27-02-2014 11:05:30
ISDII Magnus Kaerner
High Orbit, Ziost
Detention Area
A tooth rattled across the table. It hopped, spun, and then came to a rest near the table’s rounded edge. Slightly yellowish, dotted with blood, and containing a large crack down the side of the crown that ended at a missing root; it was odd, but the tooth still looked in better shape than its owner.
Across the table from the resting molar a thick book landed with a heavy thump, then a strange hand shoved the tooth’s owner to the cold steel and held his face pressed into the tabletop. A moan from the man led into a plea for the rough hand to stop, but even his tears couldn’t convince the hand’s pair from driving hard into the man’s temple. What the man would’ve given to go back to the questions.
This was no longer an interrogation, this was a beating.
As swiftly as the thought came to the man, so too did his chair give way beneath him. His legs weren’t ready to catch him, and their failure left him on the floor. While squirming, self preservation kicked in and his arms found themselves wrapped around his head before he balled up and muffled the yelps of pain his chest released as the enemy’s foot drilled into his spine.
“Enough.” The simple and singular word was all it took for the beating to stop, but it didn’t come from the man’s lips. This wasn’t a plea, it was a command and it came from the Nautolan that had just entered the room. Yet, this authority paid no attention to the man sniveling on the floor and instead focused on the Cathar whom remained seated at the table.
“I hope you enjoyed that, my apprentice.” The authority’s tone didn’t change. “Remember, we aren’t the police and this man has no rights. Our interrogations aren’t bond to their policies, so if he isn’t willing to share then the information will be forced out of him. That’s why Altheseus took control.”
“I understand, master.” The Cathar was quick to respond, and then stood from his chair and moved to stand by the exit.
“Good,” The word was spat out before new commands were issued; first to the Krath bruiser, then the Cathar, and finally the silent Sith that eerily had remained still in the room’s corner this whole time - who was tossed a rag with his set of commands. “Altheseus, have him strapped into the seat and lean his chair back against the wall. Garloaf, grab the pail outside the door. Ayden, hold this over his face.”
Panic gripped the man again as he was forced back into his seat and binded to the metal frame. Resistance was met with a hard smack to the jaw from the Krath Priest’s backhand. Protesting that he would tell them anything they wanted, the last face he saw before the cloth was bond over his entire face was the expressionless mug of the silent Sith Warrior.
“We don’t need his words.” The familiar words of the Nautolan seemed to be directed to his apprentice once again. “The beating weakened his resolve, this method dulls the senses, and when we do this his terror will open his mind to us.”
Immediately as the Nautolan finished his explanation liquid splashed against the man’s face, yet the flow didn’t stop. It covered the man’s face and he thrashed against his bindings in a jolt of surprise. The cloth on his face soaked through and the liquid flushed over his eyes and ears and down his throat. The terror that was promised surged forth as the man struggled to gasp for air and yet no matter which way he turned his head he found no break from the flow.
“It’s true.” Altheseus gasped just before the pail had emptied. A grunt from Ayden acknowledged that he too found confirmation in the man’s mind. Immediately the pail dropped from the Nautolan hand and he turned to leave.
“I’ll inform the Prince immediately, Garloaf come with me. You two get rid of him and be done for the day.” The Nautolan’s nod towards the panting man indicated the target but when the Krath’s hand moved to his lightsaber, a final command was shouted from the exiting Nautolan. “He’s One Sith, he doesn’t deserve a warrior’s death!”
* * *
Tarentum Territory
Yridia IX
“Mystics Asylum”
Sith Bloodfyre Tarentae, Grand Chamberlain, sat at the head of the table. This was his meeting, and he had put out the call to the other Tarentae to put aside their studies, missions, and quests for the moment and gather. Few had answered, and the fact disgusted him.
“There must be consequences!” The Sith Master barked, his fury creating an uneasiness with those assembled. Only one seemed to not flinched, but the display of his holo image flickered when the Sith Master’s fist slammed on the table.
“I’d remind you, Grand Chamberlain, that issues concerning the military are answerable only to myself and the Prince of Yridia.”
“So why have neither of you addressed our concerns about the Messinian Guard?” Bloodfyre was quick to retort to the holo. “It’s be over a year since Operation: Supremacy and still Anshar holds their loyalty.”
The issue had been bubbling under the surface for months now. The disruption that the Horizons Plague caused after Operation: Supremacy had bought time for the Krath Master to retain his troops in Messina. Time enough until the Iron Throne of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood had called Tarentum and its Tarentae away from the Yridia system. Yet, this “dark crusade” had been remarkably fruitless for Tarentum and the focus couldn’t be kept from old flames. Griping in the trenches about the uselessness of the Iron Throne soon turned to questions about why Tarenti and Yridians were dying when no one from Messina had been seen. When the first of Tarentum’s taskforces had returned to the Yridia system, and with it a large portion of Tarenti, many demanded it was time to settle these old scores. Bloodfyre was one of them.
“I have addressed it with the Prince, as is my role as Marshal.” The expression of annoyance could plainly be seen on the face of Oberst, the man took his duty to the Sith King’s realm very seriously. “And I don’t care to be further questioned on this.”
Downcast eyes around the table began to exchange nervous glances as the holofeed cut out. Seething at the head of the table, Bloodfyre intercepted each with a glare, yet remained silent for a few moments considering his options. Absent-mindedly viewing his display feed, a single message caught his full attention. He reread the short sentence contained within it several times before he addressed the cabal, the Sith Master’s mind was ablaze with plots.
“Darth Aeternus has returned to Tarentum.”
* * *
Tarentum Territory
Yridia II
Castle Tarentum
“I know that they plot. The majority of us are Sith after all.” The words came out as a chuckle from the grey haired man. Despite his observation, it would be hard to paint him as a typical Sith given the tight control he held over his emotions. Everything about the man screamed military, especially the uniform he wore, but the calm and calculating demeanor created from his service in the Empire proved to be great control over the cold hearted individual that seethed beneath. Scion Altera desired control, and he would have more of it.
“The reason why has always seemed to elude me.” The jab from the Krath Master was met with grin from the Obelisk Exarch who stood beside him. The two stood opposite to Scion Altera, yet held submissive stances in respect to the Prince of Yridia.
“Perhaps you should ask Raiju when he returns with the last of our forces on Zoist.” Scion quipped, “He was certain Sith was his only path after returning from the Jedi.”
“I’d rather not know what you had Oberst and Bloodfyre do to him. They showed me what they were capable of years ago with Rekio.” Anshar seemed to shake a thought from his head. “And I know Rekio still carries disdain for Oberst, much to Oberst’s own enjoyment.”
“Yes, it can be hard to control such... abrasive personalities.” Scion pondered over the thought before directing his attention back and forth between Anshar and Frosty for a moment before resting on Anshar with some unspoken clairvoyance. “The days ahead won’t be for the light hearted or weak stomached. You two will seek my will done for the betterment of Tarentum and in return I will insure my position’s support to you when the need comes.”
“Yes, Prince.” The Battleteam Leaders acknowledged in unison. A loud beep from Scion’s holo-device interrupted the conversation and immediately was answered. Upon activation a miniature Nautolan stood before the trio.
“It’s been confirmed.” Raiju wasted no words as he addressed them. “The fools knew nothing of Darth Vitus. The One Sith we had captured in the fighting had been stationed before on Oricon. When they took the moon they focused solely on the former Dread Fortress. A minor presence may exists but it appears they were abandoning it before we took Zoist.”
“Darth Vitus?” Frosty appeared quizzed by the mention, both he and Anshar were hearing this for the first time.
“Altheseus assures me that the research compound has been untouched.” Raiju continued, ignoring the interruption of his report. “It’s likely to be in ruins, though. Perhaps contributing to the aggressive wildlife on the planet if any of his experiments broke free.”
“So you think there is something there worth obtaining?” Scion’s eyes narrowed at the tiny Nautolan.
“A crying shame of the Sith is that everyone remembers the conquerors but not the researchers. Vitus did things to creatures using the Dark Side that would make even Doctor Steiner cringe at the mention.” Raiju said while nodding.
“Then we should have that knowledge.” Scion agreed, before deactivating his holo and readdressing the Battleteam Leaders again. “Tarentum is due recognition. If the Iron Throne won’t give it to us, we shall take our own.