Oriens Obscurum Competitions
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
21-09-2005 16:17:39
Kaelin Ring
21-09-2005 17:48:43
How long do you want it?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
21-09-2005 18:31:09
As long as you wanna make it, just don't give me a novel. I'm in school. Remember that.

. Lol.
Kaelin Ring
21-09-2005 20:51:25
A novel you say? Excelent! Smithers bring my novel writing robe!
22-09-2005 04:08:34
Here you are Mr Burns sir.
*gives him the novel writing robe*
Kaelin Ring
22-09-2005 17:31:56
Thank you, smithers! Now where is my pen?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
22-09-2005 17:46:09
Lol. Leave it to you guys to bring out the Burns, and Smithers. Lol.
Kaelin Ring
22-09-2005 17:47:58
Isn't it just nice of us? I do try to be nice, but its sooo hard sometimes. Especially when you have a younger sister...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
22-09-2005 17:52:35
Kaelin Ring
22-09-2005 17:53:20
You have one too? I'm sorry Hito!
22-09-2005 17:53:36
I have two younger sisters
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
22-09-2005 18:00:37
Damn... it sucks to be us... NOW GET TO WORK ON MY COMPETITION!! Lol.
22-09-2005 18:01:51
I am considering entering your comp.
Kaelin Ring
22-09-2005 18:02:45
Maybe I will, then again maybe I will!
22-09-2005 18:05:28
I like the way you think.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
22-09-2005 18:07:05
Yeah... either way, it's a win-win situation...
Kaelin Ring
22-09-2005 18:08:03
For who, though?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
22-09-2005 18:12:32
22-09-2005 18:13:15
win-win for diablos is better in my opinion.
Kaelin Ring
22-09-2005 18:13:47
How so? How does it affect the people in lets saw, Naga sadow? LOL
22-09-2005 18:14:54
I dunno i'm just arrogant.
Kaelin Ring
22-09-2005 18:19:52
How does that have to do with... never mind. I need a drink. *falls down*
22-09-2005 18:20:40
I really don't know.
*gives revaan another beer*
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
22-09-2005 18:23:35
:: grabs another bottle of sake :: We need to get together and do this... The cops would be tailing us for God knows how long.
Kaelin Ring
22-09-2005 18:23:50
Thanks, I wonder what the ups will think of this recent spike in activity? *chugs*
22-09-2005 18:24:27
I dunno, beer will reveal all.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
22-09-2005 18:25:14
I don't know... but I'm sure they'd be proud of us. :: swigs his sake ::
22-09-2005 18:27:17
we can do nothing but hope.
Kaelin Ring
22-09-2005 18:27:34
I'm sure... pass that over here. What flavor, Hito?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
22-09-2005 18:31:26
I don't know... but it's some good stuff... :: passes the sake to ya ::
Kaelin Ring
23-09-2005 01:48:32
::Takes long "swig":: Nice!~
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
23-09-2005 10:26:54
Thanks. It's Keibatsu sake... which means it's the good stuff. Muz and Manji make sure of it. THANKS YOU GUYS!!!
Kaelin Ring
23-09-2005 13:17:44
Sweet, now I have a suprise for you, its small, cute and fits right in my pocket... No clue, well its a gun... not!
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
23-09-2005 13:21:58
23-09-2005 15:01:50
I warn you that revaan has a very powerful lawyer.
Kaelin Ring
23-09-2005 15:13:26
I got it working, so keep your pants on!
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
23-09-2005 15:40:32
One sec... I don't know where they are... I think my wife has them...
23-09-2005 16:15:41
I find it hard to keep my pants on.
24-09-2005 05:35:01
And i would walk 500 miles.
24-09-2005 07:32:38
How about 500 more?
Kaelin Ring
24-09-2005 21:07:05
I did guess that your wife wore the pants in your relationship! She takes control in everything right?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
25-09-2005 01:55:35
Not everything... but almost... Lol.
Kaelin Ring
25-09-2005 01:57:45
Not everything... but almost... Lol.
Of couse... I didn't mean to imply that you didn't have any control over the relatoinship, I just meant that you respect her opinion. Lol. As well you should... lol.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
25-09-2005 14:01:01
Hai. I do. I respect her's, she respect's mine. It's mutual.
Kaelin Ring
25-09-2005 14:44:08
That's the way it should be! I find that if you let people think that they are in charge but that you still control most of your life, they are usually bearable. That and if you act nice and look threatening! lol
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
25-09-2005 15:23:54
Plus, you have to be dead sexy... Which I am not.
25-09-2005 15:51:34
I am.
Ark Dowell
25-09-2005 18:32:29
So am I.
Kaelin Ring
25-09-2005 22:02:29
I most definetly am, more so than others.
26-09-2005 11:16:19
I get sexier every day.
Kaelin Ring
26-09-2005 12:54:55
Once I shave my beard, I might look sexier, though I don't know if thats possible!
26-09-2005 16:39:59
I'm just sexy all the time.
Kaelin Ring
26-09-2005 20:57:40
Keep talkin' 'cause nobody is as sexy as me! Not even Austin Powers!
28-09-2005 09:55:58
I beg to differ. i am a masterpeice.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
28-09-2005 21:08:54
Let's get one thing straight... I'm dead sexy!!!!
Kaelin Ring
28-09-2005 22:27:58
But I am better!
P.S. Please someone soon come up with a new topic so its not just three pages of our ego trips!
29-09-2005 04:36:49
I am the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.
I hear ice cream is the way to make money these days.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
29-09-2005 16:11:09
Are you sure it's ice cream? I always thought that pirating and laundering made the most money... ARGH!!! GIVE ME YOUR BOOTY!!!
29-09-2005 17:36:15
No, its definately ice cream.
Ark Dowell
29-09-2005 19:44:03
I guess this means that we all agree that ice cream is sexy...?
Kaelin Ring
29-09-2005 22:13:53
A ) Hito, never ask another man to give you his "booty" without checking if he is comforatble with such comments about his body. (lol)
B ) I never knew that ice-cream was that sexy or as good a money maker as bounty/head hunting!
30-09-2005 13:43:12
Course ice cream is better than bounty hunting. My body is a masterpeice.
Kaelin Ring
30-09-2005 15:28:43
How does ice cream have anything to do with your lanky, and slightly chunky, physich? or is it physic?
30-09-2005 15:44:26
Dude I'm 5"4 and i'm all muscle.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
30-09-2005 22:46:18
Yeah, well I'm 6" length and... HEY LOOK A BIRD!!!
Ark Dowell
30-09-2005 22:49:05
*Readies the shotgun*
--Scene deleted due to nature of contents--
Anyways, back on topic. ^_^
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
30-09-2005 22:57:33
Lol. Nice one.
Kaelin Ring
30-09-2005 23:07:07
I'm 6'1" and pure muscle exept for in my cheeks. They're just skin. Lol, but about the ice-cream?
01-10-2005 07:29:14
Nothin much really, just think its where the money is.
Ark Dowell
01-10-2005 13:34:35
I forget how tall I am...<_<
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
01-10-2005 13:48:31
I'm 6' 1" I'm tall...
Ark Dowell
01-10-2005 15:24:43
I forgot how tall I am... I'll check later.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
01-10-2005 16:09:02
Poor Ark...
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
01-10-2005 19:17:21
im around 6'2 and 3/4" im pretty tall
Ark Dowell
01-10-2005 19:43:41
Lucky... I wish I knew how tall I was...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
01-10-2005 21:15:42
Once again, poor Ark...
Ark Dowell
01-10-2005 21:16:38
Yeah, poor me...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
01-10-2005 21:23:34
There, there... :: pats Ark on the back and hands him some vodka :: This should make it all better...
01-10-2005 23:18:01
Wow this has nothing to do with comps huh? Spam much guys?
Hey Revaan and Diablos your on deck to come up with house comp so get cracking! Revaan im gonna push you here cause thats all you need for a promo I believe with the exception of 3 ACC matches which you might have done.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
01-10-2005 23:23:30
Well, unfortunately, no one else has placed comps.
Kaelin Ring
04-10-2005 18:38:11
Hito, will you keep your comp. going for another week or so? Octa, I have two more ACC matches to do and my comp. Diablos just got his approved

! I'm trying guys, but my damn teachers keep giving me more work!
Ceric Crimson
04-10-2005 19:01:23
Well, unfortunately, no one else has placed comps.
Wait. So if I wanted to post a competition, I could do that at my rank of PRT?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
05-10-2005 09:20:43
Hito, will you keep your comp. going for another week or so? Octa, I have two more ACC matches to do and my comp. Diablos just got his approved
! I'm trying guys, but my damn teachers keep giving me more work!
Yeah, you could, Ceric. Sorry Himura-san, I just closed it, and recommended the medals. I have another one that's pending. If you guys can get ACC qualified, you're REALLY gonna like this.
Kaelin Ring
05-10-2005 11:15:56
GRR! Damn school and it's loads of homework! I sooo wanted to do it!
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
05-10-2005 11:30:21
I have another one that you'll like. It's ACC-based. It's hella sick, and it's just been approved.
Ceric Crimson
05-10-2005 20:07:07
A Cartman quote? Nice Hito, nice.
Kaelin Ring
05-10-2005 20:49:54
What? Where?
05-10-2005 22:06:01
Rev is a little slow sometimes, don't hold it against him! JK, he's actually pretty smart most of the time and dare I say it?...smarter than me at SOME things, defintely not ALL!
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
05-10-2005 22:44:02
sry guys, havent been watching this lately, can someone plz give me the 411
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
06-10-2005 16:03:58
I'm not sure myself... Scary...
06-10-2005 16:22:08
I'm not sure of most things.
Ceric Crimson
06-10-2005 16:30:38
I know all....trust me, you don't want to know.......
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
06-10-2005 16:34:59
Alrighty, I'll take your word, Ceric-san.
Ceric Crimson
06-10-2005 16:39:46
You are learning, Hitokiri Bokuzen. You are learning.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
06-10-2005 16:52:16
Ceric Crimson
06-10-2005 16:55:49
-_- It is our way, Hito. The student surpasses the master.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
06-10-2005 17:09:08
Yeah, but the Master can still take the Student back behind the woodshed.
Ceric Crimson
06-10-2005 17:11:14
:huh: That, uh...I took that the wrong way. Yeah...I..I did.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
06-10-2005 17:15:18
Way to be a sick, twisted perv, Ceric... I HAD FAITH IN YOU!!!
Ceric Crimson
06-10-2005 21:09:08
*falls on knees and tilts head toward the sky*
See, I can be cleche too.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
06-10-2005 21:42:36
06-10-2005 21:59:21
Kaelin Ring
07-10-2005 13:32:01
Hito, CHALLENGE ME! I SHALL DESTROY YOU AND TAKE THE MIFUNE FAMILY FOR MY OWN!! Mwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
07-10-2005 15:57:59
Just make sure your Mifune weapon is one of the weapons you're using. If not, no battle.
Kaelin Ring
07-10-2005 16:59:24
I swear it by Our Lord the Batosai!
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
07-10-2005 19:47:15
The "Battousai."

. This will be an excellent battle. :: bows ::
Ceric Crimson
07-10-2005 20:31:10
Mmm...The Man Slayer...SWEEEEET...
I shall challenge YOU Hito. Yes...YOU.
Just as soon as the DAMN TRAINER FINALLY POSTS!!!
ow, uh....I did not mean that in a negative connotation toward the Trainer...just in case you uh, care...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
08-10-2005 11:27:30
Lol. That's about as big as my head, if the other heads were the size of the smilies. So far, I'm fighting Siyavash, Uzbad (for the ACC Competition), and Himura. I'll take one more fight for now, until I can lower my number of battles.
Ark Dowell
08-10-2005 19:53:07
Too bad I ain't in HOO.
Kaelin Ring
09-10-2005 17:35:03
I think it was a family comp, right? We can have more than one battle?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
09-10-2005 18:35:20
Of course, and it's a House competition, but I'll allow Okazani to participate.
Ark Dowell
09-10-2005 21:36:55
Nah, that's OK. I'm kinda tired of the ACC for now.
10-10-2005 02:52:23
I just got started, thanks Siya for helping me out!
Ceric Crimson
10-10-2005 13:07:22
*knaws at nails*
When the h*ll is that trainer ganna post!?!@?
10-10-2005 14:16:40
LOL, the guy doing my Qualification Battle is pretty quick, I posted last night and he posted today, sorry Ceric.
Ceric Crimson
10-10-2005 14:41:37
This must be the work of the Combat Master!
*falls on knees and tilts head toward the sky*
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
10-10-2005 17:17:50
Don't worry, Ceric. It will be alright... I promise.
Kaelin Ring
10-10-2005 21:40:09
So I could challenge Diablos as well? This might be intereasting... and maybe even Ansatsu...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
11-10-2005 13:09:27
Kaelin Ring
11-10-2005 21:16:03
When are you going to post, Hito?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
12-10-2005 01:09:14
I'm working on my post now. Hopefully, it will be ready by today/Thur.
Kaelin Ring
13-10-2005 00:05:14
Make it quick and crappy! I'm meant snappy *cough cough* ya snappy...
Ark Dowell
13-10-2005 13:36:27
Hey, Revaan, you did mean to challenge me, right...? Because, looking back, the comp specifics says you have to challenge Hito. Did I read that wrong?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
13-10-2005 16:04:44
Either me or Shingen.
Ark Dowell
14-10-2005 13:47:35
Huh... Revaan challenged me...
14-10-2005 14:19:05
Nobody has entered my theory comp yet, oh well [Expletive Deleted] happens.
Ceric Crimson
14-10-2005 16:21:32
Your right, [Expletive Deleted] does happen. oh, [Expletive Deleted]. That was a spam post wasn't it? [Expletive Deleted]!
14-10-2005 17:39:50
Sshhh, maybe Kaine never saw it.
Ceric Crimson
14-10-2005 20:30:25
:ermm: :blink:
hey, the smilies aren't spam, they express my thoughts on the matter in an artistic fashion, much like the Mona Lisa expressed the De Vinci Code. See, its an intellectual, if not very on topic discussion...sort of. :mellow:
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
15-10-2005 16:51:21
Ok, now that's spam.
Ark Dowell
15-10-2005 16:57:25
There should be a Spam Comp.
16-10-2005 05:54:21
that would be awesome, see who can spam the most and get away with it on non-spam boards,,,
16-10-2005 17:37:08
that would be awesome, see who can spam the most and get away with it on non-spam boards,,,
Get away with it, well that's me out the picture.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
16-10-2005 18:40:57
Devani, you're suppose to be leading an example... I give up... :shuriken:
16-10-2005 19:28:49
No my dear Patriarch, I'm the little sister, I follow my elder brothers and sisters and such examples...and well, I did! but that would be a fun comp....
Kaelin Ring
17-10-2005 13:19:51
That would be Ark, Ceric, Hito, or me. And yes I meant to challenge you, but I missed that part... I asked if I could on another board, and Hito told me yes... LIAR!!!!
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
17-10-2005 15:51:48
I am so confused...
Ceric Crimson
17-10-2005 17:07:22
*pats Hito on the back*
We all are Hito...we all are.
...except me, but you would rather not know whats going on...trust me. Or do I trust you? Or is this spam? Or mabey I should buy a trust bond? Or is it fund? Or is it like that time that you trusted that one guy to watch your car, you come out and he is still there...how weird is that?! OMG! OMG! OMG!...I always wanted to do that. Or did I?? Do I trust myself enough to know that I did? I doubt it. But I trust in my greater wisdom...no, no I don't trust myself at all...but then again...by its very definition, trust is a tedious thing at best. Or is it? Yes..yes it is.
...the purpose of the above statements was not to spam but to confuse the LIVINGHELL out of you.
...oh, trust me...I haven't even started yet. Nor will I....
Or won't I??????!?
*stay tuned for the exciting conclusion!...or follow up...or second season...or mabey it will turn into a trilogy...or mabey it won't...but do stay tuned...or don't...I don't much care...or do I!??!?!*
no, no I don't.
17-10-2005 20:15:50
Well then, we know that Ceric belongs in a Psycho ward. So why won't that one guy, urgh I hate it when I can't remember names, isn't answering my challenge for the competition? Not Hito but the other guy! I must defeat my brother!
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 15:23:26
No...what you know is that I am hot and sexy by day, and the Ze Exalted Spamiester by night...not loosing the hot and sexy, of course.
18-10-2005 15:46:41
I see and when do you first realize that rubber rats made you crazy?
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 15:54:27
*does a double take*
18-10-2005 16:06:25
Thats what I thought, its only a matter of time now. :/
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 16:07:28
...yes....SOUND THE RETREAT!!!
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
19-10-2005 19:43:11
19-10-2005 19:53:59
Yes, Master :I bow: but we are NOT flirting and not "officially" and in RL family...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
19-10-2005 20:13:31
:: slowly shakes his head at Devani :: You are STILL a little sister of Mifune... Ceric, I'm gonna finish up on your scythe.
19-10-2005 20:19:00
Kaelin Ring
20-10-2005 00:47:59
Thank you, Hito. Question: Can you do more than 2 ACC battles at once legally? I'm a Seeker.
Ark Dowell
20-10-2005 13:37:15
Himura, yes, you can do as much ACC Battles as you can handle at once. I had 4 goin' on this one time when I was a Seeker...
20-10-2005 14:06:29
Only time there are certain limits on the number of battles is during specific competitions in a specific hall. But as Ark said, for plain-old ACC battles there is no limit.
20-10-2005 14:49:47
So accept my challenge Rev!
Kaelin Ring
20-10-2005 22:31:04
Thank you both. OK Devani, I will.
20-10-2005 23:11:18
Good! I can't wait to whoop you...
Ceric Crimson
21-10-2005 08:53:32
Good! I can't wait to whoop you...
Damn...thats a beach.
Hito...thanks for the scythe. And...'little sisters' grow up, didn't you hear.
21-10-2005 14:06:13
Fo sur...little brothers on the other hand...
Kaelin Ring
21-10-2005 15:30:53
Grow faster.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
21-10-2005 16:13:46
Enough you two... do I have to get the hose? Oh, and no spamming...
Ceric Crimson
21-10-2005 16:33:10
A hose? Is it a good hose or a bad hose, Hito?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
21-10-2005 16:34:21
I'm not quite sure... let me ask it...
Ceric Crimson
21-10-2005 16:36:52
No, its kind of weird to talk to hoses, have'nt you heard. The good hose sprays vodka, the bad hose sprays whatever else that a hose is supposed to spray.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
21-10-2005 16:43:57
Then, it's a bad hose.
Ceric Crimson
21-10-2005 16:50:24
*hangs head*
21-10-2005 17:41:20
Thats sad, I would defintely choose the good hose! Mmm...vodka. Anyway, are y'all gonna particapate in the House war?
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
22-10-2005 12:11:09
I am. Besides, this is a way for promotions, and medals.
22-10-2005 15:41:45
Did someone say promotions and medals?
Ark Dowell
22-10-2005 17:25:14
Yep, that's what Hito said. Medals and promos.
And I'm perticipating in it! I feel kinda funny, tho. I'm in Galeres and all other Mifune's are in Oriens... TO WAR!!!
Ceric Crimson
22-10-2005 22:22:33
Sh*t, I better buckle down and stop crashing TIE fighters then...
And don't worry Ark...I promise I won't kill you.
23-10-2005 03:07:45
Promises, promises...
23-10-2005 05:34:37
I'll try not to kill anyone but I can't make promises, I am a maniac after all.
23-10-2005 07:55:00
Promises, promises...
Spandau Ballet!
Ark Dowell
23-10-2005 10:10:33
Sh*t, I better buckle down and stop crashing TIE fighters then...
And don't worry Ark...I promise I won't kill you.
Errr... excuse me? I'm patrolling with a Dark Jedi Master and several Equites. You think you can kill me while I'm surrounded by them?
23-10-2005 10:13:07
Perhaps my genetically modified mice could kill you.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
23-10-2005 11:28:58
If I were you Okazani, I wold be staying out of the way, because I'm there, and I got a little surprise for Mejas.

:shuriken: If you lay a finger on Jin'ei or Devani, I'll have to cut your... :: looks down slightly below your waist :: off.
23-10-2005 13:33:49
That is if my mice don't chew em off first.
23-10-2005 13:43:51
Thank you Master!
Ark Dowell
23-10-2005 16:01:34
I knew I shoulda chosen to be a female...
Fine, I shall stick to killing NPC's.
23-10-2005 16:28:48
Well, we FEMALES can take care of ourselves!
23-10-2005 16:32:51
I don't doubt it.
Ark Dowell
23-10-2005 17:23:15
Well, I can always change meh CS so I AM female.
EDIT- It would go with meh avatar.
Kaelin Ring
23-10-2005 20:12:34
What aboot me Hito? Anger. Really? Does that mean I should start hitting on you? JK
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
23-10-2005 20:38:32
:: runs his hand down your arm :: Of course.

Lol Just kidding.
Kaelin Ring
23-10-2005 20:47:02
I meant Ark, DAD!!!
23-10-2005 22:31:54
Enough of the homosexualness, thats worse than Ceric's and my supposed "Incest", which never happpened and wasn't as bad as y'alls gay stuff. Yuck! :sick:
24-10-2005 06:58:05
Incest is ok as long as it stays in the family.
24-10-2005 11:04:27
OMG, wow...
24-10-2005 12:22:55
It was a joke but i guess it kinda went over everybody's head.
24-10-2005 14:00:16
No, no I GOT the joke, I was just awed cuz it was so subtle.
24-10-2005 14:03:15
Don't think I've ever done anything subtle before.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
24-10-2005 16:09:21
Ok, no more homosexualness, and no more incest...
24-10-2005 16:37:37
24-10-2005 17:35:31
Can i still be a redneck?
Ceric Crimson
24-10-2005 18:07:08
No more incest!? OWWWWWW!
...er, I mean, incest? What incest?? No incest here! Nope, no incest.
Ark...trust me, there are many ways...that I will not use against U...your Galere friends may not be so luck...
Ark Dowell
25-10-2005 14:00:16
Well, the House Feud's just taken a twist...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
25-10-2005 20:08:38
Indeed it has... are you sure you would like to remain with us?
Ark Dowell
25-10-2005 20:54:36
I'll remain with you as long as it serves meh purpose.
Kaelin Ring
25-10-2005 23:23:01
So confused...
26-10-2005 07:10:15
Poor deluded Ark.
Ark Dowell
26-10-2005 11:50:12
Nah, I just wrote that to further the storyline. It needs more pizzazz than just describing how the members heal themselves after the fight and how the forest looks.
26-10-2005 13:54:54
Totally, I just wish people would read the previous posts and go along with the story! Some things are like really random and I could tell they didnt' read the previous post. Mmmm...maybe I should die!, LOL, who knows? :blink:
Ark Dowell
26-10-2005 20:10:42
Lol, do try not to die. Fictionally speaking, if you were to die in a battle now, how would you particiapte in the Sith Rite of Supremecy several months later?
And yeah, the Run on needs more action.
26-10-2005 21:27:25
I'll bring it and I won't die, near death mayhap? we need drama! Sith Rite of Supremacy, didn't we just have the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy?
Kaelin Ring
27-10-2005 00:16:11
Good job, Devani. You won the special prize!! Which house are you, again, Ark? If your in Galeres, switch to HOO and to my BT!!
Ark Dowell
27-10-2005 12:37:23
Oh, I would. But it's a Sith house. If I don't change meh order, it'd get confusin'.
27-10-2005 16:59:37
We're alctually multi-order, though most of us are Sith. Rev is Krath and Octa is Krath as well.
Ark Dowell
27-10-2005 20:12:59
But that's only two...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
27-10-2005 20:18:32
Well, to be perfectly honest, we could use a guy like you in our house, but that's only if you would like to join.
Ark Dowell
27-10-2005 20:24:01
I'll join after the Battle of Eldar, I suppose. I'd miss out on any Mifune comps anyway...
Ceric Crimson
27-10-2005 21:20:19
Sounds cool Ark! Then mabey I won't have to plug you!
And Devani? Don't die. The story needs a romance. If you die, what will become of that?
For Gods' sake, THINK OF THE ROMANCE!!!
..ahem, but mabey a near death expericance would work well...so I can ride in on a...TIE fighter and rescue you!!
...ok, I'll be realistic...the way that I'm going, you'll probably be saving me.
27-10-2005 21:35:06
I don't know, depends on how good you are! Who knows, maybe I'm being whisked away, well I did moan in agony...
Ceric Crimson
27-10-2005 21:37:38
Well then! There is hope for a heroic and bloody rescue yet!
27-10-2005 21:40:59
Maybe...but will it be you or Hito or my bro Rev, wait I lied, it won't be Rev he wants me dead, LOL, ?
Ceric Crimson
27-10-2005 21:42:28
Well...the question is...who do you want to save you?
27-10-2005 21:49:31
May the best one win...I mean save me!
Kaelin Ring
27-10-2005 23:58:43
Ewww... I'll save you just to save your honor. And to keep from incest in the ranks.
28-10-2005 02:06:44
How did that involve incest Rev? They're just gonna save me from a torture maniac!
Ark Dowell
28-10-2005 12:57:13
I'll save you, I suppose. I'm goin' into the caves, anyway. Might give me an excuse to regain the Mifunes' trust before I join HOO. B)
28-10-2005 13:40:17
Lol, well you better hurry, I'm a Dark Jedi but that doesn't mean I enjoy torture! That and I contacted Jin'ei to help me out and he's very close by...
Ark Dowell
28-10-2005 14:05:02
We've already entered the caves...
Meh, we'll see how this turns out. Let's hope things don't get too random. Like in Napolean Dynamite...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
29-10-2005 02:44:33
Well, right now, me and Jin'ei are teaming up to save Devani, and I plan on killing Okazani for his betrayal. See what happens when families split apart?
Ark Dowell
29-10-2005 10:11:28
Civil war....
But, hey, you'll have a tough time killin' me. If I drink enough alcohol, I shall sic Drunk Master upon ya!
29-10-2005 16:12:29
And Hito shall sick me on you, I am Master of Drunken Master style of the Martial Arts :shuriken:
Ark Dowell
29-10-2005 17:53:36
Ooooohh... I'm in trouble. Always knew that the Way of the Bottle ain't reliable.
Kaelin Ring
30-10-2005 13:33:51
As long as I can evade Ark's group... nm. I'll just shoot Ark in the as$.
Ark Dowell
30-10-2005 19:06:49
"Shoot Ark in the @$$? Was that what I heard? Well, I just SAVED yours.
Ceric Crimson
30-10-2005 21:51:06
Mmm...I fell victim to one of my very own Hot-Wild-Parties, and was unable to post for a while...drat.
So I couldn't save Devani...yet. But the time will come...Oh, It Will Come!! Anticipation always makes it more...special. :w00t:
30-10-2005 22:53:17
Very special, mmm...
31-10-2005 10:19:25
31-10-2005 10:57:53
You say that a lot Diablos...
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
31-10-2005 14:40:36
31-10-2005 16:45:48
You want to shoot me Master?! :'(
31-10-2005 17:33:27
Yeah I say kinky a lot, its my buzz word for october, next month its splendid.
31-10-2005 17:34:13
LOL, nice.
Ceric Crimson
31-10-2005 19:26:42
Com'mon! You shouldn't just give it away, Diablos!
Ark Dowell
01-11-2005 13:43:30
Well, Hito, one of us Mifunes ARE stationed over in Galeres for your @$$- shooting enjoyment.
01-11-2005 14:07:10
Anyone in omega squadron who doesn't take part in my comp will personally be made famous by me (that's not a good thing) and halc has better things to do but he can enter if he wants.
01-11-2005 14:23:02
As I've received no e-mail in regards to a competition...what are you talking about?

I've received e-mails...but nothing about a BT competition
01-11-2005 15:45:59
I would apologize but that just isn't me. Halc there is currently a BT competition running called "the wanderer returns" it ends on thursday, about making everyone famous; you know i'm too lazy for that.
Kaelin Ring
03-11-2005 21:36:25
When did this happen?
Ceric Crimson
11-11-2005 14:01:27
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
11-11-2005 22:50:31
r there ne new Dark Pheonix comps yet. if not, how could i start and run one
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
11-11-2005 22:51:32
or do i have to be in a leadership position or of certain rank to run a competition
Ark Dowell
13-11-2005 08:03:42
You just have to get approval from the leader of whatever unit that you wanna run the comp for. For example, if you want to run a Battle Team comp, get approval from the Battle Team Leader.
13-11-2005 18:13:18
Who is Revaan
13-11-2005 19:38:20
Who is yet to realise this.
Ark Dowell
13-11-2005 20:04:46
He has realized this.
Ceric Crimson
14-11-2005 15:50:32
Yes...I'm lost.
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
14-11-2005 21:48:01
thx 4 the n fo ark. and devani, i believe revaan is *insert smart a$$ comment here*
14-11-2005 22:27:38
You do know that he is my RL brother, right?
Kaelin Ring
15-11-2005 20:53:03
And still alive enough to make your life a living hell? Didn't think I was on the boards n e more, eh?
15-11-2005 22:41:41
I knew you'd be on the boards, I just also knew you were a slacker.
Kaelin Ring
18-11-2005 15:19:52
I meant Ansatsu.
Wes Biriuk
19-11-2005 02:19:47
Let's get it on
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
19-11-2005 22:23:02
no i assumed u were here, just biding ur time, and yes devani, i knew he was ur rl brother. sagara has kept me informed he he he
21-11-2005 15:29:37
How informed?
Kaelin Ring
21-11-2005 23:27:24
Has he told you my bra size?
Bring it on Dhet!
Wes Biriuk
22-11-2005 01:06:48
Oh, it's already on... you don't be diss'n my hood, o ah gon put a cap in yo ass >:)
Kaelin Ring
23-11-2005 23:24:36
I'll do more than pop a cap, foo! I'll pop the whole damn box in yo' a**!!!
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
23-11-2005 23:31:47
in case ur worried lady devani, not that informed at all. i just kno that u have msn, which i dont, but mike does
Kaelin Ring
23-11-2005 23:35:23
Don't worry, she was playin'. Good to have you back, Ansatsu.
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
23-11-2005 23:37:28
it feels very good to be back home
Kaelin Ring
23-11-2005 23:38:07
Ya, I hope I have more time now that I'm caught up in school.
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
23-11-2005 23:52:46
im caught up, but with college level classes, i hope i dont get too far behind
Kaelin Ring
23-11-2005 23:57:12
That must be hard to do.
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
24-11-2005 00:06:34
it can be at times. once i had 3 papers due within a few days of each other. it can be pretty hectic. word of advise, dont procrastinate
Kaelin Ring
25-11-2005 01:47:52
Well, found that out my Sophmore year... and then again this year.
Ceric Crimson
30-11-2005 17:31:12
Got a sharp one here...
Kaelin Ring
02-12-2005 12:45:29
Yup! Next year too, probably.
Ceric Crimson
02-12-2005 15:48:58
There's that Oriens spirit!!!
EDIT: Ow...wait,I'm, I'm in Oriens aren't I....owww...
Kaelin Ring
05-12-2005 13:13:44
And in my BT as far as I know.
Ceric Crimson
05-12-2005 15:03:06
Das right massa Battle Team leada, das right!
Kaelin Ring
06-12-2005 12:08:54
Oh, you're too kind.... Now back to work, slave!!
Wes Biriuk
07-12-2005 05:25:44
*Dhet throws a shovel at Ceric*
Now work
Ceric Crimson
08-12-2005 16:24:26
*walks up behind Dhet*
*digs deep into back of Dhet's head*
*walks away wistling the Kill Bill tune*
Kaelin Ring
09-12-2005 13:15:13
Any new comps?
P.S. That was hilarious, I'm just in a bad mood.
09-12-2005 15:10:38
Ya they're finishing up the Clan War (fiction) and they have a trivia comp. out, I'm also pretty sure they are still doing the "Who's the Big Dog in Arcona?" comp.
Ceric Crimson
10-12-2005 21:32:47
Also, I made a new one!
The *drum roll* Orb of Darkness comp.
find it, click it, read it, do it. beaches.
Kaelin Ring
14-12-2005 11:28:03
Just tell me here, Ceric, so I might do it.
Ceric Crimson
14-12-2005 15:05:55
14-12-2005 17:24:54
It doesn't start until the New Year...hence no announcements yet
Ceric Crimson
14-12-2005 17:33:45
What Halc said.
If for some strange reason you do not want to use the link, but feel that it is somehow important that you find it yourself, you can view it in the "upcoming" competitions section.