Also, if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment, I will take anything into serious consideration.
Post away!
Wes Biriuk
20-02-2006 20:30:19
w00t! My vote actually counted!
I <3 Bas-Tyra
20-02-2006 20:52:46
I voted for Bas-Tyra as well, it sounds awesome and I love fantasy books.
Ylith Pandemonium
21-02-2006 05:20:38
Greetings Bas-Tyra
I am glad you finally found a name to fit your nature and it pleases me
ofcourse you have honoured me by choosing the name I picked thank you
Now Bas Tyra, make me proud and I will award you greatly
go forth and be great
your Aedile
Ylith Romanae
21-02-2006 13:21:28
Thank you Ylith, you will not be disappointed!
21-02-2006 22:06:37
damnit so much for the wolfpack
Wes Biriuk
22-02-2006 17:13:32
Bas-Tyra the Rabid Wolves
Ceric Crimson
23-02-2006 09:04:05
Nay! Bas-Tyra: Servants of Devani-the-Fair.
23-02-2006 11:37:17
LOL, thank you Ceric.
Remember that our first competition was released today. Its an easy one, just follow this link:
Bas-Tyra Motto Comp.
Wes Biriuk
23-02-2006 19:59:40
I sent a couple of submissions... might send more later.
Wes Biriuk
23-02-2006 20:09:11
How bout a poll for the motto like was used for the BT name?
23-02-2006 20:34:58
Hmm...well, think I can work it that way even though I have already submitted it as an official comp. If everyone is agreeable, I will make a poll with all of the mottos submitted and the top 3 will get the will have to happen after the week given is up though, which just means it will take longer to get your medal if yours is chosen. What does everyone think?
Wes Biriuk
24-02-2006 05:35:59
'Tis my idea, therefore I am all for it
24-02-2006 11:23:07
If I don't hear any objections by Feb. 2, then I will set the poll up and let y'all vote.
24-02-2006 13:25:22
I think BTL should decide on the motto, since its your competition and your BT.
25-02-2006 01:20:11
Just moving the topic to the HOO part of the messageboards, since the team itself is from HOO
25-02-2006 19:36:46
Thanks Halc...I realized I did that afterwards :$
28-02-2006 08:12:58
We are from HOO? :blink:
Ylith Pandemonium
28-02-2006 11:04:41
yes Lucius and under my polish my boots boy!
28-02-2006 12:45:26
LOL, oh the joys of leadership.
I have an announcement for y'all today. Drum roll please!
Bas-Tyra is now a writing AND gaming BT. Soon I will be releasing a gaming comp. or two for all you gamers!
Wes Biriuk
28-02-2006 18:06:42
Will it involve Call of Duty 2?
Coz if not, then I can't play
28-02-2006 18:33:23
Hmm...I'll check with Ylith about that, I'm not a gamer so I dont' know for sure.
Ylith Pandemonium
28-02-2006 18:36:18
unless its specified within a competition, the only games playable are the normal SW featured games.
Thing is not everyone has CoD2, when your the only one and there will be a comp out, play no shiney..
so what you or Devani could do is send a mail out to the BT asking who has CoD2 and like to play it. if enough
animo is there you can set up a nice lil comp. maybe even take it clan wise

but for that you'll need to talk to
Strat or Halc..
hope this helped
01-03-2006 09:40:23
yes Lucius and under my polish my boots boy!
note to self: destroy Ylith O-)
Ylith Pandemonium
01-03-2006 17:58:56
note to self: destroy Ylith O-)
you can try,....
New HOO comps out! go do em!
01-03-2006 20:12:12
I did 2 BT comps, leave me alone
01-03-2006 22:49:25
Thank you by the way, I'm glad you participated.
20-03-2006 13:21:03
I'm back! Woot Woot!
First things, the gaming comps were a dud. Thank you Lucius for were basically the only one.
Don't forget I have a competition running...get your submissions in, I haven't had one!
And I'll be starting the run-on as soon as I get settled back into school and have gone through my 400 emails that accumulated over the past week and a half...yuck!
24-03-2006 23:59:12
Also, try and do the quiz that has been posted, I made the questions (yes, I know it is a little arrogant).
DONT ASK FOR THE ANSWERS . . . because I wont send them . . . just in case.
Wes Biriuk
25-03-2006 19:47:04
I did the trivia
26-03-2006 02:46:39
Good job but I am sorely disappointed in the lack of submissions for the last 3 competitions, virtually none! I will be releasing a new set soon as well as a new report and please, please participate!!!!!!
26-03-2006 08:55:37
Aye, Ill be participating
30-03-2006 22:08:57
I will do the poetry one as soon as I get home from school tomorrow (my dad says I need to get off now * :@ dammit!*).
I lOVE poetry :w00t: .
EDIT: Oh yea, I know its not my position to say this, but I would like to see my other brothers and sisters of Bas-Tyra to join the Call to Duty BT run-on.
02-04-2006 19:55:08
Sorry for the double post, but where are you guys?
Sorry if I sound irritating but I just think the run-on would be good for us all.
03-04-2006 21:48:30
I agree, I will post again and see if we can get things moving
05-04-2006 19:35:34
That'd be good. A BT is supposed to stay connected and together.
05-04-2006 20:22:20
And an announcement if you didn't recieve my email.
Your new Commander is Xaviar

Hopefully he will be sending out an email to you soon.
05-04-2006 21:21:57
:'( But I just got here!
...and no email for me, double :'(
05-04-2006 22:35:07
*comforts Denath*
I got the email. (to Devani)
Congradulations to Xavier for making BT Leader and to Devani for Aedile!
*gets out the drinks and realises he's under age so sits in corner pretending to be emo*
05-04-2006 23:05:11
She's Aedile? I thought she was the BTL? ...oh, right, I'm caught up now. Congratulations
06-04-2006 03:26:12
Thank you

I sent you an email, sorry it was so late. Welcome to Bas-Tyra!
*raises shot glass of vodka*
19-04-2006 15:23:33
*raises glass also*
Where is everyone?
Come on, am I the only one here, must I remind you there is no 'I' in 'TEAM'.
23-04-2006 15:34:58
Here Protector Vladeck Neftis im ready for any accion in the team!
24-04-2006 20:20:04
Yay, welcome back Vladeck!
18-05-2006 00:18:53
I'm back in Bas-Tyra, feels good
Soon we shall have new comps and everyone better participate or they shall feel my wrath!
Ylith Pandemonium
19-05-2006 14:26:50
or feel mine, I can cut the beer flow to Oriens in a beartbeat
Wes Biriuk
21-05-2006 22:50:25
You would never succeed... I would find a way to smuggle in all kinds of illegal substances
Ylith Pandemonium
22-05-2006 02:54:48
*halts beer flow and destroys all smuggling ways*
Wes Biriuk
22-05-2006 22:49:12
*taps hdden keg*
Party time
Ylith Pandemonium
23-05-2006 00:51:55
thats gasoline...
Wes Biriuk
23-05-2006 23:28:26
Tastes all the same to me
27-05-2006 21:14:55
lol, do we have any new members?
Ylith Pandemonium
28-05-2006 07:55:28
yes you have.
Anyway, I just wanted to ask what you think of Xaviar being a good leader? Is he good, and if he's not
what would you like to see changed?
Any thoughts are welcome...just dont curse too much m'kay?
03-07-2006 01:25:19
Who will be the new BT Leader? Hmm?
03-07-2006 02:43:40
Well...since its two people....I need a 3rd to do anything with it. Ive made the decision..just need to get one or two more added in the team.
03-07-2006 07:25:53
Good luck with that.
06-07-2006 15:41:52
lol, can anyone join the team that is from the House (as in even JH and DJKs and KAP, etc.)?
Ylith Pandemonium
06-07-2006 16:37:57
yes, they all can
07-07-2006 07:26:17
Yes ylith is correct.....just have them email me letting me know they wish to be on bas-tyra
also.....just so noone has to ask later....Bas-Tyra will not get a name overhaul.....its actually a catchy name (Thanks Ill)
Ylith Pandemonium
07-07-2006 16:42:20
no prob, was in the neighburhood anyway
what you maybe *can* do is put a little story behind the name Bas Tyra that fits your, and your teams, liking. a history or something.
be creative between the lines
11-07-2006 11:31:19
Well, i have been made Commander of Bas-Tyra. Thank you Smoke for choosing me for this position, and Bas-Tyra will serve Arcona well >:) .
Xar and Keno are official members of Bas-Tyra and I thank them for joining th eteam (and Xar for not leaving it

Of course during the Great Jedi War I dont want to do anything in competitions for the BT. I just want the members to focus on the Great Jedi War and entering competitions. But after the GJW I have a few competitions that I would love to bring to Bas-Tyra.
Wes Biriuk
11-07-2006 21:09:52
Woo! Finally we are all go again
[EDIT: Congrats to Scy for the promotion]
11-07-2006 23:44:44
Thank you Xar'Kahn

12-07-2006 00:22:41
As of Tonight:
CMDR: GRD Scryone
GRD Xar'Kahn
GRD Keno
ACO JScumm
Wes Biriuk
12-07-2006 02:25:41
W00! More numbers! Keep it going
12-07-2006 07:27:05
Congratulations Scyrone, keep my old team running well
12-07-2006 13:10:15
Thank you Devani, I will keep it up

Thanks to all the members for joining Bas-Tyra and keeping us alive and HOO alive.
Hopefully we will be able to grow even more soon.
13-07-2006 08:13:59
Congratz Scy and good luck!
13-07-2006 12:24:49
Thanks Selene

Wes Biriuk
14-07-2006 11:28:29
Scy... post on the RO!
14-07-2006 13:17:11
:'( That hurt my feelings (j/K)
I did, lol.
31-07-2006 19:23:58
Ok, we finally got a website, anyone can feel free to join (anyone), but if your not a member or a higher up in OO, Gal, or Arc, then dont expect to have access to the members section.
It was an old site that I never used anymore (it was called Dark Palace) so I destroyed it an never came back to it, until I decided it could be the temp home of BT Bas-Tyra.
15-08-2006 17:17:07
Ortus ex Obscurum - Rising from the Darkness
Ylith Pandemonium
17-08-2006 16:31:16
Looks good Scyrone, keep it up
17-08-2006 21:32:21
Thanks Drake
19-08-2006 21:15:02
Bas-Tyra now has a new member... a Sith Flight Leader
DJK Kalika
Congratz and welcome aboard
20-08-2006 00:49:27
Wes Biriuk
30-08-2006 22:46:01
Xar made that motto!!!!
Oh, also, let's get active!
09-12-2006 01:05:24
um... hello?
09-12-2006 19:14:57
hello there... please introduce yourself
Pilot JS reporting in B)
10-12-2006 22:16:25
lol, Callus is the new BTL.
21-02-2007 10:56:19
I am the new BTL, (yeah it's like 3 months late but meh

Yadar Shyk
21-02-2007 18:27:03
i am the newest Bas-Tyra noob
21-02-2007 22:57:21
yup, the one who makes bad marks in english
22-02-2007 00:39:02
hi Yadar
glad to have a wookie in Bas-Tyra
22-02-2007 11:31:10
Yeah wookies are cool. Especially when they're obbie!
25-04-2007 15:53:09
Could we have a run-on? I've never participated in one and would like try it out with a small group firat. B)
10-05-2007 23:16:49
Sorry took sooooo long to reply but yes run on really soon! once the fiction comp is over be ready boy-o!
Seem's like your always apologizing for being late CBO >.<
11-05-2007 12:02:15
Ouch... that hurts bro.
Better late than never, and you know what they say. "nice guys finish last" I THAN YOU!
09-09-2007 22:15:38
What'd yall do to my BT? *ugh*
10-09-2007 05:16:25
ugh CSP filth on our boards
eww, quick get it off get it off! :sick:
11-09-2007 19:05:11
You better be a kick-ass BT, I started the damn thing.
11-09-2007 23:48:33
Could we have a run-on? I've never participated in one and would like try it out with a small group firat. B)
Juda Kodiak Erinos is currently running a Run On for the Clan specifically designed to introduce the younger members to the platform and that would be a great opportunity for you to break yourself in so hit it up.
You can find the
signup thread here.
21-09-2007 01:04:15
You better be a kick-ass BT, I started the damn thing.
And I lead it for awhile. I hope it isn't inactive.
Wes Biriuk
30-09-2007 21:46:42
Bas-Tyra got renamed to Apocalypse by Khobai for some unknown reason.
It is now non-existant because HOO has been closed and Qel-Droma has been re-opened in its place.
01-10-2007 01:46:47
I know.
Apocalypse was another former BT I think. And I have been reading about Resurrection. I think what Mejas is doing is great. ARC had a lot of problems, which is why I left, but I think it could regain it's former glory.