Alright guys, we have another week of trivia to run through!
Last weeks was won by Odin Vaaj, with 2nd place going to JScumm. Awesome work, guys.
Here is this next weeks pack of trivia:
1) Which droid gave Luke Skywalker his bionic hand?
2) The contents of which type of tank can heal many otherwise lethal injuries?
3) What other type of medicine was found on the planet Manaan?
4) On which planet is Bacta primarily grown?
5) Which species is extremely adept at growing bacta on Thyferra?
6) Zaltin was the name of one of the major corporations on Thyferra; what was the name of the other one?
7) The medical frigate used in the Battle of Endor was named?

Which Imperial woman took over Thyferra with the help of a super star destroyer?
9) Mara Jade was healed from her dehabilitating disease by tears from whom?
10) Who was the Mon Calamari Jedi Healer at the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV?
11) Who was the ‘Doctor’ whom picked a fight with Luke Skywalker in the mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine?
12) Whom had their arm cut off by Obi-Wans lightsaber in the Mos Eisley cantina?
13) What was Doctor Evazen’s ship called, before it was sold to Hoole?
14) What was the name of the failed medical student who attempted to sell death sticks to Obi Wan Kenobi on Coruscant?
15) Four thousand years before the first Death Stars destruction, which Force user stopped the wound in the force caused by Darth Nihilus?
Be sure to email your answers to me at Absolutely *anyone* can participate in this, and it's great because it only takes a small effort to try and answer these.
Remember, that the first submission that is the most correct, will win. With the next closest and fastest getting 2nd, and so forth.
Good luck, and happy hunting!